Chapter 5 : Aftermath

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Carter's POV
I walk into the main hall, everyone was eating dinner. I look around and spot Harry and hermione sitting and eating. Hermione spots me first and then Harry. Harry shoots up from the table and runs towards me. He basically tackles me into a hug.

"Carter! We were so worried. What happened?" Harry asks

"I don't want to talk about it Harry" I say looking away from him.

"Alright, that's fine" he says softly and he leads me to the Gryffindor table.

I look down at the food but my appetite is gone. It seems like everything in my life is gone.

"Where's Ron?" I ask suddenly

"He's in the hospital wing because he tried to Hex Malfoy but his wand is broken so it shot toward him and now he's spitting out snails every other minute" Hermione says

"Oh alright" I say looking down again

"Aren't you gonna eat?" Harry chimes in

"No, I'm not hungry anymore" I say getting up and starting to walking out of the main hall

"Carter! Wait!" Hermione yells but I take off running as the tears slip down my face

And I turn around for a split second and I meet those grey eyes, staring at me from the Slytherin table. I stop and stare at them for a second. Then a tear runs down my face and I mouth

"Snake" and run off with hermione chasing after me

Hermione's POV
I stop chasing Carter after she runs into the Gryffindor common room.

"I've screwed up haven't I" his voice breaks the silence

"You!" I yell facing Draco right in the face "YOU did this to her!" I yell

Then I notice is features. His eyes were red and he has bags under his eyes.

"You feel guilty don't you" I say to him

"She's my best friend. Of course I feel guilty!" He snaps at me

"I'm just trying to help! You want my to help you with her or not!" I snap back

"Why did you say those things?" I ask sitting next to him

He looks at me and just stares

"Well, are you gonna tell me?" I ask him

"I chose my reputation over her. I chose my family's name over her. And I'd do anything to take it back. I never realized how it felt without a best friend.

I can't believe I said that. everything just fell apart, and I shattered her.
I know I'm probably the last person she wants to see or talk to I'm really mad at myself for saying those things. And because our friendship is gone and it's made me miserable for the past couple of days.

Every time we fight it hurt me more, and now she won't even talk to me anymore, I'm really struggling without her, we used to be best friends and she means a lot to me, more than she knows.

I hate fighting, especially with her. My mistake ruined our friendship and I don't know how to make things right between us. Knowing that I did this to her, my best friend, kills me. I don't know what I was thinking and I hate myself for it.

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