Chapter 5: Cuddles

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We ended up In the hallway. "Why'd you do that for?!" I whispered yelled. He remained quiet as if he was trying to find the right words.

"I can compel people to feel any type of way either at themselves or towards another person. I can make them feel angry, sad, sick, miserable, happy, in love and so on. My brother doesn't want me around you or anyone close to him because he thinks I might hurt I did before."
He Didn't look the slightest bit sad. He had no expression but his eyes told  it all. I noticed my hand was still in his and I squeezed his gently.

"I don't care about what Your Brother says. And I don't care what you did in the past. Who you are now is what matters. And I don't think that this person now would try to hurt me." I said moving a bit closer to him. My lust escaped me but I didn't care.

He pushed me against the wall gently and put my hair behind my ears. "Thanks Princess" He whispered. He could've kissed me right then and there, part of me wanted him to but... He didn't. Instead He kept my hand in his and we headed towards the cafeteria.

What am I doing? Why am I feeling this? I don't know. All I know is that I don't want this to stop. And I'm not doing wrong by Ashton neither. He's had 3 years to claim me as his, but never did.

He chuckled. "Whats So funny?" I said pushing the cafeteria doors open. "Your heartbeat cant stop racing" He stopped laughing and smiled. I nearly blushed but didn't. I returned the smile and kept walking to my normal table.

"Well look who's back" logan said. "Prince Charming number two" Luke said. I playfully punched him in his arm. "She wishes I was her Prince Charming." He said again but this time his eyes were caught up in mine.

"Hey Bro" I said as joshua took a seat across from me. "Wassup sis, found a new friend I see. What'd you threaten him or something?"  He joked as everyone laughed

"Haha real funny. Maybe it was just my charming personality" I said With a sweet sarcastic smile. Everyone laughed harder and so did I.

"Hey beautiful" Ashton said as he walked towards our table from the line. "Hey Ash, Sorry I couldn't make your party. I had... Important guest come over." I said referring to Xavier and his dad. "So now were Important" Xavier chuckled.

I just shook my head. "Well says my dad at least" I said and he stopped laughing but smiled anyways.

"Its Alright. Hey Bro" He said to Xavier. As they talked he kept his hand in mine but No one noticed except for Anna of course.

My phone started ring.

"Hey Dad" I said and everyone stopped talking. Its common manners to stop talking if someone is speaking to the king.

"I need you and your Brother to come home now." He said in his normal demanding voice.

"But where in the middle of lunch." I said pouting a lip.

"I will have Someone pick you up In 5 minutes."


"Goodbye Pumpkin" He hang up the phone. Everyone resumed there conversations.

"Josh, Dads sending someone to pick us up...Now." I said a bit frustrated.

"We could've just went by ourselves. Did he say why?" He asked. I shook my head wondering about what it could possibly be.

"Come on, Lets go. The driver is probably already here." I said getting up forgetting i was holding Xavier's hand. Everyone at the table looked our way but i just focussed on him. "Come over to mine later?" He asked. "Are you trying to be nice or something" I said knowing those words sounded all to familiar. He chuckled. "I wouldn't miss it." I said as I let go of his hand and walked out of the cafeteria.

What could be so urgent that Dad must pull us out of school.

I dont know, But It must be serious. Joshua thought back.


We reached home. Mom and dad were waiting for us in the throne room.

"Hey Dad, Mom" I said "What must be so Important that we missed half a day of learning?"

Not that you pay attention anyways. Joshua thought

Shut Up.

"Its time for a new leader to rise. My time as king is soon coming to an end and one of you must take my place." He said and I stood there shocked. I knew he was getting old and its not like he ages or anything (Stopped at age 25) but I never thought he would want to give up his crown to one of us and especially not now. I thought he would at least wait 10000 more years.

I was speechless. And so was my brother but not like me. He was a happy Speechless, because he knew that it was probably going to be him...and part of me thought so to.

"You will be taking part in training activities that test your strength and mind. And may I add it wont be easy. It will Start Monday. Your Dismissed." he said. I Walked out of there with time to spare.

I Remembered I was Invited somewhere but that wasn't for another 4 hours.

Shower then Sleep.
I agreed with the plan I made and put it to action.


I woke up and it was '6:05 pm' I slowly got up and put on my Blue denim high waist shorts, my white long sleeve crop top and my black and white converse. I hopped in my Black mercedes and was on my way. I couldn't help but think about every possible good and bad things that could happen.

I was nervous.

I pulled into his driveway. His House...Mansion was Truly amazing. It was beautiful.

I slowly slid out my car and knocked on the front door.

"I don't believe I told you where I live princess." Xavier said as he opened the door. His smile was soft and his eyes were wild with life. His HeartBeat was settle.

"Well Your Dad and my Dad Are close so I assumed you were staying with your dad" I said with a knowing smile. He chuckled and let me in.

"Dad and Ashton aren't home. So its just you and me." He said heading upstairs, I followed behind looking around.

"So no embarrassing Baby photos? Or how you put on a dress and pretended to be princess?" I laughed. He bearded his fangs and hissed silently. They were so long and sharp. Sharper than mine and that's a first.

He opened the door to his room. It was huge. One wall was lined with 3 shelves, all filled with books and framed pictures. The next side was a patio with the pool view. And straight ahead was a king sized bed with black sheets and huge pillows. And in front of it was a bench. The walls were red with black antique designs. There was a bathroom to.

He through himself on his bed and leaned against the bed head. I looked around his room and stopped at a photo of him and a really beautiful woman.

"Is this your mom?" He closed his eyes and nodded.
I know Mr. Reaves lost his wife but I didn't know how. But I decided not to ask. "Wanna watch a Movie Princess?" He asked and I nodded. "Ooo! Put on Divergent" I said jumping on the bed sitting at the end. He chuckled and ordered the movie. The lights came off and it started.

It was about 40 minutes into the movie. I felt a tug on my arm and turned around. "Come here" Xavier said quietly. He pulled me gently towards him and I placed my head on his chest. He wrapped his arm around my arm. And we stayed liked that for the rest of the movie.

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