Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen: Sam's P.O.V.


I was lounging around in my apartment. Or should I say our apartment. Luke and I moved in together. We are going to the park. I stood by the door, tapping my foot, waiting for Luke. He was taking quite a while. He was finally ready and we started walking to the park. 

"Do you remember, 6 months ago, when I stood at your door, soaking wet?" Luke asked

"How could I forget. That was when we got back together. Then the next week, you moved in with me." I said.

We both laughed a little. When we walked into the park, Luke took off running to the fountain in the middle of the whole park. I took off after him, laughing to myself. When I reached Luke, he was just standing with his back to me, facing the fountain. 

"Luke, are you OK?" I asked placing my hand on his shoulder.

He nodded. I walked and stood next to him. He took hold of my hand, turned towards me, and got down on one knee. My other hand went and instantly covered my mouth. Was he really doing this?

"Sam, I have loved you since I first laid eyes on you 8 months ago. I knew then that I had to make you mine. And when you came to our concert the next day, I had to test my luck. It didn't fail me. When we broke up, I literally stayed home and cried until I could cry no more. Every time I fell asleep, I could only dream about you. You are my everything. The night I showed up at your door, soaking wet, was the same night I realized just how broken I was. Earlier that day, we sang 'Everything I want'. You are everything I want and need. No one and nothing can replace you. You are my sunshine, my light, my warmth. I just need one more thing from you and that is for you to marry me. So, Sam, will you make me the happiest man on Earth by becoming my wife?"

I was in tears.

"Yes, yes I will." I whispered. 

Luke placed the ring on my finger, stood up, and kissed me. 

"Luke, you just made me the happiest girl ever." I whispered.

"I know." he whispered back. 

We started walking to he others house. When Morgan answered, I couldn't help but show her the ring. She screamed a little and hugged us. 

"ASHTON, MICHAEL, CALUM, LUKE'S HERE!" she called out. 

They all raced to the door and embraced Luke and I. As they went to the living room, Morgan and I walked to the kitchen. As we were talking, someone knocked on the door. Morgan answered it and then came back to me. 

"You might want to get to the living room." she says. 

I set down my coffee and somewhat jog to the living room. There was Ally. She was trying to kiss Luke, but he kept pushing her away. I walked up to her and took her by the shoulders.

"Give up. He's not going to kiss you." I said. 

"Yes he will. After all, we have unfinished business." she said and winked at Luke. 

"No, you don't have unfinished business with my fiancee." I said smiling. 

A look of disbelief came across her face. 

"Luke wouldn't marry you. You guys broke up. That and you are pretty ugly." Ally smirked.

I was just about to punch her when Luke stepped in. 

"Actually, we are getting married. And guess who's not getting an invite." Luke said and wrapped his arm around my waist. 

Ally stormed out of the house. I let a breathe of relief and leaned my head on Luke. We ended up staying for dinner and then went back home.  

"Luke, do you think we're rushing it?" I asked, sitting down on the couch. 

"Yeah, a little bit. How about we turn the ring into a promise ring. We can get married after school is all over." he said and sat  down next to me. 

"Sure, sounds like a plan." I said.

We continued watching TV until we both fell asleep. 

Hey guys, I know it's short, but at least it's something. Next chapter is going to the last. I just thank my best friend Morgan (1D_Kevin_lover). She introduced me to 5 Seconds of Summer, so without her, this story wouldn't be here. That's all I got to say, so I shall see yo pretty faces next time. Byee. :P

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