page four

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Dear friend,

I met the boy I saw in the woods. His name is Daniel, short for Dan. His last name is Howell.

I actually feel like I've found a real friend.

His house is the best thing in existence. It has almost everything I love in it. Video games, hot chocolate, I even think I saw some CD's and movies in the corner. And it has a guitar. I can't wait to get my hands on that.

Did I mention that he's the nicest person ever too? Sweet, funny, accepting, he's truly a lovely young man.

One thing that I found a bit weird was the energy I felt when we shook hands. Have you ever like bumped knees with someone or they tapped you and you just felt a bunch of energy shoot into you? It was kind of like that but a bit different.

I honestly don't know what I'm saying right now I just thought I'd make a note about that. No one seemed to care that I was gone for like five hours yesterday. That shows how loved I am. The only good thing about this is tomorrow I can sneak away to go see Dan again.

I think I can actually get there without getting lost this time too! I've marked a couple trees on my way back to camp to help show me the way.

It's also not supposed to rain all that much tomorrow so I'm going to kick Dan's ass at all his video games!

Argh. I have a terrible headache from writing. I should probably stop now anyways, it's getting to be lights out. Maybe I'll write tomorrow at Dan's place or when I get back here at night.


Philip (:

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