Chapter 5: Surprises!

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It was sun down and all of us were very tired, so we decided it's time to go home, pack up our things and get some shut eye.

I didn't know where I was gonna sleep for the night, until Lucy said,"You can sleep in my room tonight. You must be tired."

*yawn "Yeah..I should get some sleep... It's been a long day..." I said, streching out my arms. "Thank you by the way!"

"My pleasure!" Lucy said.

I watched everyone flee while I followed Lucy out of the Guild's Hall door, through the quiet, empty streets and finally found my eyes staring at Lucy's place in the distance.

"Wow! You got a nice place here! Bigger than what I have expected!"

"Thanks! C'mon I'll show you the inside!"

We entered into Lucy's place and Lucy turned the light on. As I saw a glimpse of the room my mouth dropped! I was shocked!

Lucy's floors was covered with leftover food and dirt. A pile of dirty dishes filled the sink. And lots of garbage left everywhere on the floor, bed and tables! It was a complete disaster!

"Holy crap! Look at this mess!" I said, scanning the room.

"THEY PARTYED IN MY HOUSE??!! OH I AM SO GOING TO KILL THAT STUPID FIRE DRAGON SLAYER AND BLUE CAT!!!!!"screamed Lucy, turning bright red with anger, while steam comes out from her ears and nose. She grabs a knife and stomps towards the door.

I screamed, grabbing onto her left arm and pulling her as hard as I could for her to stop. Lucy did stop and stares at the door, her back turned towards me.

"I know you are upset and I can help you kill them tomorrow, but just calm down, ok?" I said, reassuring her.

Lucy drops the knife on the floor which made a big *thwack, and then she turns to look at me. "Yeah..your right...I'm very sorry..I guess I lost control, again." she says.
"Nah, it's fine. I can help you if you like."
Lucy's eyes lit up and says,"Thanks, a bunch!"
"Your welcome! Alright let's get to work!" I said, as I passed her a broom.

We worked for 3 hours.Wiping the tables, sweeping up the floors, washing the dirty dishes, changing the bedsheets, picking up and throwing away the garbage, etc...

Lucy even put on music while we worked, which was really nice and encourge me to work faster.

It was about 11:50pm when we were finished. Man! Did the room look all clean and sparkly. Not one piece of dirt was found in the room.

Lucy got an extra pillow and blanket for me."Here you can sleep on the couch." she said, handing me the clean items.

As soon as I finish setting up my things and Lucy had finished packing, we both settled on Lucy's couch and finally, FINALLY relaxed. ( ̄∀ ̄)

"Ahhhh... Isn't it nice to finally sit down and relax after a night of hard's work?" yawned Lucy, leaning against the back of the couch.

"Mmm.. Yeah it sure does.. I said, streching my arms.

"Do you need some pajamas? I've got an extra pair that doesn't seem to fit me, but could fit you. It's brand new." Lucy says, looking at my dirty clothes. "And don't worry I can wash your clothes, that you are wearing, in the morning as well."
"Really? Ok! Thank you Lucy!"
"No problem! I'll be back in a sec!"

As soon as Lucy left and went to her closet I noticed the stacks of papers on her desk. I curiously walked towards the desk and looks at the papers.
So these must be the stories Lucy has written! Wow! She sure has a lot of creativity.
I turned my back to see Lucy still searching for the extra pajamas.
Oh good! She is not looking! I quickly picked up a few the sheets and carefully read it.
Neat! I can't believe she would write all her adventures fighting with the guild members.
I was about to grab another sheet to read but Lucy yells to my surprize.
"Ah ha! Finally found it! That took longer than I thought!" Then Lucy placed the extra pajamas on the couch and then walked towards me.

"Crap! I need to put this away or she will suspect that I am-"
"Suspect what?" Lucy asked, eyebrow raised."Ummm..Why are you near my desk?"
Why did I say that out loud? Damn you big mouth! (╬•᷅д•᷄╬)


I was silent until, I gave up and explained the truth.

"Ok, fine. I saw your stack of papers on your desk and I couldn't help myself.. read your stories...."

This is the worst time for this to happen! Why now? I know Lucy doesn't want anybody to know she wants to become a writer, but seriously why me?

Lucy was silent. Very silent. I beggined to become afraid of what is going to happen next.

I really wanted to walked out of there and scream my head off, run down the hallway, lead myself outside, then jump into the river infront of the house and drown myself. ( '༎ຶㅂ༎ຶ')

But instead I controled myself and looked down at my feet, waiting nervously for her yellling and beating.

"Well, what did you read, then?" she asked me, seriously.

Hmmm? That was a surprize!

I silently gave her the few pages I read and then went towards the couch where my extra pj's were.

I watched her scanned through them quickly. "Well? What do you think? Do you like it?" Lucy says, smiling, breaking the awkward slience between us, both.

"WHAT?! Wait! You aren't made at me?" I screamed.

"No why would I be? I mean, like, I trust you and besides, you won't go and tell other people, unlike that firebrain who I have to kill tomorrow!" Lucy says, and clenches one of her fists.

"Haha, ok! Well I thought your stories are amazing! You really put a lot of effort and details!" I said, giving her a thumbs up. "Thanks a lot!" she replies back, smiling.

"Well, I think it's time for me to get some sleep. I am really tired." Lucy says. "You can change in the bathroom. Oh, and good-night!"

"Good-night, Lucy!" I said.

As soon as I got dress, I jumped onto the couch, Lucy turned off the light, then jumped into her bed. I was so tired I manage to drift off to a nice long sleep....
Ahhhh... Finally done chapter 5! I was laughing to myself when they found the huge mess Natsu and Happy left! Not, kidding!
Anyways! I hope you enjoyed this chappie as much as I did!

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