Chapter 3: the lake

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**???'s prov**

I sat in the gardens after a long meeting with the other leaders of many other creatures. I looked at the same stream with sad eyes. I know I shouldn't have entered my brothers dreams, But I had to see him. After Nisa had told me they found him I was so happy and excited, But when they told me he had no memory. I was devastated by it and had to see for myself.

They were right about it. I smelt no royal blood in him and the memories in his mind were not there. When I asked about our mother he froze and I saw the memory of her death through him. To know my mother the once most powerful had been eaten one of those creatures killed me inside. I sighed as I stood up walking back inside a certain room that brought happy memories. The library. Mother would always read us dark stories of the north and other Fairy tales that humans made up. I smiled sadly at the portrait of her. Everyone says I look like her, But I was nothing compared to her. I was irritated that someone was distributing me from my lone time.

"What is it Sebastien?"

"Sorry to disturb you ma'am, But I thought you would like to go for a ride to get away from "HIM." Sebastien stated, making me shiver at the thought.

I quickly thanked him and left before that god awful Hans found me. He was trying to get my hand just to get to the throne. The only rightful person to sit there was my brother or me. Maybe a ride would do me some good.

**Eren's prov**

I woke up early before anyone else had. I needed to get away to think were no one would find me. Ceil stayed close to me as we snuck out. I knew they would be mad at me, But honestly I didn't care at the moment. I walked over to the stables and staddled up a horse. As I was getting the horse together Ceil started to growl.

"What's wrong boy?" I asked, petting him to see if it would calm him down.

"Titan baby where are you going?"

I looked up to see Hanji standing in front of me with worried eyes. I came to see her like a crazy mother. I looked back at my staddled as I kept getting ready.

"I'm going to the lake I need to be alone. I can't think while I'm here. Please don't tell the captain?" I asked, as I jumped onto my horse. Hanji sighed with a small smile as she crossed her arms.

"Shorty isn't going to like this, but I got you. Go and be safe out there. I can't have my favorite Titan baby die or be eaten in on me!" Hanji teased.

I laughed while nodding my head as I snapped the rains. I felt free with the wind in my hair as I rode. I looked to see Ceil keeping up just fine like it was nothing at all. We made it there after a good fifteen minutes. Ceil and I sat down at the edge of the lake. The spot was were I saw her in my dream last night. I looked at Ceil for a moment wondering if he would answer some questions for me.

"Hey Ceil can you answer somethings for me?" I asked.

"I can try master. It depends on what it is." He answered, laying down beside me. I looked out onto the lake and began to describe my dream from last night. I watched Ceil's head shoot up like I said something important or interesting. His tail began to wag faster in excitement.

"That's the mistress, master! She came to see you in your dreams meaning she got my report!" He answered.

I looked at him confused about his report thing. So the woman I see his his mistress, but that doesn't answer why she calls me brother or these dreams that he says that are memories. I laid down staring up at the sky thinking. Maybe I should have him take me to meet this mistress to get some answers. I closed my eyes and began to fall asleep from the peaceful surroundings.

**Eren's dream**

I looked around to see myself in a ball room alone except for her. She stood in the middle of the floor smiling at me. I looked down to see myself dressed in a tux. I walked over to her as she held her hand out to me. I slowly took her hand and pulled her close to me.

"So are you ready to answer some questions for me?" I asked.

"Well I will answer three of them this time then you have to figure out the rest." She replied, smirking at me playfully. I laughed as I spun her then pulled her back to me.

"Why do you call me your brother?"

The girl paused for a moment as she sighed thinking. She looked up at me with sad eyes.

"Because you are my brother. You just don't remember." She answered. I sighed accepting the answer. We kept dancing for a few more minutes before asking another question.

"So what's your name? I can't keep calling you the girl." I joked.

"My name is Rose Jaeger."

So her name was Rose. That was a very pretty name for a girl like her. I felt like I needed to protect her and I felt like she was telling me the truth. I looked confused as she pulled away from me.

"As much I as wish to continue, I must get going. But must say I'm impressed that you got into my mind that isn't an easy thing to do." She answered, giggling with a bright smile. I looked around shocked then back at her. She giggled again nodding as she answered my silent question. Rose softly kissed my cheek making me smile.

"Goodbye brother until we meet again. I can't wait for you to come home." She said, before disappearing.

"Goodbye Rose." I whispered.

**dream ends**

I woke up to see Ceil standing over me. He licked my cheek making me laugh as I pushed him away. When we got back I noticed Captain Levi looking me pissed off as hell. I gulped as I took my horse to the stables began to look busy so I won't have to look at him. Ceil whimpered as he hide behind me.

"Care to explain where the hell you were Bratt!" Levi growled, as I bite my lip.

"I-I was at the lake to do some thinking Captain." I answered. I'm going to kill Hanji since she said she would cover for me. Levi pulled me by the ear to look at him. I whimpered out in pain as he dragged me to his office. I sat down on a chair waiting for my punishment. Ceil by the door laying down.

"Jaeger you are under my care! Meaning if you were to transform when I'm not around and lose control then what I am I to do but kill you! Is that what you want death?" Levi growled, glaring at me.

"N-No sir I don't." I muttered.

Before he could keep yelling at me Hanji came bursting into the room breathing heavily. She hugged me close while whispering she was sorry she couldn't cover for me since she was in her lab all day. I nodded as I forgave her as I tried to get her off of me. Levi pulled her off of me and kicked her out of the room. I flinched when the door slammed as he marched over and sat back down.

"Jaeger tomorrow you will be cleaning my office from top to bottom and it has be spotless!"

I nodded as I stood up and began to walk towards the door.


"Yes sir?" I asked.

"You can talk to me if you need to Bratt." He muttered, blushing.

I blushed with a small smile.

"I know sir, I know. Goodnight." I said, as I left the room and headed to bed.

Sorry it's short but my phone is about to die. I hope you are enjoy this story! 😊😊😊

Brother come home!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora