Chapter 8: The adventure (part 2)

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"Your Yomato Hiroshi!" I exclaimed.

"Yes." He says. "Yes, I am. I know that I don't look like what I used to be."

"What are you saying?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"Let me tell you a story about myself." He replys.

"Um, ok?"

"It was a long, long time ago, centeries even. I can still remember like it was yesterday. *flashback music

"I was just a young wizard, 36 to be exact. I had such a wonderful wife with two beautiful daughters. But just when we were going to leave to have a family picnic, a terrible, gigantic, dark monster came crashing into our village! He goes by the name, Angra Mainyu."

I gasped.

Yomato Hiroshi nods, then continues,
"He burned evething down. Many people perished. Everything was lost. Including my wife and daughters. He took them away. Leaving me all alone. I tried my hardest fighting back, but he was just as powerful as Deliora. I couldn't just stand there and wait for his return. I doubt that will ever happen. So I set off to find my family. After many weeks of searching, I found the three of them, together, in a cave on top of Yoshihowa Mountain, alive and hungry. I was thrilled seeing them again. So were they. They told me everything, about living in such conditions, about trying to get food and water. My youngest daughter was almost killed, but my wife and oldest daughter convinced Angra Mainyu in many ways 'till he gave up. I quickly and quietly took them all away from Angra Mainyu's habitat. Of course the evil, dark, spirit caught us escaping his grasps. So just like he did with all the other familes, he killed my wife and daughters with his sharp, magic needles. Right in front of me. I was devistated. I tried killing monster with my own hands. He was too strong and managed to drain my magic with his powers. And then, he cursed a spell on me turning me into a tree.

I gasped again, "So, wait, that means you are-"

"The old spirit tree? Yep! Ever since that day, people would call me the old spirit tree and spread rumors saying, whoever touches the tree is cursed with an evil power that will take over your brain. Obviously that is not true."

"Question." I said.

"Go ahead."

"If you are Yomato Hiroshi, then you must be the one wrote those books that we found in the Guild hall's library, correct?"
"Yes, I did."
"But how? If you were a tree, how can you possibly write books and make them appear in the library like that? I find that very odd."

"I have my ways. I am a wizard after all."

(A/N: Let's leave this to your imagination on how he wrote the books and how it got to the library.)

"Ok, well, second question."
"You sure a curious one." he laughs.

"Yeah, thanks a lot." I said, sarcastically. "Anyways, my question is, how come you only send girls to do the job? Why can't you send boys? Aren't they 'tougher' than us girls, just like what everybody else believes."

"Well, I honestly don't believe that girls are 'weaker' than boys. They can be equal to boys no matter how hard the challenge is."

"Hmm.. Good answer." I said.

"And, I only chose girls because I feel like I have my own daughters back. Watching over them as they grow up. Seeing them laugh. Having fun. Just like how I was watching you earlier. You were sticking up to the group. Having a great time with your new friends. It just reminds me of my own daughters, y'know?"

"Yeah, I can see that."

"So you see now what troublesome things I've experienced."

"Yes, I do. And to tell you what, I'm going to free you out of this curse! I really am!"

"Really you are? I knew I picked the right person for the job! Thank you!"

"Your welcome! Crap! I almost forgot about my friends! I hope they are okay!"

"Oh, I think they can manage. You know them!"

"Thank you very much old spirit tree. Or should I say, Yomato Hiroshi."

"Your welcome! Now wake up. Wake up..." *voice trails off

"WAKE UP!! WAKE UP!!" Erza yells at me, slapping my face back and forth.

"Huh?..... Erza? HEY! OW! STOP IT!"

"Oh, sorry!" She says, helping me sit up. "What happened? Am I dead?" I asked, looking around myself to find, Wendy, Carla, Happy and Lucy standing around me.

"Ha ha, no. Your not dead. Yet!" Wendy laughs. "I used my healing magic to remove most of the blood and pain."

"T-Thanks, Wendy. I actually don't feel a lot worse than I already have."

"Your wel- WATCH OUT!!" Wendy screams when a tree branch almost hits md in the head. I ducked the giant branch and Lucy screamed at the fire dragon slayer, "WHAT THE HELL NATSU! YOU ALMOST SLICED OFF HER HEAD!"

"SORRY!" He calls back.

Unexpectedly, Erza gives me the sword. "The fight is still on. We have faith in you."

"I know." I said, forcing myself to get up, grabbing the sword from Erza's hand. "Thanks." I said, smiling. She smiles back.

"Alright, here I go!" I said, as I put my sword in front of my body and started to run. My legs and arms were tired and painful. My head is a bit dizzy. But I didn't care! I just didn't care!

You're gonna do this! C'mon! For the old spirit's tree sake! For Fairy Tail's sake! For my sake!

"Five... Four... Three..." I whispered to myself, sprinting when I said three.

I can do this! Just a little bit more! Faster! Faster! Faster!

"Two...." I sence where the heart was. I closed my eyes, then opened it again, feeling a strong magic inside me.

Here I go!

*heartbeat pumps as everyone turns to look at me.


"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs and...

Pierced the heart!

If I were in Fairy Tail!                                 (readerxfairytail)Where stories live. Discover now