Chapter 17

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“Summer, please… I beg you, please come with me,” Angel gave me pleading eyes. I rolled my eyes without looking at her. I know how desperately she wants me to go with her but it is impossible. I didn’t look up from my book.

“Oh! C’mon Summer, you are behaving too much. What the heck I even asked you,” she responded irritatingly.

“Shh… silence,” our librarian narrowed her eyes at us.

I groaned internally and closed my book with a loud thump. She looked at me and then to my closed book. She raised her eyes and a small smile started playing over her lips.

“Thank you… thank you… thank you so much summer,” she started acting weirdly. Every one around us started glaring at us. I looked around and tried to stop her.

“Okay, its okay,” I whispered yelled at her and narrowed my eyes,” you are disturbing others, c’mon lets go to our idiotic football match,”

“It’s not football, its basketball,” she started correcting me. I stood up and kept my book in the rack. I smiled at our librarian and exited the library. It was just a moment; Angel held my wrist and dragged me to the gym class. Even with the close door, I could hear the loud cheers. I groaned internally, cursing myself why I ever agreed for her. She opened up the doors; suddenly the cheers were much louder.

Angel dragged me to the lower benches where her other friends were waiting for her. They smiled at us and gave us the place. I silently sat on the bench while everyone were shouting and jumping. I didn’t get why everyone are so much excited. I rolled my eyes and looked at the play.

Now I know why they called it a basketball, all the player were trying to place the ball in a basket. Great discovery, summer! I applauded myself.

Just then as if the background noise began to fade away and I can see only one person in the court. He wore his school sports red uniform, with blonde hair. His wet hair was swinging in the air while he was jumping with the ball. I saw the way he handled the ball in his hands without missing it. When he hit the goal, he waved his hands and smiled. That smile was amazing. His eyes twinkled with excitement and his smile reached his eyes. He has a lean body with an amazing muscle under his shirt.

I felt myself watching him over and over until they win the match over our team. My friends cried out with the defeat but I kept on watching him.

“Why are you smiling? Our team lost,” Angel yelled at me. If she haven’t mentioned, I wouldn’t have noticed that I was smiling.

“Hello?” she waved her hands over my face. I shook my head and looked at her. She glared at me, but I ignored her and looked at the court, but he was gone.

I sighed and turned to see Angel who was looking at me with raised eyebrows. I gave out a low whistle and stood up.

“So, since the match is over, let’s get to home?” I pulled out my bag and held it over my shoulder.

“Yeah, sure… come” she dragged me away from the gym.

That night I realized one thing…. I never believed in love at first sight, but now I have to believe that because I had love at first sight with that unknown mysterious guy. Do I have to talk to him? But how? What I have to talk even? He doesn’t know he even.


From next day onwards, I sat on the same bleachers, with the same player playing the game. When Angel asked me if I will come with her to that match, I nodded instantly. She didn’t get the hint in my excitement.

A Girl Named SummerWhere stories live. Discover now