Chapter 3: Lustful Dinner

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What did my father just say? I could've sworn he just said-

"Xavier, This is My Wife Adeline, My son Joshua, and My daughter Avery" My Father Introduced us... Although the introduction wasn't really necessary.

Members of the Council are an elite group Of 6 powerful Vampires and Pure bloods. They are the 2nd in charge After my dad and of course me and my brother. Also Very powerful. I knew Ashton's Father was apart of the council but his brother? Could Xavier really be that powerful that he out ranks Ashton? There's a Thought.

"Good Evening" Xavier said with the most Softest smile. I dazed out for a moment. "Avery are you feeling alright?" Mr. Reaves asked me. The feeling is appearing again...

"Yes I'm alright. Just a bit hungry that's all" I faked a smile. "Well then what are we waiting for. My king, I think we are ready for the food" Mr. Reaves said laughing and everyone joined in except for me. And I couldn't help but noticed that Xavier paused for a moment too.

Whats with this guy? First he's an Unknown brother, and now he's one of the most powerful Pure bloods? I was lost in thought and couldn't help but wonder. Why am I only finding about this stuff now?

Everyone laughed and conversations spread across the table. I cautiously ate my food and watched as my brother played in his food. "May I be excused?" I asked my mother and she nodded her head yes.

I walked into the kitchen and took a deep breath. I was starting to get a headache and I wasn't liking it. It was like something was making me sick from the inside out.

I felt a sudden presence and looked up. I rolled my eyes "What do you Want?" I said acting as if I was washing my hands by the sink.

"Nothing. Your dad asked me to check up on you." Xavier scuffed. "And why didn't he just send my brother?" I said bothered by his presence.

"I don't know. Why don't you ask him?" he said rudely, yet he reminded me of someone...but who? I turned around swiftly as if he forgot who he was speaking to. But my tough stance melted away into lust. I quickly noticed what I just released and walked quickly back to the table.

"Hey dad why don't you tell Mr. Reaves about the new training placements." I said smiling knowing my dad loves talking about that.

"Oh yes! In the meantime, why don't you show Xavier around the castle?" He asked and i frowned.

"But Dad, why cant Joshua do it?" my dad swiftly turned to face me and gave me the death stare. I obeyed and did as I was told.

My luck right?


" And This is My Room..." I said as i opened the door for him to take a look around. We walked around the whole castle and even though he would look around, his focus was on me.

"How come you Just came To RoseWood a couple of nights ago?" I decided to break the silence.

"So you stalk my life to?" I cant believe how vague and rude he is.

"No. I could care less about your life, I just have a know-it-all brother." I said back.

He looked at me briefly and slightly parted his lips before he spoke. "Business"

I nodded my head. "Can you tell me something?"

"I would, but you'd probably already know." I said smiling to myself. He chuckled softly, but stopped.

"In the Kitchen-"

"Absolutely nothing... It was nothing. Forget you felt that" i said quickly. He raised a questioning eyebrow.

".... I couldnt help but noticed you looked sick. Was it the food?"

You mean he didn't notice my lust? Good. Because I myself didn't even know where that came from.

"Oh. No Just A Headache" He nodded and continued walking.

"Alright, well this is the end. I think your Dad is getting ready to leave" I said peeking around the kitchen wall.

"Wait... Theres one more thing"

Before I could even say anything, he had my body pinned against the wall.
My words were jumbled and I couldn't speak. I felt my eyes turn to a dark purple which meant my lust was on an ultimate high and I couldn't hold it back nor hide it. He gently placed a finger under my chin and raised my head to face him.

He chuckled. "I knew that was lust I felt in the kitchen" He said knowingly. I heard my brothers loud thoughts which meant he was getting closer.

"So what if you felt anything. It doesn't matter." I scuffed. He leaned closer to me and my body wanted to submit but I wouldn't let it.

"Whats going on in here?!" my brother appeared in the kitchen entrance. Xavier calmly moved away and slightly pushed my brother on his way out.

"Avery?" Besides his calm composure, I felt his anger building up inside him. He looked into my now light blue eyes.

"Its Nothing. Come on we have to walk them out." as much as I don't want to.

I pushed passed my brother and ignored the grunts coming from behind me. "It was a pleasure having you And your son Mr. Reaves." I said smiling softly. I looked at Xavier and my eyes flashed a purple then returned to normal. Its like i have no control.

"I believe the pleasure was ours. See you Tomorrow Avery. Goodnight." Xavier said as walked out.

My father and mother said there goodbyes and headed upstairs to bed.

"Avery?" I looked over at him.

"What happened?" He asked again. I hesitated before answering. I have to say something that wont make him angry but also make him not worry.

"It was a mistake. It wont happen again." I said Fixing a bowl of cereal even though i just ate.

That was anything but a mistake.

And if anything, I couldn't argue with the fact that I definitely wanted it to happen again.

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