Chapter 1

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What is the name of the first 3 pure bloods who succeeded in taking the power from the now destroyed infinity Stone? I repeated the question in my head.

"We haven't got all day child!" My father yelled getting frustrated. He's so Impatient, I swear.

"There names were Vlad, Samantha, and Oscar. They knew they couldn't contain the power on their own so they decided to join forces. Come on Avery this is first year stuff." My brother Joshua said with a knowing smirk.
...Time for Introductions I guess. Hey Im Avery Styles and That annoying and totally rude person who just spoke was my Twin Brother, Joshua Styles. I am 1700 years old, which in human years is 17. You probably could've figured that out. My brother is the same age...but Im 3 minutes older. We are Pure Bloods. Pure blood vampires are stronger than the average vampire and carry unique powers. Simple right?

Here comes the un-Simple part ... We are born not bitten. So our own human blood still lingers in our tissues. We grow and age as a child, however we stop aging from ages 16 to 26. We can go days without sleep but still need it every once in a while. We can eat human food, but crave blood also. Unlike Us, vampires Dont need any sleep and can only drink blood for they are no longer human since they were bitten.

My father just happens to be the Vampire king and lets just say he's getting real 200,000 years old probably more but who's really keeping track of that...oh I know...Joshua. He always has to know everything and anything.

I looked over at him and rolled my eyes. Think your so smart huh? I thought.

Jealous much? He thought back.

Oh yeah i forgot to mention since were Twins we could read each others thoughts and also feel how the other feels from any distance.

I Smirked knowing exactly what to do. "Daddy, I'm so sorry its just that..." I started to fake tears. "... Its just that its so hard you know? Its so much stuff to remember and I'm trying my hardest..." i said covering my eyes. My Father quickly came to my embrace "Now now, its OK. How about we take a break?" I nodded and got up from the chair.

I looked over my shoulder at Joshua's miserable Face. He may know everything, but hes forgetting...

Im Still Daddy's little girl.

Jealous Much?


I walked into the kitchen and poured a glass of orange juice.

"Real Mature" Joshua scuffed as he walked into the kitchen. "How long do you think your going to be able to do that for? Your getting older... Don't forget that" He said. However I felt him ease to compassion.

I know but you don't have to rub things in my face all the time. I thought.

"Sorry, I couldn't hear that. Is someone getting soft..." My brother teased. I sucked my teeth and put my glass in the sink.

He chuckled "Come on, We got school. Ill give you a lift" yeah I hated him but he's my brother so... I love him too.


Pure bloods and Vampires can choose to go to all vampire schools or human schools. Me and my brother go to A human School. And other pure blood and vampires go to the same school as well. And of course we conceal ourselves...sometimes.

I sat at My desk but couldn't focus on the teacher. And not because it was boring the crap out of me but because I felt someone staring me down. I Felt unease.

Avery, Whats wrong? My brother thought. Why is he always in my mind!? Is anything sacred anymore, jeez!

If there was, why would i tell you?! I can take care of myself! Now get out of my thoughts! I sighed trying to calm down

Technically you control your thoughts. What you think of has nothing to do with you just think of me on a daily bases. He said back. See what I have to deal with.

"Ms. Styles is everything alright?" My English teacher asked me. "Yeah I'm fine, just a Head ache." I said and she nodded as she continued on talking.

I still felt as if someone was staring. But I just brushed it off. The bell rang and it was time for lunch... Oh lord, Time to meet the friends.

I walked into the lunch room and sat at our normal table. There sat Justice, Ashton, my brothers Best friend Brandon, Susan, Leah, My Best friend Anna, Luke, And Logan.

Luke and Logan (pure bloods) are brothers Both are very tall and fit. However Luke is the goofy one with green eyes and brown hair and Logan is the fierce one with grey eyes and black hair.

Anna is really sweet(pure blood). The complete opposite of me. She has long black hair with big brown eyes. Susan(Regular Vampire) is down to earth. She wont sugar quote things like Anna. She has burgundy hair with hazel eyes and very short.

Leah(pure blood) is the jokey one. Always making fun of someone. She has short blonde hair with glowing green eyes. And Justice is the normal one. She's human but we all love her. She's medium height with short auburn hair and brown eyes.

And then There's Ashton. My Pure Blood. He has dirty blonde hair that falls perfectly over his forehead. His eyes are a mixture of grey and blue, they could petrify you if he wanted them too. He was just all mixed in one. The only person that makes me vulnerable.

"Hey Avery" Anna said as i took a seat. "Hey Beautiful" Ashton said as he kissed my forehead. Trust when I say I almost melted, but i stayed cool and kept my composure. "Hey Ash, why are you in such a good mood?" i asked as he knowingly wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "Watch it Ash" my brother warned from across the table. Over protective. "Chill Josh." Ashton said with a good for nothing smirk. I felt my brother tense.

Its ok bro. Ease up. I thought to him. I felt him loosen up and sighed. Ashton has uncontrollable power. His ability is everything heat and fire. Hence the name "Ash"

"I'm having a party tonight. You lot are of course invited." he said getting up.

"Bye Love" he said kissing me on the forehead once again and waving bye to the others.

I watched as he left but someone caught my eye....

Who is that?

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