BLUE EAGLE idek just saying i'm bACK

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"Fucking rain," Phil said as he walked in the hut in the woods, also shaking off the water from his coat and hanging it up. His eyes scanned the room until he saw his friend passed out on the sofa across the room. A smile attached itself to his lips and he shook his head, looking around room a bit. It would be better if he let him sleep. 

It's the fourth time he's been here and every time he's still more amazed with the wonders the place shines with. So many items and gadgets and just everything is way too much to handle. So many different things Phil hasn't seen in years.

He walks around, looking in every direction, smiling as he would see things that might resemble his childhood. Toys, collectibles, even the stupid shit like coffee makers and some children's books. 

Phil stops in front of a box that contained a few notebooks, one with words on the front that read 'Daniel's book keep the fuck out!' Phil smiled slightly and picked it up, shaking his head at that being something that Dan would do. 

He turned to look at the sleeping boy and then back to the book, different decisions crossing his mind. To open or to not open. His own shoulders rise and fall in a shrug as he opens the note book to the first page, seeing that it was written months ago. 

I've heard some people started doing this, so I think I may too! This is the first journal entry of Daniel James Howell.

Phil giggles a bit and flips the pages, scanning over them and truly enjoying himself as he read Dan's thoughts and feelings over the midst of the war. 

When he finally go to the last page that was there, he started to shut the book but stopped as he noticed his name.

I can't fucking wait for Phil to come over tomorrow. He's actually the cutest thing in the world! I can't handle it. Jesus fucking christ one of these days I'm just going to lean over and kiss him. Ugh.

Phil blushes insanely and closes the notebook quickly and tossing it back in the box as if doing so would erase what he saw from in his mind. Dan has a crush on him? After four fucking days? 

He takes his lip out from between his teeth which he didn't know he was gnawing on and sighed, leaning over to pick up one of the other booklets that were there, knowing that he would most definitely regret it later.

The first page Phil realizes that the book he had found was a drawing book- an intense drawing book that is. The first sketch was red and dark and intense as he sees he's looking at an old battlefield, a red sun rising over many dead bodies decaying in the sun. 

Phil shakes his head from the image and turns that page, seeing that this one wasn't any better. It was a man that resembled Dan leaning down to attend to another man that had a spear right through his eyes and to the back of his head. He flips the page another time. And another. And another. All different war scenes, some of them containing Dan. 

Phil's mouth is open slightly in shock as he goes through the sketches, hoping that this was just Dan's outlet and not images that he's seen before in his life put down on paper. 

As he get's to the end, one of them makes his lips turn up slightly as he notices that the image is of Phil- an amazing drawing of Phil as well. Just his profile, a smile on his face and a huge heart around the face along with a heart lined word 'philip,' at the bottom of the page. 

This time Phil doesn't throw the book down, he just looks at the drawing in awe with a blush filling his face. He knows that it couldn't work- him and Dan, and that Dan would eventually be able to get over it, but still, it was a nice feeling to have someone thinking of you. 

A stir is heard from the other side of the room and Phil reacts quickly, shutting the book and putting it back where it was before going to the coffee maker, pretending that he had been looking at it instead of rifling through his friend's things. 

"Phil?" Dan called out blindly and rolled over until he finally fell off the couch. Phil let out a laugh as Dan groaned and sat up, rubbing his temples. 

"Hey sleepy head," Phil said and walked over to where Dan was and sat on a chair that near it to wait for him to wake up properly.

"Don't sneak up on me like that, jesus," Dan said, laughing, causing Phil to let out a few chuckles. 

"I'm sorry I came early, it's just that there's only rain at the moment and it was going to storm later, so I didn't want to be out in the woods during that time," Phil said as Dan got up, sitting on the couch right and smiling at Phil. Phil took note of how much Dan was smiling, tilting his head, savoring every word he said, it was almost nice. 

"Don't worry about it! The more time we spend together the better!" Dan said and stood up, going over to get food, Phil following close behind. "No homo," Dan added, letting out a nervous chuckle. 

Yeah right. Phil thought but simply nodded, grabbing a bite to eat as well, trying to shake the images and words he saw in the books, trying only to focus on his friendship with Dan.


yes this story is no longer on hold! *cheers* now that I've finished Killer I have started like three other stories and have almost finished this one xD 

if you haven't read killer I suggest you give it a shot since it's finished as well as the sequel :3 also if you haven't read my one shot "I write sins not tradgeties" would you please take a look at that as well? thanks lovelies 


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