Chapter 4: the crush

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**Levi's prov**

The brat has been acting weird ever since Hanji and I woke him up. Then I find him talking to a wolf like an old friend. Then he had the fucking guts to disappear without permission and give me a fucking heart attack. I swear if I didn't love that brat so much I would have killed him.

I looked down at my paperwork of new recruits that were being sent out to us. The plan to capture a Titan didn't end well at all. We lost 79 people that day even then Eren blamed himself for something that wasn't his faults. I look out my window watching him clean the stables like I told him after he cleaned my office. I hated things filthy, but Eren was an exception as he looked to fucking cute. I couldn't stop the blush that rose up on to my cheeks. Ugh that stupid brat will be the death of me. I went to make myself some tea when I noticed the wolf Eren took in was following me. I glared at the creature hoping it would go away, but it looked at me like "I've seen scary then you buddy." I shook my head and continued on my way as he followed. Once tea was made I headed back to my office to get more work done. When I entered I see Erwin standing there looking out the window.

"What are you doing in here eyebrows?" I questioned, setting down my tea as I waited for an answer.

"As you know we are close to ending this war, thanks to Eren's Titan abilities."

I nodded in agreement with the statement as I sipped my tea. I didn't like where this was going as I kept my eyes on the wolf while petting him. Erwin sighed as he turned to face me with serious and sad look.

"Once the war is over the military police will take Eren and execute him."

I slammed my hands down on the table as I glared at him while the wolf growled.

"WHY THE FUCK WOULD THEY DO THAT! THAT BRAT IS ONE OF US!" I yelled, extremely pissed off. Erwin sighed as he sat down while waiting for me to calm down, but I couldn't. This was the fucking man I loved and they wanted him dead after everything he has done.

"Look Levi, I know you love him and you know I support you, but we need to make a plan so Eren will live. He is my friend too and I don't want to see him dead." Erwin explained, as I began to calm down. I looked out the window with sad eyes as I watched Eren work.

"When it's all over I will take him away. You will say that we died taking out the last of the Titans."

"Levi we need to think of something better then that! They know you as humanities strongest person alive and the Titan shifter wouldn't die that easily." Erwin argued back with a groan. I cursed knowing he was right about that. I sat down running my fingers through my hair to try and think of something. Don't worry Eren I will protect you even if I have to kill them who get in my way.

**Eren's prov**

Ugh it's hot today. Why did I have to be punished to clean the whole HQ by myself as everyone else relaxed. I guess that's what I get for running off without permission to the leave the grounds. I thought Ceil would be keeping me company, but no the traitor was in the cool building relaxing somewhere. I looked over the stables sighing in relief to see I was finally done. I guess I should get the laundry done that way I'm not up all night. I was gathering everyone's laundry when I noticed Commander Erwin coming out of Levi's office with sad eyes. Erwin nodded to me as I gave a small smile as I saluted to him before looking at Levi's office door wondering what was wrong. I was hesitant to go over and knock, but I needed to get his laundry. I gulped as I walked over and softly knocked waiting for an answer. I heard a faint come in. When I opened the door I noticed Ceil laying down by Levi's feet. I glared at the Ceil making him slightly laugh somehow at me.

Brother come home!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora