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He is so flawed. His acne trails across his cheeks and his facial hair grows in patches. When he is anxious, he scratches at the skin on his thumb and never stops to let it grow back so now his thumb has an odd patch of pink skin. He constantly calls himself a failure, believing that he is not useful in the slightest bit. Whenever I compliment him, he doesn't say thank you. He can't build up the courage to accept good words. He has freckles that spot across from one cheek to the next and upon his nose. He also has freckles on his shoulders from when he was little and went swimming all the time. He interrupts me when I talk and I don't think I've ever fully finished a sentence with him, yet he is the only person I can actually talk to. He often tells me that I am the only person he can truly be himself with, and that I bring out both the best and worst in him. That doesn't make me feel sorry, only because he has the same effect on me. I've seen him in many different ways; from when he is sad, to when he is angry, to the time he acted like he was a character from Dragon Ball Z, to his face hovering over mine as he took my virginity. He is so flawed. He isn't perfect, not in the slightest bit but I'm in love with him. I like his patchy facial hair and the acne on his face and the freckles on his shoulders and the way he talks about cars and the amount of knowledge he has on things you wouldn't think anyone actually bothered to know and how he sings the theme song to American Dad without any hesitation and how he rants about his video games to me even though I know nothing about them. Yesterday, I was with him from 9AM to 12AM the next day. I am the kind of person who says the first thing that comes to their head, and I guess I mentioned how pizza sounded really good. A few hours later, he ordered pizza and said, "You said earlier that pizza sounded good." I didn't even remember that, but he did and went out of his way for me. He is so winsome, in every way. I love his flaws. I could count every freckle on his face without getting bored. I am fascinated by this human being and for the first time in my life, I've found a pair of arms that wrap around me securely. He is everything I've ever needed, not wanted. I wanted someone who enjoyed to read novels, he likes comic books. I wanted someone who is good with their words, he can't say a full sentence without stumbling and apologizing for sounding stupid. I wanted someone with an artsy side, he likes building cars and playing basketball. He is not who I expected to fall in love with, but I am so happy we crossed paths. He is my other half, my better half. He is the only voice inside my head other than my own, and I am okay with that. I like to play with his hands and poke his face whenever we are together, and he never questions it. I said to him once, "You don't even seemed bothered by it. It's like this is normal to you." And he responded with, "I don't question anything you do, because I know you probably don't even know why you're doing it." He knows me and who I am as a person and the flaws I have on the inside just as well as the ones on the outside.

Young love is the most beautiful thing you will ever go through and the most painful thing you will ever learn from. I am here to say that I am honored to have fallen in love with such a winsome soul, and I will be honored to be heartbroken by that very same soul. I am a realist. I know that most things this good can never be true and although I hope that this is an exception, a bouquet of roses with no thorns, I am not naive and I am no fool.  Until those dark times come, if they ever do, I am content.

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