Chapter 6: The First Chapter

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I woke up and waited for my eyes to focus as the sun shinned bright in my eyes. I looked over at the time and the blurred numbers read "9:01 am" I closed my eyes again remembering today was Saturday. I opened my eyes again this time wide.

I looked down and saw a very toned Chest with a 6 pack. I looked up and saw a peaceful face breathing slowly. I smiled to myself. Not realising at the moment but I casually traced over his abs with my index finger not wanting to get Up.

"Good Morning Princess" I heard.

My Chest got caught in a knot for a sec but I ignored it. "I don't remember Your shirt being off" I said smiling against him. "Oh you probably don't remember begging me to take it off" he said chuckling. I Knew he was playing, but I go for the win. I got up and straddled his waist.

"If I wanted to take your shirt off I would've did it and not beg. I get what I want and if I want it, I want it fast." I said Seductively. His eyes turned to a dark Blue and I felt his lust. "Look Who has the lust now" I said chuckling. He Sighed but smiled in response. All of a sudden I was flipped over with my hands above my head and Xavier hovering over me. My eyes Turned a dark Violet and you already knew what that meant. "Look who Stopped talking now" He said smirking. I rolled my eyes and smiled. He let go of me and laid back down.

I snuggled back up next to him and felt his warmth. "Your cold princess" He said pulling me into him.

"I'm always cold when I'm awake." I said sighing.

My phone buzzed. I reached over and grabbed it

-Where were you last night?-
A text from Joshua Great.

"Looks like someones worried about you" Xavier said closing his eyes softly but slowly then opening them again.

-Spent The night at a friends house- I texted back. My phone buzzed again.

-Lier- I read.

"He always Is. I don't see why though, I can take care of Myself. Besides...I'm with you" I smiled to myself and looked up at him. His eyes were closed but he smiled back in return.

-Im not Lying.- I replied.

This time he called.
"What Josh?" I answered the phone still laying on Xavier's chest.

"Who are you with Avery?" He said in a very familiar demanding tone.

I sighed getting annoyed but then The phone was pulled out my hand. I looked up at Xavier and he smiled softly.

"Hey Joshua" He said
"Who's This?" I heard my brother through the phone.

"Take a guess" Xavier said in a slight threatening tone. It sent chills up my spine.



"Stay away from my sister, or else-"

"Or else what?" Xavier Interrupted him. I was nervous now. Xavier was really calm but was agitated at the same time. It was truly a scary sight

"Ill go when she does. Until then You cant do anything. And if you do You will have me to deal with Personally." Xavier said hanging up the phone.

I couldn't feel My heartbeat. My mind was empty. And my eyes locked on his. My words fought with my mouth trying to figure out what to say. Thank you. Your amazing. Or. Hey don't talk to my brother like that...

It was like he knew what I was thinking. "You dont have to say anything princess" He chuckled. "Just lay with me... Don't fuss, Don't stress, don't worry..." he said "just lay with me" he whispered one more time.

I placed my hand on his chest and closed my eyes but opened it back up. I slipped away from under his arm. He opened his eyes and sighed. "What? I have to use the bathroom" i chuckled and slipped behind the bathroom door and closed it behind me.

I finished and washed my hands. As i was about to open the door I heard someone walk in.

"Hey bro" Ashton's home. I listened from in the bathroom
"Wassup, Had fun last night?" Xavier said trying to sound enthusiastic but I knew he was bored with the topic. He was tired.

"Yeah, Party Was Sick. Think I had to much fun if you know what I mean" I Heard ashton say. I just shook my head classic Ashton. Always looking for a good time.

I walked out of the bathroom and climbed on to the bed. Ashton looked at me as if he'd just seen a ghost walk by him. "Hey ash" I said with a soft smile. Xavier chuckled in amusement and I shoved him just a little.

"What are you doing here?" He looked shooked up.

"Watched a Movie With Xavier" I said leaning back on the bed head. He looked like he lost all words. "Can I talk to you for a second...In private" he said. I looked at Xavier then back at him. I followed him into the hallway and closed the door slightly

"You have to stay away from him Sweetheart. He'll hurt you. Whatever your feeling for him it's because he's controlling your emotions. His power-"

"I know what his power is Ash..." He looked shocked when I mentioned that." And don't call me sweetheart. You can have fun and party and lead on other girls but it wont be me. You've had 3 years...Your time is up. Goodbye Ashton." I said not even bothering to here his excuse. I watched as he walked down the stairs then went back into the room and closed the door behind me. I closed my eyes and stood there for a moment.

I felt someone over me and opened my eyes. And there stood Xavier himself. I sighed.

"I'm so sick and tired of people warning me to stay away from you. Because of your power and what you did in the past. I don't care. I just don't. Everybody has a past but this is the present and don't care about what the future holds. I'm here with you now and that's all I care for." I said looking into his now dark blue eyes. It held all his emotion and all his lust.

He placed a hand next to my head and the next cupped my chin.

He leaned in and grabbed my lips with his. He kissed me softly and passionately. Holding every single breath.  He asked for entrance and I gave it To him. We fought for dominance and of course he won. He let go of my lips and was out of breath. So was I.

Did That just Happen?

Authors Note- Hey❤😘 Im really excited to be writing this book. Its kind of new to me so give me a chance will you? XD but anyways vote read Im updating daily. I really Appreciate Ty xoxo Nya

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