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"Shit," Phil mumbled out of embarrassment and picked up the paddle he dropped which had made a louder noise than he intended.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," the person says from the door, obviously chuckling at Phil's clumsiness. "I suppose you thought I was some person ready to kill you,"

"Yeah, you know were in the middle of a war here?" Phil said a bit annoyed, finally looking up at the man standing in the doorway. He had to contain a gasp as he saw the boy from the gun holder. Red, American uniform worn proud as he stood, smiling at Phil. "You're, you're"

"Yes, I'm the idiot that got himself trapped in a stupid situation whilst a bunch of brits were trying to kill me," he chuckled, taking off his coat and shaking his hair out. "I have to say, you saved my life, thank you." Phil smiled a bit. He almost felt wanted.

"Well, you sounded petrified, I couldn't have just left you," he said, relaxing a bit seeing that this boy wasn't going to hurt him.

"I probably would've shot me on the spot," he chuckled, walking over to a couch that was in the middle of the room, and sitting down, patting a spot for Phil to sit. "I mean, I could've been on the British side! Could you imagine what it would be like if I was on the other team?" he said obviously making himself sound scared as he fake gasped at the end. Phil let his eyes drop to the floor.

"You do know that-"

"Of course I know!" the boy laughed out loud. "I mean, at first I thought you a fellow American, just the fact that you helped me and I couldn't see if you had blue on or not, but as I turned to run I saw the little British flag on the corner of you're uniform. I guess I should've noticed it earlier though. I think I was too scared to pay attention."

"I thought you were British," Phil laughed, picking at the couch cushion. "I didn't see if you had an American flag on your uniform."

"Well, as you can see now, I am a full blown 'murican!" the man laughed, showing off his red uniform. Phil looked down at his clothes which were just jeans and a jacket over a hoodie he had since he wasn't suppose to be working today.

"When did you switch?" he asked hearing that the boy had a clear British accent.

"When the country split. I was supposed to be on your side, but I was on vacation in the south when they split so," he laughed. Phil nodded and glanced about the room feeling a bit awkward and also a bit nervous. "Hey, don't worry," the boy said and placed a hand lightly on Phil's knee. "I'm not going to hurt you if you're not going to hurt me," Phil almost jumped at the contact but looked in the boys dark brown eyes for the first time. They were beautiful. The brown big orbs in the middle shining with sincerity and curiosity. He could have melted because they were looking back into his own.

"I wasn't planning on hurting you," Phil said smiling, the boy returning the smile. "In fact um, I was kind of looking for you," he said quietly. He let out a snort of laughter. "Hey," phil said quietly, feeling ashamed.

"No no!" Dan said calming down. "It's not you, it's just HA! You actually wanted to find ME?" he laughed once more, kicking off his shoes and bringing his legs to his chest, hugging them.

"Well, yeah, I mean, I wanted to make sure you were okay and, you seemed nice," phil said quietly. The boy smiled at Phil, tilting his head slightly.

"That's cute," he chuckled, saying it in a smooth voice. "You seemed nice too, you need to work on your manners though," Phil looked at him confused.


"You broke into my house!" he laughed.

"You left it open!" Phil said feeling a bit more comfortable with this American boy.

"Good point," the boy said back, a silence growing between the two. "Name's Dan, he said reaching a hand forward.

"Phil," Phil said, shaking his hand taking note at how warm and inviting it was.

"You're hands are freezing!" Dan stated once they broke the handshake. "Come on," he stood and motioned Phil to follow. "And take off your shoes, coat, stay awhile," he said causing Phil to feel warmer inside. Just at being accepted. He did so, kicking off his shoes and setting them next to Dan's, the pulling off his wet coat and hanging it up on the coat hanger that also held Dan's coat.

I know it's short but don't expect long chapters from this story sorry >.<

sorry that I'm not focusing on Killer but I somehow got this wave of inspiration for this story idek. like i'm four chapters ahead that doesn't happen to me

p.s. eventually i'm going to start an American horror story based phan story erhergerd .. I know that's a bit weird but I have all these great ideas okay okay.

by guys :* <3

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