Chapter Six

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**Percy POV**

Jason was gone too and already rumors began. 

Rumors aren't always true...but the one about Nico and Jason running away together had to be true. There was no way it couldn't be. 

Everyone knew that Jason and Nico were the best of friends, and when they decided that they wanted to be the best of friends again, there was no separating them. But on top of that, both Jason and Nico lacked a care in the world about the things people gossiped about their relationship. In fact, it seemed like they fueled the fires for fun. They hugged and held hands and disappeared for hours at a time with only each other. It had never bothered me before, the fact that they acted the way they were. 

But now, knowing they had run off together, just added to the misery that was already in my heart. 

I sat on the sand, pulling the water forward and backwards with only my index finger. It was amazing, it truly was, the inhuman tricks that I was capable of performing. Some mortals would give their lives to be as extraordinary as us demigods and to have magic and the ability to breath under water. And if they wanted to be like us...I'd trade them my life for theirs. 

"Three days and then he's gone. I still don't understand how it is so easy for him to leave."

"I don't either," I muttered, as Will sat next to me, "this is home. And i at least thought that if he didn't think of this as home, he at least stayed for his friends and family."

We sat in silence.

"I love him, Percy...and last night-"

"I don't want to hear about last night, Will. I don't care about anything you and Nico did. He is like my little brother and you hurt him so bad that he wanted to leave. So don't come crying to me or Bianca, because we see right through this hurt puppy act. You hurt Nico first, then you throw yourself right into his life and guilt him every time he comes back. So don't think for one minute you're gonna get sympathy from me. You drove the only person who seemed to understand how I was feeling away and...that's not okay with me."

I didn't bother looking at him. He disgusted me. 

"Percy... he was my first love and my first boyfriend and I love him. If it weren't for one stupid thing I did he and I would still be happily together. I just want him back-"

"Learn to let go of the things you can't change because thinking about those problems won't fix them. You and guys were long over before you smacked him if you think about it. You didn't trust him and you can't be in a relationship if you don't trust. And...he can't ever trust that you won't hurt him like that. So just...just let him go Will. He doesn't love you...if he loves anyone its-"

I stopped myself, thinking that even mentioning it was too much of a chance. 

"Jason and him took off," he murmured. "Last night he fell asleep holding me and this morning he left with Jason. Do you know how that feels?"

"Do you know how it feels so get dumped, have an existential crisis, only have one person who understand, then learn that that only person, someone you might have real-life feelings for, has taken off because of their pushy ex? These last 36 hours have not been kind to me. No, you know what? My whole life has not been kind to me, okay? I hate my life. You do not know how much I do. And people like you, Will Solace, do not make things better for me or for anyone else. So just do me a favor and get lost."

"Percy- I- I'm sorry. I didn't realize-"

"Because you're selfish. Okay? You always have been, and maybe the reason Nico ran away with Jason was because he needed someone who was selfless."

The line was drawn and crossed within four minutes but it was said and done and there was no turning back at that point, not that I wanted to turn back. I meant what I said, even though a small part of me reminded me that I am also a selfless person.

He was up and then gone and I was just angry. So I walked into the lake and dove under. 


**Nico POV** 

There was no better team than Jason and I.

And that was because no one loved anyone as much as we loved each other.

We just didn't know it yet. 

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