Chapter 15: Trick Or Treat

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Chapter 15: Trick Or Treat

As I was leaving work, exhausted from trying to keep Shane from telling my secret and trying to calm Lola and Sandra down when they realized my secret, I heard someone call my name, well, my nickname. “Darling!”

I turned around, swinging my bag with me. Grayson came to a halt. He looked at me for a minute before I quirked an eyebrow and he shook his head slightly, as if ridding it of thoughts. “Since we work together and have been talking a bit more, my mother wants to know if you want to come over for dinner tomorrow.”

I stared at him, shocked. “What?”

“My mother wants to know if you can come over for dinner tomorrow. She knows that we’ve been working and hanging out together recently so she wants to see why,” he spoke slowly. 

“B-but she already knows me,” I stuttered. “I don’t think I can, I’m busy. Besides, how did she even find out that we’ve been talking?”

“I asked the same thing," he muttered as he gave me a pointed look. I gasped, furrowing my eyebrows.

“You think I told my mother?” I snapped and he tossed a flat look in my direction.

“No, Audrey, I thought you told Casper the Friendly Ghost,” he retorted, motioning to the air around me. I pouted out my lower lip. He’s back to calling me Audrey.

“Well, I didn’t- thanks for considering that option," I scowled, crossing my arms over my chest.

He rolled his eyes. “I didn’t consider it because I know how awesome you think I am. How can you hold back from telling your mom?”

I glared at him. How dare he tease me? “Yeah, like I’d do that. I never tell my mother that I hang out with you.”

“So where’d you tell her you were when you watched us play football?” he smirked in satisfaction.

I shrugged, glancing at my nails. “I told her I went to watch Shane practice.” I actually didn’t tell her anything because she didn’t ask.

“Whatever, so are you going to come over for dinner or not?” he asked. “I need to know whether I can confirm or reschedule my plans for tomorrow.”

“Plans?” I asked curiously. He nodded, casually looking at his phone, which he now held in his hand.

“My plans with Nat,” he shrugged. I felt a sudden jolt of anger and my stomach clenched. Or was it my heart? Ha, just kidding, who has one of those nowadays?

“Sure, I’m free. What time?” I asked, trying to act casual.

Grayson looked up at me, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips. “What happened to being busy?”

“Er, well, that was rescheduled for Sunday, I just happened to forget,” I muttered and he nodded, his smirk slowly widening.

“I’ll text you the details,” he replied, backing away slowly before turning and going to his car.

He thinks that I’m jealous. Deciding to show him that jealousy is the last thing I am feeling at the moment, I called out to him. “Hey, idiot!”

Surprisingly, he turned around and raised both of his eyebrows. “I personally think that you and Nat would make a very cute couple.”

I’m pretty sure my voice sounded strained and I was twitching but I managed to let the words escape from my mouth before I turned away and stiffly walked towards my car, biting my lip hard enough to draw blood.


Jealousy. That’s what Sandra said it was. Lola said the same exact thing. “You’re jealous because she walked into his life and not even three hours later, he has plans with her and she’s stolen all of your attention. Soon enough, he’s not going to call you Darling anymore, which I think is an adorable nickname, but it won’t be when he’s calling Nat that.”

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