Chapter 6: Erza the "drama queen"

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It was just the break of dawn, and for some reason I woked up. I usually like to wake up around noon, but I guess my brain woked me up earlier. I looked towards Lucy's bed but saw no body, just wrinkled, bedsheets and blankets covered the bed, shown in the dim light. That must mean Lucy is up.

I yawned and streched my arms. But then heard the toliet flushing.
"Ahhh... Morning!" exclaims Lucy, streching her arms, while exiting the bathroom.
"Good morning!" I replied back.
"I didn't know that you would wake up this early in the morning!"

"Well, not exactly. I only woked up this early because Erza would kill me if I sleep in on a job. So I have no other choice but to wake up early." she explains, quite pissed from the fact that she is exhausted from last night's clean up. "Anyway, why are you up so early this morning?"

"Yeah..well.. I guess my brain just decided to wake me up at this time."
I explained, sweat dropping.

"Ok then, you get dress and I will cook us some breakfast. I washed your clothes when I first got up. They are waiting for you in the bathroom." Lucy says, walking towards the kitchen.

"Thanks!" I said.
After, some delicious blueberry pancakes, orange juice, and bacon and eggs, Lucy grabbed her things and we set off. We soon met the gang at the front of the Guild Hall.
"Hey, guys!" Natsu waved, walking towards us. Behind him were Happy, Gray, Wendy, Carla, Erza, and Erza's truck load of belongings, she wheeled behind her.
She still brings a lot of stuff, eh? Well that's Erza for yah! I said to myself.

"COME HERE YOU STUPID DRAGON SLAYER!! I WILL CLAW YOUR EYES OUT!!" Lucy screamed, running towards Natsu, while a pink aura surrounds her.
"AHH!! WHAT THE HELL, LUCY?! WHAT DID I DO?!!" Natsu yells, running away.
"YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I MEAN! I SAID COME HERE!!" Lucy screams, while grabbing onto Natsu's right arm and dragging him.
"C'mon, I need your help!" Lucy shouts to me, passing everyone in her way.
"I would love to.." I replied back, cracking my knuckles, as I ran towards Happy and grabbed him by his stomach.
"Hey! Wait! What's the big idea! I'm not apart of this, am I?" yelled Happy, trying to free out of my powerful grip.
"Wait you two!" Erza, says.
"Don't worry! It won't take long!" I yelled back.

15 bloody minutes later... (۶•̀ᴗ•́)۶

Lucy and I came back dragging Natsu and Happy, who were unconscious and full of bumps and brusies. (anime style)
"Natsu! Happy! Are you alright?!" Wendy asks, worrid, as Lucy and I dropped, well actually threw, both of them on the ground.
"Don't worry, Wendy. We just knock them out unconscious. They'll be fine." I said, reassuring her.
"Geez, why did you go all out on them, all of a sudden?" asks Gray.
"Well, these two idiots manage to sneak in my home, and destroy the place from top to bottom!" Lucy explains, arms crossed, remembering the horrible, disgusting mess we had to clean up.

"Aye..." Natsu and Happy manage to say, one arm raised, still in critical pain.
We ended up travelling on train, because it was fastest way to get there than on foot. Same as usual Natsu fell sick, again. I was laughing to myself watching him moaning and groaning. Wendy already cured him before we went on the train, but it wore off soon enough.

It was very silent and I wanted to start a conversation. But Gray beat me to it and asked, "Hey, Erza where is this place anyway?"
Erza takes out the map from her side pocket. "Well, it says here that the old spirit tree is located on top of Yoshihowa Mountain. I've never heard of such a place before. It also says we must go by foot along the trails and up the mountain.
"That seems like a long walk." Wendy says.
"Nonsense, my friend! We're all in this together! We can climb up the mountain as easy as pie! Ahahahahahahaha!!" Erza dramatically exclaimed, as stars shined in her eyes, not noticing that everyone sweat dropped her.
"Have you been practicing drama, Erza?" I asked, still sweat dropping her. "YES! I have! And a matter of fact, I am also designing my own dress for a play I am creating."
"A play? When did you start creating a play?" Gray asks.
"This morning. I saw a brochure showing drama and plays, and I wanted to be just like that lady in the front page, who was dramatically acting.
"Uhhh.. Ok.." Lucy said, sweat dropping her.

