Death is only the beginning, unless you are Nameless.
Condemned to spend eternity in Purgatory with the rest of the Between, Nameless is the most hated soul who never lived. After centuries of searching for a meaning to her dull existence, her answ...
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I hated lying. Especially to my friends, and whether the rest of the Seekers liked it or not, Nameless was my friend.
I'm not lying really I thought, trying unsuccessfully to convince myself, I'm just not telling her the whole story.
I began picking my nails. No, I myself didn't know the whole story, I wasn't allowed. It was a matter reserved for the highest Level, apparently. But I did know more than what I said to her.
I massaged my forehead with the palm of my hand. Why had I told her anything? I was just making her suffer more by filling her head with confusion. Gosh, I wouldn't have understood what I was trying to tell her either. It was better she was oblivious to her powers.
"But why?" I asked the silence that surrounded me, as if it would break and fill the air with answers. "What's so wrong about the fact that she can drain energy?"
Nameless was in no way power hungry. She wouldn't go draining souls left and right to gain more energy, she was too concerned about others and their feelings, and all of the Seekers knew it. Even that bone-headed Stone.
He was the complete worst! A bully – he was the one who wanted power. I bet he was so mean to Nameless just because he was envious of her ability... Or should I say abilities?
I wasn't too sure how many she had locked away inside of her that had never been accessed. If you didn't know something was there, how could you possibly use it? But what in God's names was it?
The Seekers of the second Level and Lord Cyril were the only ones left who knew of her powers. I knew what they had planned. The only Seekers who knew of the colossally classified story of Nameless' past were the current Level Twos, who were just Level Fives at the time. Soon, in time, all the Seekers that were classed as second would move on to Paradise, taking the secret with them until there wasn't any Seeker– or anyone for that matter – who knew of Nameless' abilities left except for the Lord, who would depart Purgatory some time soon as well.
There would be no one left to tell her. It was a smart plan.
However, it was also frustrating.
We had been told that she was different, needed to be isolated, needed to believe the rest of the Between had her abilities, and that she needed to be watched at all times. But most importantly, not to ever let her gain your energy. It was important to keep her as energy deprived as possible. As weak as possible.
As you can guess, at my first beginnings in Purgatory, I was horrified to be put on such a dangerous person's watch. She sounded menacing and cold and just plain scary. Like a leech that wanted to grab hold of your flesh and suck until it was dry and withered. I was new to everything in that aberrant world, so I didn't know what to expect of these beings they called the Between. I heard some went crazy and attacked, that some tried to escape when the Seekers opened a portal to travel to earth.