Chapter 13

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I lay on my soft cozy bed, deeply thinking about the only thing that brings smile on my face – Summer. I couldn’t believe that I, Austin Cook, am thinking about a girl… not any ordinary girl. She is Summer, a cute caring and an amazing girl. Never I thought that I could like a girl someone like her.

That’s true.

Whenever I am with her, I don’t have to act. I can be myself; I can think anything which is right or wrong. Who would have known that once upon a time Austin, who never cared for anything, never took time to decide whether it is good or bad has completely changed him. Jay always used to scold me when I started dating many girls.

I always have been in a relationship which ended shortly. Not that I am a very bad person who ditch girls. But the girls I have dated, they were not my type. They were all the same, always thinking about themselves and have been with me because I am popular. No one ever cared what I cared about. Maybe that’s why I never have been stable in one relationship.

Well… not in case of Michelle. She is different. She is sweet and cute, not like any other girl in this school. She always cared for me. She is an amazing girl but she is not for me. I would have continued the relationship with her but somewhere deep in my heart I felt like I am not doing justice to her and to her feelings.

My phone started to ring bringing me back from my thoughts. I glanced at the id and sat up quickly. It’s summer.

Damn, why is she calling me. I got confused and answered her call.

“Hey,” I tried to sound casual.

“Hey Austin. Where are you?” she was in hurry.

“Hmm… at home?”

“Oh that’s great. Come quickly to theRoyal Botanic Garden,” she sounded excited.

“Hmm….Okay, I will be in twenty minutes,” I was still in the state of confusion. What this girl wants?

 “Okay, bye” she disconnected the call.

What is there in that garden? I rushed outside wearing my jacket and pulled out my keys. I was about to exit when I saw my dad. What the hell he is doing here? I just crused myself being at home at this time.

I was initially in the happy mood when I suddenly got pissed off seeing my dad, standing right there in the garden wearing his black Italian suit. He waved at me and smiled which I quietly  ignored and walked to my car.

“Son” he called me and continued without waiting for any answer ,” Why don’t you spend time with your old man? I came all the way from London to meet you”

He laughed thinking that he made a joke. But when will he understand that it was indeed a bad joke? I rolled my eyes and walked up to my car. My first thing was to ignore him and also my last thing. I can never stand him nor will ever.

I silde inside my car and shifted the gears to my destination.


“Hey,” I smiled at Summer, who was now sitting on the park bench. She was wearing her floral short skirt with a black silk blouse. Her hair was flowing with the breeze flowing in the garden. She shifted on her bench and made place for me. I sat next to her and waited for her to speak.

“So, why is the great Austin pissed off?” she had those teasing smiles on her face. The moment I saw her smile, all the frustration left me. I smiled and shook my head. How did she knew that I am pissed? Was it writtern on my face? 

“It’s nothing, I … my father just came home,” I replied casually and stretched my legs and leaned back.

“Your father came? Oh! so you must be very excited,” she turned to me side and gazed at me.

A Girl Named SummerWhere stories live. Discover now