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she: is beautiful and softsoftsoft and maybe a little delicate and she smells like lemongrass and sleep and you want her to smile a little too long hug a little too hard and you want to lie on her bed and talk about nothing and braid her hair and have it mean everythingeverythingeverything and maybe at first you don't know you love her love her because you're used to loving girls because you love your friends, don't you? but once you realise you love her love her the love you feel for her is butterflies fluttering and shakingshakingshaking hands and nervous smiles and you want her to be a little taller than you so when she hugs you she can protect you and maybe she doesn't want to protect you but that's okay, because you lovelovelove her and everything she says is gospel and everything she does is holyholyholy and you never were religious but she makes you want to thank god. you love her.

he: leansleansleans and smirkssmirkssmirks and sometimes his hair is curly and sometimes it's floppy and he is so heartbreakingly handsome and he smells a little bit of sweat but that's okay because so do you and he makes you cry and he makes your heart stutter and your breath catch and you feel like you've always lovedlovedloved him because it's second nature to love a man and you want to go to midnight showings of stupid action films with him and share a bucket of popcorn and you want his arm holding you tight to him and you want to sleep next to him, legs entangled and holding hands and he is badbadbad and you've never been a sinnersinnersinner but he makes you want to break the law. you love him.

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