Grayson's Point of View: Chapter 6

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Grayson's Point of View: Chapter 6

“Where are they?” Carson shouted from the living room.

“I don’t know. They’re supposed to be here by now!” Shane responded from the upstairs bathroom. He was stocking up on toilet paper.

“Maybe they decided that Carson’s face is too ugly to look at so spending hours here beforehand is too much to handle.” Kyle suggested.

“Maybe you should shut your mouth.” Carson responded.

“Maybe you should make me.” Kyle replied.

“Is that a request?”

“Nope, just a mere suggestion.” Kyle smirked sardonically as Carson went after him.

Suddenly, a car sounded from the driveway and Shane raced down the steps, towards the door. Carson let go of Kyle after telling him that no lady can resist him. I continued lifting the packs of beer out of the cooler until they were all aligned on the counter. Shane’s cousin had bought them last week and left them here. Shane also raided his parents’ liquor cabinet, taking everything that wasn’t too expensive.

I didn’t bother to go to the door. It’s just Audrey and her two friends. My stomach clenched at the idea of Audrey being here. I heard voices from the doorway and I didn’t bother to listen to them or pay attention. Put the drinks away. I continued stuffing the drinks into the fridge. I heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen and the urge to kill Shane was strong.

I heard Audrey’s voice from the distance, followed by a groan. “Does he ever shut up?”

“Unfortunately not.” Shane replied, standing behind Audrey.

“Don’t act like you don’t like my voice, Audrey, I sing like an angel.” I began harmonizing like my true form. Audrey groaned and covered her ears. Shane formed a heart with his fingers and winked at the back of Audrey’s head before winking at me. I shot him a glare.

“The horror, the pain, the agony.” She complained, covering her ears once again. Shane started laughing and she practically ripped her hands from her ears in order to hear his chuckles. I wanted to scowl but I held it back. I glared at her instead.

“You know what, how about we tell my good old pal Sha-.” She punched my shoulder, pretending to be playful as I grinned. Shane raised his eyebrows at me. He already knows but she doesn’t know that.

“Oh, Grayson, you know I was only joking.” She punched my shoulder again, harder this time. I let out a pained whimper. Shane smiled at her, probably glad that she caused me physical harm.

“Well, Audrey, since you’re here to help- why don’t you help Grayson unpack the drinks?” Shane asked and despite her grimace, she nodded. I bet she’d rather help explore his mouth. I instantly frowned at the thought, wiping it away before she can see.

“Okay Shane.” She dreamily said as he walked into the living room.

I decided to mock her, figuring the best way to get over whatever emotion just took over me was harassment of the girl that caused it. “Okay, Shane.” I raised my voice a few octaves. She glared at me and began shredding open a pack of sodas that I didn’t lift from the cooler. “I totally love you, Shane, but you’re so oblivious.”

She glowered at me and lowered her voice. “I’m Grayson and I can sing. La-la-la-la-la. But I’m really bad at it.” I narrowed my eyes at her. “I also like to dance.” She started spinning around like a ballerina with her eyes closed, spinning and twirling on the floor. Trip, fall, break your arm or something. Wait, don’t. I’d be the one that has to clean up blood. It makes Shane nauseous. “Tee-hee-hee, I’m Grayson the ballerina and I like to dance and sing.”

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