Chapter 13: The Best Football Player: Shane

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Chapter 13: The Best Football Player: Shane

Grayson didn't talk to me all day, not that I expected him to. I totally blew off his kiss on Saturday. But I didn’t expect him to be angry at me for two days. Especially when we have to have our food prepared by tomorrow, which means we have to cook today. I ignored my Spanish teacher and continued to think about several things, one of them being how I’m going to get Grayson back. I know, I know, I seem like the devil for plotting when the guy is angry at me but don’t I have a right to be angry at him? I’m labeled as the girl who’s obsessed with Grayson Carter now. It’s not a good image.

“Ms. Peters, are you paying attention?” Ms. Estevez piped, earning my attention. I’d gotten used to her thick Spanish accent.

"No, she's thinking about Grayson," someone in the back of the class snorted.

I nodded my head, making eye contact with Kyle only to see him snickering at me. “Yes, Ms. Estevez.”

She gave me a pointed look before proceeding to teach, only to be interrupted by the piercing bell. I quickly shuffled out of the classroom, thankful to be in the crowded hallways. It was better than being confined in a classroom, especially Spanish 3. “Audrey!”

I turned to see Lola rushing towards me, elbowing people out of her way. Once she reached me, she grinned. “Did you come up with an idea yet?”

I shook my head and she groaned. “My suggestion is still up for grabs.”

I rolled my eyes at her and shook my head. She thinks I should hide in Grayson’s locker and shoot him with a nerf gun…or a real gun, either works. How do I even know if he goes to his locker? For all I know, I could be stuck in there for 5 years! How would we get into the locker anyway? Suddenly, I had an idea. I turned to look at Lola who was grinning. “I have an idea!”

“What? What is it?” she asked me and I shook my head, quickly motioning her to the lunch room. I couldn’t help but smirk.

Once we reached the lunch room, I decided that I wasn’t going to eat. Today, we were invited to sit with the football players. Lola and Sandra quickly took a seat while I politely declined, catching a glimpse of Grayson who stabbed his burger, causing the bread to fly across the table.

I guess I’ll have to wait to discuss my plan with the girls. As of right now, I guess I’ll just wander the halls and wait until the bell rings.


“Did you guys happen to hear where Grayson was going during last period?” I asked my two friends curiously.

Sandra nodded. “He has to finish a project for AP US Gov. and Politics so he’s going to go to the library.”

I nodded my head, pursing my lips. Will the teacher allow me to leave class early? I waved at my friends as I entered the classroom. I waited fifteen minutes before I asked if I can leave early. The teacher quickly dismissed my question, snapping at me. He said that we have too much work to do and I was insane if I thought he’d allow me to leave class ten minutes early. I bit my tongue and nodded, holding back a sarcastic reply.

I waited another ten minutes before letting my hand shoot into the air for the second time this period. “What, Ms. Peters?”

“May I please go to the bathroom?” I requested as I pretended to fidget in my seat. He nodded and told me to be quick. I grabbed the pass and sighed as I galloped down the hallway.

The library was quiet and only a few kids were here. I entered the silent area and was quickly bombarded by the perky librarian. “Please sign in.”

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