I was about to say something but we    suddenly heard the ticket guy call out, "Next stop; Yoshihowa Mountian. Yoshihowa Mountain." "Finally! We're here!" I said, as the train came to a complete stop.
The next second, Natsu jerked up and ran out the door, beating all of us to it.
"AHHHH!! I MISSED YOU NON-MOVING GROUND!!! NOW I'M ALL FIRED UP!!" he yelled, kissing the ground.

"Bye Natsu! We're leaving you!" I called to him, laughing to myself, as I followed the rest of the gang who were already ahead of me.

"Hmmm? Wait for meeeee!!!" he cried, like a little kid, running towards us.

Time Skip~ 20 minutes later...

So here we are, walking on the trails up Yoshihowa Mountain, looking for signs of the old spirit tree and Angra Mainyu 20 minutes later.
"Aghhh... Where is this Angra Mainyu guy? I wanna kick his ass right now!" Natsu whined.
"Quit complaining, Natsu. We are almost at the top." Erza replies.
It seems like we have been walking in circles, Erza." Wendy says, sweat dropping.
"Now that you metioned it, haven't these odd looking trees seem familer to you?" Lucy says, looking at the odd looking trees infront of us.
"I guess your right. I'm such a failer! What did I do to deserve this madness?!! WHAT?!! WHAT?!! WHAAAATT?!!! AGHHHH!! I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!! NO!!"
"Erza calm down!! You are getting out of hand again!! Don't tell us that this is a part of your script?!" Natsu and Gray yelled at Erza, trying to keep a hold of her before she kills anyone.

I was laughing to myself as I watched the whole scene.
I turned my body towards my left and saw a big boulder infront of me. So I decided to climb to the top.
*breath in *breath out
Wow! What a view! It's sooo peaceful! I could see so many  evergreen trees, red cedar trees, all different species of trees. Besides the trees I also saw swarms of people hiking along the trails down below. Haha they look so tiny from up here!
I waved down to them.
I was about to climb off the boulder but then a bright light strucked my right eye.
I was ok, of course, and I looked to where the light came from. It looks like it came from that hill, just up ahead. But then I saw a glimpse of a tree. It was waaayyyy different than all the other trees. I knew right away that it's the old spirit tree we've been looking for!

"Hey, look! There it is! I can see the old spirit tree!" I exclaimed.
Erza perks up and punches Natsu and Gray to the ground, then climbs on both of them.
"Really?! Where?!!" she says, looking for the tree from her height.
"Over there! See that hill! The one I'm pointing at!"
"At las, we have found the old spirit tree! I'm no longer to guide you people anymore, so uhh.. henceforth, lead us the right way my good man!" Erza says dramatically.
All of us sweat dropped her.
"I'm a girl, Erza." I said.

"Y'know, you don't have to say it like we are performing a play." Wendy replies.
"Maybe she needs more practice. I mean she is not that good at these types of dramatical performances anyway." chimed Lucy.
(Me in my head; OOOHHH GET RECT!!! Sorry I had too! He he!)
"Are you both saying that I have no right in drama or performing in plays?!" Erza says, giving Lucy and Wendy her scary death glare.
"N-n-n-no M-m-ma'am!" Both of them said, shivering in fear.

"I thought so. Well then, lead the way my good citizen!" Erza says proudly.

"Alright, drama queen." I replied, wispering the last part.
Sorry for the late update! I've been very busy doing stuff...
But! I am also having an amazing vacation in Las Vegas with the family! So much fun! (⌒▽⌒)
Anyhoo! Thanks for reading another chappie!
Ahahahahaha!! This is probably my favourite chapter in this book! Love the part when we helped Lucy beat up Natsu and Happy!

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