Chapter 7

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“Dude, had she gone crazy?” I made an irritating sound when I saw Summer in the middle of the ground tying her shoe lays. Her perfect blonde curls were shining when sun rays had fallen over her hair. Her eyes were focused on her shoe while everyone around doing some random works.

We were lying on the lawn where the grass was soft. I and Jay were lying on the grass where as Jess and Michelle were leaning to the huge tree and talking to them. Jay lifted his head from the ground and looked over where I was looking. He shook his head and regained his position.

“I don’t know, dude” he sighed and closed his eyes.

“One month over since she came, I don’t understand why she is with those guys,” I sighed and looked over at her batch. Abby was one of the girls with whom no guy tries to talk. Everyone is afraid of her attitude and frankness.

“Just leave it, she just doing it for fun,” Jay said again closing his eyes.

“Well, I don’t think she is doing anything for fun,” Jess said to us. Michelle just looked to us. I have been dating her since the day I asked her out. She is fun loving but I never try to hook up with her. I never forced her to kiss but one day it automatically happened. And it was nice, I felt good at that time.

“What do you mean?” Jay asked her.

She stood up from there and walked to us. She sat right next to Jay and looked at Summer. For a moment I saw her smiling at her. From the middle of the ground, Summer waved at her and she waved back.

“Do you know that those guys are doing a campaign?” she asked us. We both shrugged our shoulders.

“Idiots” she shook her head,” they are doing Save the Environment Campaign”

“What? That’s waste of time?” Jay muttered.

“Yeah, who will do all these things?” Michelle replied.

“Those who know the value of it,” Jess smiled.

We all looked at Summer. She joined her batch and held a banner written with bold letter in green color “Save the Environment”

She became friends with those people who everyone ignores them. Abby is the leader of the batch and all the other people were her followers. There were like ten students, all white color dresses, wearing a cap written something on it. They held some papers in their hands and everyone were discussing something.

“What are they discussing?” Michelle broke the conversation.

“Hmm… I don’t know. Mr. White said there would be some gathering for us. Maybe it’s about them,” she shrugged. Mr. White is our beloved principal.

“So they are going to do it during the weekend?” Michelle asked her in surprise.

“Yeah” Jess nodded.

“Oh poor souls, they don’t have the life,” she sighed and concentrated on her phone.

All throughout the conversation Jay was lying on the ground and closing his eyes. I looked at him while at the same time Jess looked at him. We both smiled and began to trickle him. He jerked back and wanted to fight back but he lost and we won. Michelle kept away from us. Fridays is always free day for us because weekend will be coming. This weekend, Jay and Jess are going to have their special date and me and Michelle decided to have a date on Saturday.

“Hey,” someone called out is while panting. We all looked up to see Neal, the nerd guy.

“Yeah Neal,” Jess smiled at him. He blushed.

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