Chapter 19: let's have a family reunion

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~Eren's prov~

I had been running for two whole days until arrived at a manor that looked like it been abandoned for years. Slowly I made my way through the gates keeping my guard up. I stopped half way up the path way to see Sirius standing there smiling.

"Come in young prince, my master is expecting you." He told me.

I growled as I walked into the manor. I followed him up the flight of stairs to a living room. I looked around to see Rose on the floor bleeding. I ran over to check on her. She gave me a weak smile as I helped her sit up slowly. I heard her whisper behind me. I quickly turn around to see him. The man that called him my half brother.

"Isn't this wonderful. The Jaeger siblings finally reunited together again." He said, chuckling as I stood in front of Rose.

"I don't care if you are my brother or not! You hurt my sister! Killed the one person who was like a brother to me and brought the dead back to life! I will kill you for this!" I snarled.

Zeke stood there laughing his ass off. I don't like this. Something feels wrong. I ran at him to strike but it went straight through him. I looked at him with wide eyes realizing what was going on. He smirked at me while fixing his glasses.

"By now you must have realized I'm not truly here. You see I merely needed to get you away from the palace so I could finish my revenge." He told me. Rose and I looked at him shocked before growling at the false image of our brother. I walked straight through the image to Rose and softly picked her up since she was badly wounded. I turned to glare at him as I began to leave towards the door. I tried to turn the handle only to be sent back flying from a spell sealed door. He chuckled as he walked over to us while looking watching us as if we were his private entertainment. I asked him why he was doing this to us if we were his so called family.

"Because your whore of a mother took him away from me and my mother!" He growled.

My eyes flashed gold when he called my mother a whore. I was confused on how my mother took him away from them. Zeke sighed as he sat down pointing for me to sit. I was hesitant to sit first, but I sat down so I could heal Rose with my magic. He watched with a smirk telling it was time for us to know how our Father was a bastard. We already know that our Father was a bastard, how much more could he have done. But unfortunately we were wrong.

"You see your father was married to my mother who was also a vampire. We lived in a small city not far from here. Father was summoned by your grandfather cause your mother became ill. I didn't find it strange until a few months later father would sneak out after mother and I went to sleep. So one night I followed him to an empty field and watched him kiss your mother. I growled hating our father and your mother cause as soon as mother found out she killed herself and father left me homeless for that bitch! So since he is already dead I will take what you two love dear and make you feel that pain." Zeke explained. Rose and I growled as she stood up slowly feeling a little better. We watched as his image disappear.

"Eren we have to get home now!" Rose growled as she stood up. I watched her for a moment to make sure she was fully healed. She took a few steps then nodded to me that she was good to go. I smirked as I nodded and then we were out of the mansion running as fast as we could. I just prayed we got there in time. Levi please be alive when I get there.

~Levi's prov~

I watched Hanji take blood samples and cut Petra open to figure out how it worked and to get answers. But all we got was her laughing and smirking at us.

"You know Hanji I always thought you were the must useless and pathic one in the survey corps." Petra taunted, making Hanji glare at while smiling creepily. I wouldn't show it, but that smile made me shiver at what she could possibly do. I looked up to see her looking at me. I scoffed her off while looking away not having the heart too.

"Oh my dear Levi, how I loved you and you chose a vampire Titan boy over me! You gay be of shit! I hope Eren dies by my masters hand then you will understand how it feels to lose the one you love." Petra growled at me. I glared at her while storming over. Hanji held me back telling me not to worry about it. I gritted my teeth as I watched Hanji cut Petra's hands off so she couldn't use her silver poison on me or anyone else. Oh god Eren how I need you right now to get through this.

"Petra you are the second best test subject I have worked on. But you tired to kill Levi and my Titan vampire baby now I'm gonna hurt you really badly." Hanji said, laughing as she took a scalpel and began to torture her more. I left the room to block out the noise of the screams coming from there as I walked.

I was half way to mine and Erens room when the castle shook. I held onto the wall while looking around to see the servants escorting people to safety. I looked outside to see Eren's grandfather fighting someone while Erwin and the others help evacuate everyone that was in the way. I noticed Sirius. I growled glaring at the man before jumping out the window and tackling him to the ground.

"Bastard I will make you pay!" I snarled, as I punched him repeatedly. I was sent back when he managed to punch me in the gut. I stood up watching him dust himself off.

"You're just a new born vampire, honestly your not that scary." He taunted. I growled before running towards him. I will make him by for what he did to Eren and his family along with Petra.

"Make them pay." 

A voice came into my head. I skid to stop far away from Sirius to look around. Who the fuck was that. Then the voice came again.

"I'm your beast, your other half. They have hurt our mate and our family, must make them pay."

I smirked telling my beast I couldn't agree more. I let my beast take control and my vision began to go from clear to blood red. I smirked at Sirius as he looked at me with wide eyes. I heard him yell that it was impossible for me to be a full blooded vampire when I was human that was turn. I just scoffed him off and quickly ran at him holding him up by his throat.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but we are."  Me and my beast spoke together. I slowly dug my nails into his neck watching him bleed. I licked my lips when the smell of his blood hit my nose. I began to crush his throat watching him struggle while screaming in pain. I looked over to Eren's grandfather to see him holding his own for how old he was. If we could keep them busy long enough Eren would be back with Rose and then we could finally end this one and for all.

"Hurry up Rose and my brat before we have all the fun without you." I thought while throwing Sirius to the ground to play some more as my beast put it.

**OK here's a new chapter sorry it's a little short but I didn't want it to end here and the story would be over. So part two will be coming I will try to write as much as I can and I hope I made mama Hanji im_mama_hanji1 ever proud with what I did with Petra. So enjoy and can't wait to see you soon. Author-chan out peace. ✌**

Brother come home!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora