Chapter 2: Avoiding Carter

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Chapter 2: Avoiding Carter

“Audrey,” Ms. Janie grinned and I glanced up at her. “Come here, I have good news.”

“Which is?” I asked her curiously. She grinned at me causing a nervous smile to find its way to my face. Ms. Janie and I have different ideas of ‘good news.’

“Somebody scheduled an interview,” she smiled.

"Really?" I asked in disbelief. 

“They want a job here!” she jumped up and down, wiping her brown hair out of her face.

I smiled but it was short-lived. “What’s their name?”

She furrowed her eyebrows as she glanced down at her paper. “Gracie.”

I pursed my lips. I don’t know a Gracie but then again, I don’t know a lot of people. “When’s the interview?”

“It’s later on today. If they get the job, I’ll let you know; they’re going to shadow you to see how things run around here for the first few days,” she told me and I nodded.

“Audrey!” I turned to see an impatient blonde boy sitting at the table with an annoyed look on his face. I noticed Terry poking his arm repeatedly.

“I have to get back to work. Good luck with the interview,” I smiled and Ms. Janie rolled her eyes. “I really hope it’s not a dead end.”

“So do I.”


Once the kids left, I was left working the desk. The occasional person would come in the library with books they needed to return or they wanted to check out a book, other than that, the job is a breeze. I was kicking back with a book in my hands. I haven't changed much, to be completely honest.

The doors loudly opened before they slammed shut and I immediately sat up. I was ready to shout at the immature child who nearly gave me a heart attack when a familiar face walked through the archway.

He walked towards the desk I was currently at, his black hair matted down to his face. I’m guessing it’s raining outside by the way his leather jacket is dotted with the small droplets. His black jeans fit him nicely, not too tightly but not loose enough that they’re sagging- something that I hate very much. The shirt under his jacket is dark blue, a color that looks nice on him. His blue eyes were trained on me as he stood in front of the desk. Although he has looks, his presence is just utterly annoying.

“I’m here for a meeting,” he stated, placing his hands on the desk and tapping a rhythm.

“Can you please stop? This is a library, not a band rehearsal,” I snapped and he rolled his eyes and dropped his hands to his sides. “You’re Gracie?”

He glared at me. “No, I’m Grayson, as in Grayson Carter. I’d expect you to know that, we go to the same school. Anyway, I’m here for a meeting,” he surprised me by actually recognizing me as a student at Rodencia Academy, although there aren’t any other schools for me to attend, unless I want to go out of town.

“Do we now? I didn’t realize it,” I replied as I typed his name into the computer. “Just go through that door and go three doors down, it’s the one to your left.”

He stared at me for a moment, a lost look taking over his face. “What?”

“You go through that door,” I pointed to the door as I spoke slowly.

“Count three doors down,” I held up three fingers.

“The door to your left is the one your meeting is scheduled in,” I instructed, holding up my left hand. He glared at me, pursing his lips at my belittling.

“I’m not stupid,” he replied.

I rolled my eyes. “You sure act like it.”

“I’ll be sure to file a complaint about you, Audrey,” He snapped before he walked into the hallway I directed him to. I checked my shirt to see if I had my nametag on; I don’t. I looked at the desk to see Ms. Janie’s name inscribed on it. So he does know my name. I slumped in my seat, groaning in my hands.


Despite the computer being there to occupy me, I felt bored. Students stopped coming around about an hour ago and people who were studying in the library were packing up. I was nervously tapping on the desk in front of me, anxious to find out how Grayson’s doing in his meeting. I really hope he doesn’t get the job. All of my tactics to avoid him wouldn’t work if he does get the job.

“This is a library, not a band rehearsal,” Grayson’s voice mocked mine from his spot in the doorway. I whipped my head around to see him as he leaned against the doorway. He was grinning widely as he made his way over to the desk. “Do you see this?”

He stuck the paper 2 inches in front of my face. Before my eyes could focus, he ripped it away and smiled proudly at the paper. “This is my schedule.”

I stared at him, wide eyed. “Y-you got the job?”

“Y-yes, I did,” he imitated my stutter. My hatred grew more for the boy in front of me. “Say hello to your new co-worker and shadow for the next few days. I’ll see you tomorrow, Audrey.” His voice was mocking.

I watched as he sauntered towards the library's exit, but noticed that he stopped at the doors. “I filed that complaint, too!”

I winced at the loudness of his voice as it wafted throughout the library. I turned to see Ms. Janie walking out of the doorway with a pile of papers in her hands and a smile on her face.

“You hired him?” I asked, a frown falling onto my face.

She nodded. “Yes, isn’t he just so darn cute?”

I felt the urge to cry as I placed my head in my hands. No, Ms. Janie, he isn't cute. He's the devil in a leather jacket. 

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