A reason to live?

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"Just in time for breakfast," the younger boy said, allowing Phil to enter his room from the chilly air. Phil smiled at him, hanging up his coat where he did yesterday. "You're here early,"

"I actually knew how to get here," Phil said chuckling. "Plus you're a lot more interesting than staring at a ceiling all day."

"So, how much of your ass got beat yesterday from being late?" Dan asked, walking in the house with Phil following. He made his way over to the stove where he was making some eggs on a stove.

"No one cared," Phil mumbled, leaning his elbow on the counter and setting his head in his hands.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Dan said quietly, looking at Phil with a frown formed on his face.

"It's fine I'm used to it," Phil said quietly. "So where did you get eggs? I thought they didn't carry them anymore around here,"

"Your guys' air force unit has a shit ton of luxuries," Dan said, grabbing a plate and putting some of the eggs on it, passing it to Phil. "I trust you didn't eat."

"Well, people on the field have kind of a strict diet," Phil said, staring at the eggs on his plate and glancing around as if to make sure that no one was watching.

"I don't think they can see you, Phil," Dan chuckled, beginning to make his own eggs. "Give them a try, I'm a master chef so, you'll like them,"

"I don't know," Phil said. "I'll lost my job if the general finds out about this,"

"Phil, I can guarantee you that your general doesn't have any hidden camera's in here or anything, so eat everything and anything you can get your hands on, I can always steal more," Dan said and Phil nodded, poking a bite of egg in his mouth.

"Woah," he said quietly, chewing slowly to savor the flavor. "You are a master chef," he giggled, eating more.

"I told you, see? Isn't it worth it?" he laughed, finishing his own egg on the stove.

"Mhmm," Phil replied, stuffing his face with the glorious breakfast. Dan chuckled at the man's actions and taking a bite of his own food once finished.

"I guess I can take that as a compliment," he laughed, humming at the flavor of his own food as well.

"I don't think I've eaten anything this good in years," phil said, his plate clearing itself quickly. "You NEED to make more food sometime!"

"Well, I think food is something necessary to life, so I don't think I can possibly not make food, so you're in luck that we're human," Dan laughed.

"Yeah well, I'm coming back here for meals, just so you know," Phil pointed off, setting his plate back down on the counter where Dan had found it.

"I don't mind, I like cooking," Dan said, his mouth a bit full. "You know I wanted to cook for a living before all of this happened?"

"Wouldn't you have been like fifteen?" Phil laughed.

"I had dreams, shut up!" Dan laughed, finishing off his breakfast. He grabbed Phil's wrist and walked him over to where the TV was and sat down in one of the two beanbags he had set up there. Once again, a spark of electricity flowed through Phil's veins at the subtly contact. "So, what were you planning on being?"

"A musician," Phil answered and Dan smiled brightly at him.

"Like what? A singer? Writer? Composer?" he asked eagerly.

"Well, I play the guitar a bit and I enjoy to sing," he said quietly. "I don't really want to show you or anything now, I'm a bit shy," he giggled, his face flushing a bit.

"I wish I could play the guitar, maybe you can teach me sometime?" he suggested. Phil nodded a permanent grin spread across his face naturally. "I play the piano really well, I can teach you that sometime."

"Sure, that'd be great!" Phil answered. "It's a date!" the words slipped out again. "I mean, not an actual date date just like oh you know what I mean,"

"Yeah, I understand," Dan laughed at Phil, still smiling cheekily at him. "So I'm friends with a geek, a troublemaker, a widow, and now a musician? Wow, I really lucked out,"

"A widow is a wife who's father died," Phil chuckled.

"It's a joke Philip," Dan laughed at him out loud when Phil's cheeks flushed red for the second time that night. "Note to self; add 'idiot' to the list,"

"Hey!" Phil chuckled, nudging Dan in the side. "I'm not an idiot! I swear!"

"Okay, okay, whatever you sayyyy," Dan said thoughtfully, earning him another elbow to the gut whilst he laughed out loud a bit more.

"I'm also a master at the video of the games," Phil said, glancing over at the xbox that was on the tv in the corner.

"You can't be any better than me, Philip," Dan said smirking. "Might I remind you that I've been playing video games in here ever since the war started? You can't beat me."

"You underestimate my powers Daniel," Phil said chuckling. "I played video games about ninety five percent of my life. I will win."

"Prove it then!" Dan said laughing and stood to turn on the system.

"I will!" Phil replied, getting himself set up to play video games.


"I can't let you win, Phil!" Dan said laughing, his pix elated character running in circles on the screen, losing life rapidly.

"Well, that's too bad, isn't it?" Phil said back, shooting Dan's character over and over.

"No no no no! This can't happen! I am the master!" Dan shouted and stood up with his controller, standing in front of Phil.

"Cheater! Sit down!" Phil said, trying to look around Dan but finding that plan of no use to him. He stood up and went next to Dan, still trying to defeat his character.

"Noooo!" Dan whined and pushed into Phil slightly, trying to make him mess up.

"Stop cheating, cheater!" Phil said, pushing Dan back, but not as hard. Dan didn't give up and basically stopped actually playing the video game, but finding ways to try and make Phil mess up his game.

"I will never stop!" Dan said, covering Phil's eyes.

"Hey!" he said and pushed his hand away, trying to kill Dan's character.

"Looks like I have no.. choice!" he said and tackled Phil on the word choice.

"Ah!" Phil yelped as they both tumbled to the ground in a fit of laughter. Their sides hurt from both laughing and the fact that they just both fell to the ground. "That was unnecessary!"

"Um it actually was necessary," Dan replied, propping his elbows up on Phil's chest, laying on him.

"Get off,"


"Really, Dan?"

"You're my prisoner!"

"Oh stop!" Phil laughed and pushed Dan off his stomach, even though it wasn't something he actually wanted to do. Every second he would hang out with Dan, something changed. He felt happier, he felt like he found the light. Almost like Dan was his reason to live. All he wanted at the moment was to hug him, hold him close, tell him all he's done for him in three days.

"You okay?" Dan asked, looking at Phil who was in a daze, looking off into space.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine,"

"You died,"

"What?"  Dan pointed to the screen to show that Phil's character fell off the cliff, indicating that neither of them won. "You so cheated," Phil laughed.

"Why don't you prove that in round two!" Dan said, sitting up and handing Phil the controller.

"Will do," Phil smirked and started playing, maybe extending a few glances over at Dan, finding exactly what he wanted which was to find him staring back.

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