Chapter 4: Our Little game

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What if ....

That's the only words at the beginning of my thoughts lately.

What if my brother hadn't walked in?

I got ready for school slower than usual. I put on A slim fitting grey long sleeve shirt and my black skinny jeans. I braided my hair to the side and left a few strands out in front. I put on a little mascara and headed downstairs.

"Mornin' mom, dad." I said as i sat down for breakfast at the island counter in the middle of the kitchen.

"good morning Sweety" My mom said with the most kindest smile. I swear she is the most beautiful women and I'm not just saying that because shes my mom.


I sat at my desk, actually paying attention for once. I honestly liked the topic. The assassination of Van Hellsin.

What nobody knows is that it was really a vampire who sucked the life out of him instead of bleeding out. We cover up so much things half the history in the history books are lies. The first president of the united states was A Pure blood. Didn't know that now didn't you?

"Alright for this assignment I'm going to partner you up in groups of 2 and 3." Ms. M said as she started to call off names. I watched as the guys hive fived each other because they were siked...when really they are going to push the work until the last minute.

"And last but not least, Avery and Xavier" Did I hear that correctly?

"Um Excuse me, Did you just say Xavier?" I asked a bit rudely.

"Yes, Is there a problem with that Ms. Styles" Ms. M said with a challenging tone.

"I would like to say there is." I mumbled under my breath.

"If you have something to say Ms. Styles, please feel free to share it with the rest of the class. If not please go to your partner." Students chuckled as I got up. Teachers are such a pain, and they wonder why I don't like there class. But the one time I do...Here comes the bullshit.

I grabbed a chair and pulled it up next to his desk. "Hey"

He turned to look at me and smiled. "What, did you change your classes to match mine princess?" He said sarcastically. I chuckled.

"You wish you were that Special. Don't forget, I'm not the one who just moved here." I Challenged him. This little game we play is very entertaining.

He chuckled "Oh yeah, Forgot you stalk my life to." I look forward to it you know.

"So How do you like this topic? Good? Bad? Messy?" I asked focusing a bit much on his eyes, but i didn't care.

"Messy? As in Assassination, blood?"

"No as in Scandal, Drama! Betrayal..." I said.

"Wow Princess, never caught you as a chick flick kind of girl" he said leaning back in his chair. The girls drooled over him but his focus stayed on me. Complete opposite of ashton.

"Never said I was." I smirked. "And whats with this 'princess' stuff. Found a nick name for me have you?"

"Yeah, Problem?" He raised an eyebrow.
I actually liked it.
I shook my head no. "Good. It represents you...Annoying and Bratty" he said laughing

I gasped in Shock. I was a lot of things but not bratty. He laughed even more but stopped.

"Also beautiful and... entertaining"

I smiled at that comment.

"However, The topic is Messy. I mean The assassination was after the dinner party. Remember his wife was jealous of his friend Diana and he payed most of his attention to her." He said getting back on topic

"OK but why not just get rid of Diana?"

"Simple. With her husband gone, She becomes queen and makes Diana her servant." he's smart to.

"Well there's your game plan." I said Smiling.

The bell rang and Not to lie, I was a bit upset.

"See You at lunch right?" I asked kind of afraid he would say no.

"Are you trying to be nice or something?" he said with a straight face. I leaned on the desk and stuttered my words.

Suddenly his straight face turned into a smile. He came over and hovered over me. "Just playing princess, Ill see you then"

I followed behind him as we exit the class.

Its like he's mean, then playful, then Kind. I'm not complaining though.

In my next class I was antsy. I couldn't wait until lunch, I guess you could say excited....for what though? I don't know .


It was lunch time. I walked into the cafeteria and sat at our normal table. "Avery wheres Prince charming? Did he arrive on his horse yet? Oh wait I don't think he can bring that in the cafeteria." Luke said talking about ashton. I just smiled and shook my head. "Hey, Anna why so glum?" I asked. "12 page paper..." She said sighing so sweetly. Its impossible for her to sound annoyed or mad.

I smiled. Justice was to busy on her phone and susan was on the line. Logan was being a serious ass. And Brandon was with my brother probably at the gym.

"Hey princess" I felt hands land on my shoulder.

"Woah, things just took a turn in prince land. There's Two prince charming?!" Luke starts up again. Anna looked up this time with a knowing smirk.

"She wishes I could be her Prince Charming" He said winking at me. I nearly blushed.

"Guys this Is Xavier, Ashton's Brother" I said introducing them. They all said hi and some other annoying comments I'm sure you could guess what they are.

"So may I ask who the other Prince Charming is?" He asked with a questioning eyebrow.

"Well None other than Ashton him self." Anna said with a twinkle in her eyes. I know that sign. I turned around to the entrance of the cafeteria, and saw Ashton coming towards the table.

I looked back at Xavier and got worried. Next thing i know my hand was in Xavier's being bulled away from the table gently.

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