Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen: Sam's P.O.V.

I woke up on the couch and TV still on. My head hurt a little bit. I checked the time and saw that it was noon. I picked myself up and walked to my room. As I was looking through my closet, I found an old jacket of Luke's. He gave this to me the day after my birthday. I smiled and laid it on my bed. I chose my blue shirt with the nyan cat on it, my blue jeans, and my black converse. I then grabbed Luke's jacket and threw it on. It felt good to wear it. It even had the light scent of him. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed an apple. As I was downstairs getting my mail, Troye came down. 

"Hey Troye." I said

"Oh, hey Sam." he says and grabs his mail. 

We both start walking up the stairs. 

"Sam, I was wondering if you would like to hang out today?" he asked. 

"Yeah, sounds good. When should we hang out?" 

"How about after we drop of our mail." he suggests. 

I nod. We both go into out apartments and then come right back out. We both kinda laugh at our speed and start walking to the park. Half-way to the park, we stopped in a corner store and got some snacks. Troye got M&M's while I got Skittles. We had finished them by the time we reached the park. My phone started buzzing. Morgan was calling me. 

Me: Hey Momo, what do you need?

Morgan: The boys are leaving today and Michael wants you at the airport and we can't find Luke

Me: Oh um ok, I'll be right over.

Morgan: Thank you, see you in a little.

Me: Yeah, see ya.

I placed my phone back in my pocket and turned to Troye. He had a questioning look on his face. 

"Do you think you could take me to the airport?" I asked.

"Yeah sure. Let's go." he says

We start running back to the apartment. We get there and instantly get in his car and go to the airport. 

Luke's P.O.V.

My mind was racing. I wanted Sam back. She was my everything. I didn't want to go on this stupid two-week tour, but they were forcing me. So, to clear my mind, I decided to walk to the park. As I entered the park, I saw Sam walking around with someone. He had brown hair and was about the same height as Sam. She looked so happy. If only she knew how much it was killing me. All of a sudden, her and the guy start running from the park. I heard footsteps come up behind me. 

"Luke, we need to get going." it was Calum. 

"Alright, let's go." I say and start walking to the car. 

As I sat in the back seat with Calum and Michael, I couldn't help but wonder if Sam and the guy were going out. It was a possibility. I just stared out of the window. We were in the airport, just about to board, when I turn around and see Sam. She was with that one guy. 

"Luke come on. We're boarding." Ashton says and pulls me away from Sam.

It pained me to see Ashton and Morgan kissing and hugging, knowing that it could be me and Sam. If only I hadn't screwed things up. I looked back once more to see tears just flowing down Sam's face. I wanted to go over and hug her, but knew I couldn't. Something seemed familiar about her clothes. It dawned on me. The jacket she was wearing was the one I gave her. She still kept it and she was wearing it. I couldn't help but smile a little. We boarded the plane and I instantly took the window seat. Tears were threatening to come, but I held them in. I had to be strong.

"OMG! Are you Luke Hemmings from 5 Seconds of Summer?" a voice beside me asked. 

"Yeah,  I am." I say and continue looking out the window. 

"OMG! I'm such a huge fan. Especially about you and your girlfriend, Sam." she said.

I cringed at Sam's name.

"Can you please not mention Sam. We broke up and it hurts to here hear name." I say 

"OMG! I'm SOOO sorry. i didn't know. I haven't been able to keep up on her videos and all." the girl said. 

I didn't want to continue talking, so I dropped it.  The girl started humming one of our songs. My thoughts kept going from one thing to Sam. No matter what, even if it didn't concern her, she was always there. Because I was so caught up in my thoughts, I didn't realize that we had already landed. 

"Luke, we're here. Come on." Calum says and hands me my carry on bag.

I glumly get up and follow them. We were mobbed in the airport. I tried my best to smile through the pain that was eating away at me. Soon, everything started to ache. My head, my arms, legs, and all. We finally got away from all the fans and made it to our hotel room. This was going to be the WORST two-week tour in my entire life. 

Sam's P.O.V.

Once we got to the airport, they were already boarding. I was planning to tell Luke that I still loved him. We were to late. He looked back at me before Ashton was pulling him along. It was hurting me to see Ashton and Morgan kissing and hugging. That could be me and Luke. Tears started flowing. Luke turned back once more and I saw him smile a bit. Did he like to see me in pain? Was he glad that I was crying? Then I remembered that I was wearing his jacket. He was probably smiling at the fact that I still have his jacket. He boarded and I walked to the window. The plane took of and only then did i walk away. Troye took me home and left me alone. Honestly, I wanted someone to stay. I decided to make a video. I got my computer and started up YouTube.

"Hey guys, I'm back for a singing video. I don't think I've done on of these in a while. But you have one now. Today, I will be singing 'Painting Flowers' by All Time Low. (Play the video)

Strange maze, what is this place? I hear voices over my shoulder, Nothing's making sense at all. Wonder, why do we race? When everyday we're runnin' in circle, such a funny way to fall. Tried to open up my eyes, I'm hopin' for a chance to make it alright. When I wake up, the dream isn't done. I wanna see your pretty face and know I made it home. If nothing is true, what more can I do? I am still painting flowers for you, woah. 

Show my cards, gave you my heart, wish we could start all over. Nothing's makin' sense at all. Tried to open up my eyes, I'm hopin' for a chance to make it alright. When I wake up, the dream isn't done. I wanna see your pretty face and know I made it home. If nothing is true, what more can I do? I am still painting flowers for you. I am still painting flowers for you. I heard everything you said, I don't wanna lose my head,

When I wake up, the dream isn't done. I wanna see your pretty face and know I made it home. If nothing is true, what more can I do? I am still painting flowers for you. I am still painting flowers for you, I am still painting flowers for you.

I was on the verge of tears by the end. All the memories of when me and Luke came flooding back. When we first met. We were in the park in the rain. I missed him. I ended the video without saying anything. I then broke out in tears. I just wanted Luke back even though he's moved on. I brought my knees up to my chest and started crying violently. There was nothing I could do now. Luke will probably come home with a new girlfriend and I'll be forgotten. At least Morgan is happy with Ashton. Maybe Michael will remember me. I doubt that. When the tears stopped coming, I had a massive head ache. The time was 5:00 pm. I skipped dinner and went to bed. Please let tomorrow be better. 

Hey guys. Here is another part. I won't be able to upload over break because we get to go to Minnesota. Yeah, I get to freeze my ass off. This will be great. So, I'll see you guys next time. Byee. 

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