Chapter 5

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hey, sorry for late update......

hope you enjoy it.....



“Hey baby” Jess came by my side and I wrapped my arms around her waist. Since kissing in school is prohibited or else I could have kissed her right there.

Her light brown hair was set loose and she wore today her favorite white summer dress. She definitely looked like an angel. I couldn’t help but kissed on her cheeks. She smiled and blushed. She leaned forward making our faces inches away. Our lips were ready to touch when I was interrupted by someone who cleared their throat. I looked up to seeAustin, smiling at us.

“What dude?” I said irritatingly. Jess laughed beside me.

“You know that kissing in school premises is prohibited,” he raised his eyebrows.

“What ever” I shrugged.

“Jay, don’t get irritated. We can have this moment later,” she whispered in my ears.

“I heard that,”Austinteased me.

I sighed and looked around. We were early to school, so except us no one was at the school.Austinwas playing in his Iphone and Jess was sitting on the car’s hood. I just leaned my back to the car and looking around.

Slowly the school began to fill and all my friends began to come near us. I sawAustinwaving at someone. I looked at a girl with black short hair that came up to her shoulders. She wore navy jeans that came up to her knees and a black tee. She was smiling and waving at him.

“Don’t you…. I mean is that Michelle?” Jess was asking him while looking at both of them.

He smiled and nodded.

“You,” she hit him on the shoulder and laughed.

“So you guys are dating?” I asked him but he shook his head.

“I think I will ask her today,” he smirked.

I laughed and we did our handshake thing. I wished him good luck and he left us. He went to the girl and both of them went inside the school.

Michelle, the most silent and simple girl in the school, has fallen in love withAustin. I knew her since she joined in the school last year. She always looked beautiful and never talked with anyone. She has her own set of friends but that doesn’t mean she didn’t respond for a smile who smiled at her.

But now-a-days, her dressing sense has changed. Day by day she has changed into a girl who looks afterCaria. Does she following her? I wondered.

Just then my phone made a beep sound. It showed a message from A.

Shit! What does he want know? I feared that Jess won’t see my expression but she took was involved in her phone.

I didn’t want to see that message. What could he want know? What will he make me do? I kept on wondering when I saw Summer, parking her bicycle on the stand and walking towards the school entrance.

“Oh my God! This can’t be happening” Jess gasped and stood straight on the ground. Her face looked pale and worry in her green eyes.

“Jess...” I shook her but her eyes were fixed on her phone’s screen.

“Jess? What happen?” this time I shook her hardly and pulled her phone out when she didn’t respond.

And then, I saw it.

A Girl Named SummerWhere stories live. Discover now