Chapter 9 traveling part 1

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~Levi's prov~

We have been traveling for a few days now. Hanji kept rambling on about how excited she was to see a vampire kingdom. I just rolled my eyes. Ceil and I both agreed that it would be best if we stopped for the night since it was getting to dark to continue. I told Hanji and Armin to go gather fire wood as I set up the tents. Ceil told me he was going hunting for dinner for him and Nisa. I just nodded still getting used to the fact they could talk to me through telepathy.

"So you are in love with our prince?" Nisa asked.

"Yes I do love Eren. Got a problem with that?" I asked, shooting a glare at her. Nisa just rolled her eyes at me making my glare harden more.

"Of course not. I just want to make sure my prince's future husband loved him for him. My master will be the same." Nisa answered. I nodded in understanding since they haven't seen Eren for so long that it is understandable why they were so protective of him. It was quiet until Hanji came back.

"WE GOT THE WOOD!" Hanji cheered. Armin sighed with a apologetic smile towards me. I just waved it away as I crawled into my tent as they made the fire. I wanted to be alone so I could read more of the diary. I dug through my bag pulling out my lantern then lit it. It felt wrong for me to be reading it, but I want to know what had happened.

~Dairy entry 2~

Everything was normal before living with these humans. The days of watching Eren and Rose dance around with each other at the balls, the family trips to the town square so they could play with the other kids, and the sweet family moments we had in the library. I still remember my best friend and the day she told me she was leaving. My best friend Kuchel Ackerman came to visit me one night. She tries to warn me about how I married an Icarus and he would do whatever it takes to survive. I knew she was right but I loved him to much. She was talking about leaving the vampire kingdom for the human world to see what it was like there. Eren saw her as an Aunt and would be saddened by the news of her leaving. We joked on how our children would mate one day. Aw those sweet memories of those days were the best I have. Now I sit in this basement writing in this dairy staring at the portrait of my family. When will those days return for us? I went to find to find Kuchel when we arrived only to only find out she had died in a cold horrible place called the underground. I had her body buried in the garden we played in as children. My husband had experimented on Eren again causing him to go into a coma. 

~Levi's prov~

Wait! My mother knew Eren's! They were best friends! I was always wondering when I was a child on when we would visit this Carla person but she always said she lived to far away. She told me about her having a son I would have loved to play with but he was a little older then me. It made me smile a little knowing I was going to meet Eren some how. But why leave the kingdom were she had a good life for the human world. But if she lived in the vampire world doesn't that mean she was one to making me one. I could tell this hurt Eren's mom writing this and being away from her daughter. The tear stains on the pages were on all of them. I continued to read about how they arrived in the human world and why it happened. Apparently Grisha promised the humans a way to make them stronger and secret weapons to stop the titans. But apparently this council found out and sent out assassins to kill him and Eren since he was using as a lab rat. Carla wrote on how she hoped her magic would protect Eren even after she was gone. I felt so bad for Eren and Rose that they had to go through this especially Eren. 

"Sir?" Armin called, I sighed placing the diary down telling him to come in. When he came in he had a plate with food on it. I thanked him before walking away, before he could leave I stopped him.

Brother come home!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora