Chapter Six

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Chapter Six:  Sam's P.O.V.

I pulled up to Bree's house and honked. She came running out in a black dress with black high heels. She hops in the passenger seat and we head off towards Ally's house. I honked once, no Ally. I honked a second time, still no Ally. After the third honk, she came out wearing a blue dress with blue heels. We start on our way to the boys' house. 

"So, is this really 5 Seconds of Summer or just some random guys house?" Ally questions.

"Ally, we've told you this about a thousand times. This really is 5 SOS." Bree replies laughing. 

We arrive at the guys' house and music is just going. You can hear it from outside. We get out of the car and walk up to the door. It was already unlocked, so we just walk in. As soon as we do, Bree and Ally go off in their own direction.

'Great, now I'm alone.' I thought. 

I start walking around with hopes to find Michael, Luke, or Morgan. After a while, out of no where, I was picked up from behind. I did scream a little, but then realized it was just Michael. He set me down and I turned around and punched him in the arm.

"Ow, you've got a mean punch." he says rubbing the spot I punched. 

I just shrug. 

"Oh come here, I want you to meet the rest of the guys." Michael says taking my hand and leading me somewhere. We walked into a small room and there were only a handful of people. 

"Sam, I want to introduce you to Ashton and Calum." Michael says pointing them out.

They walk over to us and I, surprisingly, kept my cool. 

"Hi Sam." Ashton says laughing. 

"Hello, Sam." Calum says running up to us. 

"Thanks for coming and thanks for bringing Morgan." Ashton says and head back where he was before.

"Yeah, anyway, did you happen to bring anyone else?" Calum asks hopefully. 

"Yeah, Bree and Ally, but I don't know where they are." I say pointing to the main hall. 

Calum took off in that direction. Michael and I just looked a one another and laughed. He started introducing me to a lot of new people. After a while, I met up with Morgan again. We started talking about things that had happened that night. After a while, we were still in the lounge talking when Calum burst through the front door. 

"I GOT BEER!!!!" he shouted. 

Then the flashback happened. 

-Flashback Starts-

There I was, sitting on the couch on my laptop. My brother, Jason, was already upstairs sleeping, my mother with someone richer, and my father on his way home. I heard a car door slamming and looked up. He was home. I quietly set my computer down next to the couch and started sneaking to the stair case. I was too slow. The front door bursts open and in stumbles my drunk dad. I was frozen with fear. My feet felt like they were glued in place. My father saw me and walked towards me. He called me a 'piece of shit' and started on his work. He was hitting, slapping, and punching. As if that wasn't enough, he went to the kitchen and got a knife. When he came back he started cutting my arms and face. I was crying and screaming. Jason was rushing down the stairs, two at a time. He pulled my dad off of me and I was able to escape upstairs to my room. I curled up in the far corner of my room and continued to cry, listening to the yelling coming from downstairs. The yelling ceased and footsteps were coming upstairs. They paused outside my door before entering. It was just Jason. He promised that night that we were going to leave. He kept his promise. That was 8 years ago when I was 10. My brother was 18 then. 

-Flashback Ends-

Tears were starting to nip at the side of my eyes.

"Morgan, I'm gonna go." I say getting up.

"Sam, you really have to let it go." Morgan says taking my arm, causing me to stop. 

"I can't help why I don't like beer. OK. I still have a scar from that night." I say wrenching my arm free. 

As Morgan made her way to the kitchen, I made my way to the front door. Someone came up beside me and got the door before I could. I looked up to see who it was. 

"Thanks, Luke." I say walking out. 

Luke follows me out.

"How come you're leaving?" he asked taking my hand, making me stop.

I turned to face him. 'I need and excuse' I thought.

"Well,.... I..... need to get home." I say.

'Crap, he isn't going to fall for it.' I thought. 

"Come on, if I tell you why I'm leaving, will you tell me why you are?" he asks moving a little closer.

"Sure, why not." I answer. 

Luke smiles and start leading me away from the house. 

"Where are we going?" I ask. 

"You'll see." he says smirking.

We start running farther and farther away from the house. We ran into the park right as it started raining.  Luke continued to hold my hand. We just walked around the park in silence for a while.

"Why did you take the blow for Michael back at our concert?" Luke asks after a while. 

"Well, I was used to getting hit, so I didn't want Michael to get hurt." I answer truthfully. 

"OK, now, why'd you leave?" Luke asks.

"No, you still have to tell me why you left. Then I'll tell you." I reply.

Luke laughs and bows his head down. His laughter fades after a while. 

"OK, well, my dad left us when we were really young. He took 2/3 of the money and went off with his girlfriend. Our mum then became an alcoholic and would hit us every night if we weren't in bed when she came home. I've always been afraid of drinking alcohol and getting drunk." Luke said, looking down. "Now, why'd you leave." 

"Wow, well, when I was eight, our mum left us for a richer man. Our dad went crazy and went out every night and got drunk. He would come home and beat me. Only me. One night when I was ten, my dad was so drunk that he even started cutting me. So, just like you, I was always afraid of drinking because I didn't want to end up like my dad." I say. 

Tears were fighting their way out and I wasn't able to hold them in. I turned me head the other way so Luke wouldn't see. He stopped walking, but continued to hold my hand. He took his hand and gently forced me to look at him. He beautiful blue eyes were staring into my grey ones.  He wiped away a tear on my cheek. 

"Sam, I really like you. I need you to do me a favor." he says smiling.

"What do you need?" I ask

"This." he says.

Before I could say anything, Luke had his lips pressed against mine. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled me closer to him. We both pulled away after a while.

"You do not know how badly I've wanted to do that since I first saw you." Luke says still smiling. 

"I can imagine." I say back. 

He laughs a little and places his forehead against mine. 

"Sam, can I ask you something?" Luke asks.

"Sure, go ahead." I reply. 

Luke hesitates for a minute.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he says looking me in the eye. 

"Of course I will."  I reply smiling

Hey guys, I know it's been a while since I've uploads, but I've been busy. But, hey, better late than never. Anyway, hope you guys are enjoying it so far. I shall see y'all later. Byee.  0.o

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