Chapter 4: Don't mess with me, Natsu!

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As soon as Lucy finished her sentence the door busted open revealing a long, black hair dragon slayer with peircings. He was looking at the girls in the room with confused faces, while keeping the door open with his back.

"Hey, shirmp. I need to talk to you for a second." he says, crossing his arms glaring at the bookworm.

Levy's face went bright red as the same colour of her friend's hair. "U..uh..s..sure..Ga..jeel." she says, studdering.\\(><)//

"What's wrong with you? You don't look good. Don't tell me you are...blushing." Gajeel says, pointing at Levy's face.

Levy's face turned even redder than before. \\\⊙︿⊙/// She looks down at her feet to hide her blush. " about that!" she yells quickly, and then starts to walk towards the open door.

But just before she went towards the door, I quickly placed my hand on her left shoulder and whispered in her ear, "Don't screw this up Levy! This is your chance! Tell him! I know you can do it! Have faith in youself!" I said out of the blue.✧(*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑✧

I see a shiver send down her spine. She turns then looks at me and whispers, "Th..thanks..I will try!"

"I know you can do it! Oh, and thanks for your help with solving the mystery!" I whispered back, then winks at her. She smiles at me. "Your welcome!"

"Hey! How long are you gonna keep me waiting here, shrimp!" Gajeel said, now a bit louder and scarier than I expected.

"Go! " I said, shooing her and gave her a smile. She quickly hugs me and rushed towards the door. "Took you long enough." Gajeel says, annoyed slamming the door, which wasn't expected, as Levy walked out.
Soon after, the rest of us girls walk out of the library. The first thing we saw was Natsu and Gray who were in another fight. And of course Juvia was by the side swooning over her

"Oh Gray-sama will marry me one day!" (⌒▽⌒)
"I will always love my Gray-sama!!" (☆∀☆)

"What have I told you two about fighting?!!" Erza said, giving Natsu and Gray her death glare. Then she bonked their heads together, just like she always does.

Gray stands up and rubs the bump on his head. "Would you quit that, Erza?" he says.

"Yeah! It's so annoying!" says Natsu, complaining.

"No, and I don't think I will." Erza says, then bonked their heads again.

pft!..."Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!" I said, laughing histercally, that I was literally rolling on the floor. "Now, what's so funny?" Carla asked, sternly. I can tell Wendy and Lucy were trying to hold their laughter because they were smiling at me all giggly like.
(Does that make sence? I wonder...)

"Oh..I..I'm...s..s..sorry..I..I.." I said, in between laughs. I tried to calm myself down. "I..think I" I said, trying not to laugh again.

"What's her problem?" I overheard Natsu, crossing his arms annoyed.

"Oh no you didn't!" Lucy said, under her breath. She whispers in my ear and says,"Do you think you can handle this one? Give him the all time death glare and threaten him. Can you do that?" she asked, evily.

I crack my knuckles and said, "With pleasure..."

I went up to Natsu, a pink aura around me and held onto Natsu's scarf giving him my scariest death glare and saying, "I'll have you know that I thought what Erza did was pretty funny. And if you have any problem with that, I will talk to Erza myself and both of us will get out our weapons and destroy you! Got that, pinkie?"

Natsu was surprized and looked super scared from my actions, that I can see him shaking. So was the other people around me. Erza was shocked but a evil smile crept on her face as she thought of a good plan she wanted to perform with me.

pft!..."Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!" Lucy and I said, laughing so hard that we were actually rolling on the floor.

"!!"Lucy said, in between laughs.

"OH LUCE YOU ARE SO GONNA PAY FOR THIS!!!" yelled Natsu, running towards her, with steam coming out from his nose and ears.

"LUCY KICK!" Lucy yelled, kicking the dragon slayer in the face and then landed on Gray.

I was still laughing but manged to stop myself and walk over to Natsu. I stuck out my hand to help him up.

"T..thanks." I can tell he was saying, "I gonna get you back for this Luce! So don't even come back home!" in his mind. "Sorry, Natsu I was just having some fun, that's all. But guess what we found out?" I said.

And so, all five of us girls explained the whole story about the note. About the old spirit tree. About Yomato Hiroshi. And of course about Angra Mainyu, why I have to defeat him and all that.

"So your from the future, huh?" Gray said. "Ye..Yes! Yes, I am." I said.

"Wow! That's something you don't see everyday!" Natsu said.

"So..uh...What do you think? Will you come with us? Please?" I said, begging.

"Yup! Finally I get to fight again! Your coming too, Happy!" Natsu exclaimed, high fiving his small exceed. "Aye sir!"

"Ok, but as long as pinkie here doesn't overdo it like always." Gray said pointing to the dancing, fire dragon slayer.

"What did you say, Ice Princess?" Natsu said, glaring at Gray who was going to start another fight again.

"YEAH! YOU HEARD ME FIREBOY!" Gray said, stipping his shirt off, again while Juvia was swooning even more.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Erza said, really scary, and bonked their heads together, again.

"When will they ever learn?" Carla asked. "Probably never!..." Wendy said, sweating dropping while talking to her exceed.

"Alright people! It's going to be a long day tomorrow so please pack up your things! We leave first thing in the morning!" Erza commands.

"Hai!" we all say.
There all done chapter 4! Whew!

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