Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven: Sam's P.O.V.

(Week of the seconds two-week tour) 

We were in the car again, driving the boys to the airport. The boys were fooling around in the back seat. We all got out of the car when we reached the airport. I was still looking for an apartment and so was my brother. Over the month, Michael and I have become closer friends and Luke and I have spent every other day together. We hugged the boys goodbye. Ashton kissed Morgan goodbye and Luke kissed me goodbye. We're gonna miss our boys. My channel on YouTube already has over 1,000,000 subscribers. Tears were slowly falling down Morgan and my cheeks. 

Luke's P.O.V.

The tears were coming when we got on the plane. I made sure to get a window seat so no one would see me. Sam and I had grown so close, and now, I'm leaving for two weeks. I'm gonna miss her so much. Our movie dates. Our one month anniversary. Seeing her face every day. Holding her in my arms. Why did I have to be on two-week tours once every month. I'll see you in two weeks Sam. 

Sam's P.O.V.

Morgan and I drove home in silence. We were sad that our boys were leaving us. So, when we got home, we ate a tub of ice cream and watched movies. These two weeks were gonna go by so slowly. 

(End Of the Two Weeks)

Luke texted me earlier today and said that the plane was gonna be late and to not wait up. He wanted me to be fully awake for tomorrow. Whatever that meant. So I did. Morgan, Jason, and I all went to bed. I will see Luke and Michael tomorrow. 

Luke's P.O.V.

I told Sam that are plane was going to be late and to not wait up. Well, our plane was actually earlier. We got home early and decided to have a small party. We didn't invite Sam and Morgan since we figured they's be asleep by the time everything was set up. Even though Calum had beer, I stayed. Calum had invited Bree and Ally. They agreed and people started showing up. The music was playing. Bree and Ally came and Ally kept hanging out around me. OK, little weird. As the night advanced, people kept forcing me to drink. I was drunk. Everything was blurry and voices were slurring. Everything was different. I kept drinking and even surfed the crowd. I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO DO THAT!! I was still drunk by the time the night was over. Next thing I knew, I was being led to a room by Ally, I believe. I couldn't really tell. She took me to my room and sat me down on the bed. She sat on my lap and we started making out. Sooner or later, we were both laying on the bed, passed out. 

Sam's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning and got ready. I put my hair into a side fish-tail braid. I waited until noon to go to the guys' house. I walked up to the porch and knocked. Ashton came and answered the door.

"Hey Ashton." I say 

"Hey Sam." he says hugging me. "Come on in." 

I walk in.

"Luke's upstairs and Michael's in the living room." Ashton says and walks to the kitchen. 

I decide to see Michael first. As soon as he saw me, he pauses his game and starts leading me upstairs. He was walking pretty fast. What was wrong with him? He stopped outside of Luke's room. 

"Go on in." Michael says. 

He looked kinda pale. I quietly opened the door. What I saw wasn't something I wanted to see. There was Luke, in bed shirtless, sleeping with some girl. Only the girl was Ally. I just can't handle it. The tears were coming. I race out of the room, down the stairs, and out the door. Michael on my heels the whole time. I stop when I'm outside on the sidewalk. The tears were coming down, smearing the mascara and eye-liner I had put on. Michael wrapped his arms around me.

"It's OK. I'm here for you." he kept saying. 

"Why'd he do it, Michael?" I say. 

"I don't know why." he replied. 

Michael offered to walk me home, but I turned him down and walked home alone. When I walked in, I heard something I didn't want to hear. 

Jason's P.O.V. (Oh no.) 

This was it. I couldn't take it anymore. I walked around the house. First visiting Sam's room. The place I promised her we'd run away. Then my room. The place I cried myself to sleep. Lastly, our dad's old room. No one ever went in here, but this was where it was going to happen. I slowly walked to dad's room with the note in my hand. I slowly opened his closet and sat down, pulling out a box. I opened the box and took out the hand gun inside of it. Tears were coming down. 

"I'm so sorry, Sam. I love you." I say and point the gun in the middle of my chest. 

This was it. This was the end. I pulled the trigger and down I go. Things were blurry. I saw Sam run in here and kneel down beside me. 

"PLEASE, NO! JASON, PLEASE, STAY WITH ME! JASON, PLEASE!" I heard her cry and that was it.

It was over. I was gone. Forever. 

Sam's P.O.V.

The tears came flowing like a waterfall. Jason had just killed himself. I saw something in his hand. It was a note, addressed to me. I opened it up, shaking. It read:

Dear Sammy, 

I''m sorry to tell you this, but I did commit suicide. What I want you to do is go to my room here and get my cam-cord out. Hook it up to your laptop and watch the video that is on there. I'm sorry Sam. 

-Jason <3

P.S. I hope that son of a bitch pays for hurting you the way he did. 

That was it. I called 9-1-1. They came and took his body away. When they left, I went upstairs and got Jason's cam-cord, hooked it up to my laptop, and watched the video. The video only made the tears come faster. I felt so guilty. I could've saved my brother, gotten him help. It was my fault he was gone. Right as it finished, I called Michael. He came over as soon as I hung up. I answered the door and he just hugged me. We didn't speak. We both pulled away.

"Can I see the video?" he asks softly.

I nod and take him upstairs. As we sits at my desk watching the video, I sit on my bed, so I don't have to see my now dead brother. The video ends and Michael comes and sits next to me, just holding me. 

"When are you moving?" he asks.

"Tomorrow after the funeral." I answer, still shaking. 

I end up falling asleep in Michael's arms. I kept seeing my brother on the floor and his ghost walking towards me. I think I was even crying in my sleep. The next morning, Michael stays with me. I text Luke, telling him it's over. I then take my brother's phone and text his friends, saying;

Hey guys, this is Jason's sister, Sam. Last night, he committed suicide. You are all invited to the funeral. It's tomorrow at noon.

After that, I just started walking around aimlessly. I ended up in the park. As soon as I was in the middle of the park, it started to down pour. I just sat down and started crying my brains out. No one was here, which was good. It meant that no one was going to bother me. After about and hour or two, I picked myself up and slowly trudged 'home'. As I passed the guys' house, I heard yelling, but ignored it. As soon as I walked in, Michael was hugging me. 

"I was so worried about you. I didn't know where you had went." he says

"Sorry for not telling you." I mumble. 

"It's OK." he says and lets go. "I've gotta go, but I'll be back tomorrow. Bye, Sam." he says and walks out the door. 

I just walk upstairs to my room and just flopped down on my bed. All I could think about was Jason. What was I going to do without him? What if dad came back? Who was going to save me then?

Hey guys', sorry if this made you cry, but I have bug plans for this story that I think you're gonna like. Anyway, I'll see you guys next time I write. Byee.  :P

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