Chapter 23: Winter palace and Max the Prince of werewolves

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~Third person~

Levi and Rose with Lilly finally made it to the winter palace up in the mountains. Levi was quickly taken inside before anything happened to him. Lilly was giving orders out to the guards and staff about keeping this place secure for the future prince or princess. Rose had Levi follow her as she lead him to Eren's room knowing he would feel more safe and comfortable in there.  Levi looked around the room the at the dark red and black sheets on the bed. He didn't need to be told at all. Levi climbed into bed and hide under the sheets as Eren's scent surrounded him. Rose smiles sadly at her brother in law before leaving him alone. Once the doors were closed Levi started to cry as he was worried about Eren and if he was ok. If he wasn't pregnant he would be fighting right beside him, but him and Eren were not going to risk losing their baby to that asshole that threatened their life. Levi stared out the window with longing eyes to have his Eren by his side again. He closed his eyes letting the scent of his lover help him drift to sleep making the world go dark.

A few hours later he woke up to the sounds of voices in the room. Levi slowly opened his eyes to see his Eren and Rose arguing about something. Rose glared at Eren's back as she watched him get dressed. Eren sighs while sliding on new clean clothes before facing his sister with sad eyes.

"What other choice do we have Rose? We need Max's help. You just don't want to be near them because of Max's brother Hans. I need the help." Eren says, as he sat down in a chair by the fireplace to relax.

"Max fine! But I will not play nice to that arrogant werewolf baby spoiled brat!" Rose growls, as she glares down at the ground with hatred eyes. Eren sighs knowing this wasn't going to end well if Hans opens his mouth to his sister when they were in the meeting. He stood up before walking over to her and holds her close. Eren started to softly rock her in his arms. "I promise nothing will happen, I will make sure of it." He coos, trying to calm her down. Rose wraps her arms around Eren's waist as she nods with a frown.

Levi decided to pretend he was still asleep so he didn't ruin their moment. After all Levi has been by Eren's side since he was ordered to watch over him. The siblings hadn't seen each other in early two hundred years. Rose looks over at Levi while sighing.

"What about Levi?" She asked.

Eren looks over at him with a small smile. "Let him rest. I will wake him when I get back." He said, walking over and gentle kissing his forehead. Levi sighs and cuddles under the blankets feeling better knowing Eren was ok. Rose nodded before following her brother to his study.

They were heading inside when they found Ceil and Sebastian making out in the corner. Eren cleared his throat making the couple slip apart quickly with a blush. Ceil was in his human form. He was short with Blue eye and one purple with a demon mark and blue hair. "Please excuse us my Lord." Sebastian said, leading Ceil out of the room as Eren and Rose laugh at their shyness.

"That was interesting." Rose says, sitting down next to her brother's chair. Eren smiles as he nods in agreement.

"Yes that was." He says, as he began to prepare for the wolf's arrival. Rose sat there in annoyance to be playing nice to werewolves.  Lilly lead two men into Eren's study making Rose glare at the one knowing him all to well. Prince Hans was the youngest brother of Prince Maxwell or Max for short. Max was the completely opposite of his brother Hans. Max was kind, sweet, caring, intelligent, and Rose's favorite part not arrogant.  Max smiles at the siblings while sitting down after the formalities were over with.

"I have read the terms of this peace treaty you have offered and I agree with it, except for one part. I want the werewolves to still be punished by me if they do wrong." Max began, as Eren nods in agreement.

"Very well, putting that matter aside my dear friend I need your help. A man that is unfortunately my brother is threating me and my family and I need your help." Eren begs, with pledging eyes. Max smiles kindly and was about to say something when Hans had cut him off.

"Very Well we will help but only if princess Rose marries me." Hans said, smirking at her.

"What! I will never marry you!" Rose yelled, with her eyes turning bright gold just like her brothers did.  Eren placed his hand o  Rose's shoulder signaling her o calm down. Hans smirks as his brother sighs then turns back to the siblings.

"Unfortunately my father says we can not help or continue the treaty unless one of us marries Rose." Max explains, looking at Rose with apologetic eyes. Eren and Rose look at each other before Eren asked them kindly to wait outside as they talked about it. Eren was happy that the room was sound proof so no one could hear them.

"Rose you are not doing this we will find another way. I wont allow this. Damn wolves those greedy bastards." Ere rants and raves as he paced the room. Rose looked down at the ground sadly while thinking it over. She stood up with a blank face before stopping her brothers pacing. Rose gentle creased her brothers cheek before gentle kissing his forehead. "I will do it, if it means all of you are safe and that bastard is gone from our lives." Rose says, while smiling sadly at her brother. Eren's eyes saddened as he shook his head no getting ready to stop her, but Rose cut him off with her fingers gentle against his lips. She heads out of the room while standing tall and prideful before looking at the werewolf princes.

"I will marry you Prince Max if it means my brother gets the help he needs and our people finally get peace at last." Rose answers with a small smile. Max looks at her shocked while Hans was pissed off that she agreed to marry his brother and not him. Max smiles softly and kisses the back of her hand. "Of course your highness consider it done." Max says, before finishing up with Eren on what he would need help him. Rose left the three alone while heading to her room as tears ran down her face.

Author-chan: So what do you guys think? I've had writers block for a long time and I finally came up with this. I hope you like this new chapter and I will try to finish this one up quickly to continue the others plus I have a drarry on its way please look forward to that. AS you know this is author-chan and I will see you in the next chapter!  BYE BYE!

Brother come home!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora