Chapter 10: traveling part 2 and meeting Rose jaeger

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*hey guys I'm back. I know it's been a few days. But there has been problems with my family and took my energy to write, but I'm back. I want to thank you all for reading my work especially GracelynGood RioPotatoChan LunaLuxury
Thank you three so much for take the time to give my story a chance and hope you continue to do so. The comments the two left about the chapters made my day that I was actually crying so again thank you again. Please in enjoy the next chapter*

~Levi's prov~

We had been traveling for two whole weeks just to come to an empty field that stretched out for mile that had a large river that cut through it. I glared down at the hell wolves as they explained that was their breed. I was about to yell at them when I saw her. The woman from my dream that Eren called his sister. We watched the wolves run over to her happy to see I guess.

"I'm sorry I couldn't meet you in person. This is just illusion made by my magic." She stated with a smile.

"I'm Captain..." I started to state when she cut me off with smile and giggle.

"I know you you all are Levi, Armin and Hanji, welcome to the vampire kingdom. I came here to let you through the barrier I have set up to protect my people. I'm afraid it's still a two days journey to the palace. But I look forward to meeting you in person." She said, turning her back to us. She flicked her wrist as we watched in amazement as it came down to reveal a beautiful kingdom of people laughing, talking, and children playing. Slowly I rode in first while the others followed behind me. I turned to watch the barrier close make me wonder a lot about the outside world now.

"We are having a masquerade ball in honor of my brothers return. Of course you all are in invited. Please make sure you dress in your best. After Levi you still have to impress my grandfather and me if you want to be with my brother." She said, before disappearing. I looked at the others to see the excitement in their eyes as we rode through the city looking for a place to stay for the night. People would smile or wave at us before going back to what they were doing. We had finally found an inn to rent for the night. Thank god I brought money or we would be sleeping outside.

"Ooh shorty we have to explore the city and get proper clothes for the ball! Please~!" Hanji begged, she was practically almost ripped my arm off.

"I agree with Hanji, the sooner we get it done the sooner we can rest for the rest of the way there." Armin said, nodding as he looked around us.

"Fine, but we meet back here in two hours. I don't want to go to far that we get lost in the place. Nisa will please go with them. I don't trust Hanji." I asked, looking down at the wolf.

"Of course. She looks to excited that it's annoying." Nisa answered.

I chuckled while nodding in agreement meaning that left Ceil with me Arlert. After watching Hanji leave we headed out to find a store to get a tux. I hoped Eren would be happy to see me and the others. Ceil lead us to a shop that the royal family used to have all their clothes made from. Mine and Arlert's jaws dropped and could see why. Everything in here was exquisite and soft to the touch. A woman who smiled at us waved us over.

"I was expecting you two. Her majesty came to inform me that a friend of the family and our future prince would be arriving here for proper clothes. I'm Clarissa."

I blushed slightly when she said our future prince while looking straight at me. I introduced myself as Armin did the same. She asked us to follow her in the back so she could take our measurements. A few a minutes the bell from the door rang. She asked us to please wait here as she picked up a box and left.

Brother come home!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora