Chapter 25: The Unplanned Date

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Chapter 25: The Unplanned Date

After getting back into the car, I was a bit calmer about the whole Sam and Grayson situation. Sam wouldn't do that to me and Grayson probably won't be interested in her. I mean, she's pretty and all but she is Sebastian's sister. I hope that'll keep Grayson away from her long enough for me to make a move, if that will ever happen. We drove to the roller-skating rink with the music in the car blasting.

By the time we got there, our friends were already waiting in the lobby with their skates on. Carson was skating around, laughing wildly as Sandra struggled to stand up. Grayson and I sighed as we went to get our skates. Grayson paid for mine, against my will, really. He held me back as he handed the man the money, the guy didn't care who was paying- as long as he got his money. I grabbed a size eight skate set and put them on my feet, standing up a minute later.

I saw Sam and Sebastian enter the rink and I tried to rush over but failed and landed on my face. I greeted them with a large smile. Sam just nodded at me before letting her eyes flit to the people behind me and Sebastian grinned directly at me. Sam made her way towards the skate's stand and rented her own set while Sebastian looked behind me. I turned to see the guy's scowling at him. "I can tell you guys are glad to see me."

The guys continued scowling at him and he just laughed before turning his attention back to me. "This better be worth it; if they don't fall, I'm going to push them."

I rolled my eyes at Sebastian's statement before motioning for him to rent his skates with a flick of my wrist. He just walked over towards where his sister was and proceeded to rent a set of skates. Shane skated by me, going in a circle around me. He was surprisingly good. I sense an embarrassing childhood story behind this odd skill. "Oh Sebastian, you are so amazing."

I glared at him before extending my leg and tripping him. He got back up startlingly fast and smirked. "You're not going to get rid of me that easily."

I snorted. "One can hope."

He laughed before going in another circle. "You little player." He skated away and I noticed Carson and Sandra struggling to walk out towards the rink where a few people were skating aimlessly. Lola and Kyle were also following behind the two but were going at a slower pace, trying hard not to fall. Shane was zooming out towards the rink. He was nearly there.

I decided to wait for Sam. I didn't realize Grayson was standing a few feet away from me until I turned and smiled at him. He raised an eyebrow. "Who are you waiting for?"

I motioned towards Sam who was swearing at the roller-skates. "Sam." He nodded and I realized my mistake. "And you, but you're already ready- so we're just waiting for Sam."

I suddenly felt a presence beside me and my feelings were confirmed when I saw Grayson narrow his eyes at Sebastian. Sebastian looked down at me and motioned towards the exit, as if feeling the tension. "I'm going to go, wish me luck."

I smiled back, watching as he struggled to stand up straight. "Good luck."

"Bye." Grayson's curt response earned a laugh out of Sebastian, which seemed to anger Grayson even more.

Sam stood up and managed to slide towards us. "So this is Grayson?"

I narrowed my eyes at Sam. "You recognize him from calculus, right Sam?"

She nodded, realizing her mistake. "Yes, I do. I'm Samantha, call me Sam."

Sam was taller than me and was a bit shorter than Grayson. "You drive the Honda cruiser, right?"

She nodded, a smirk appearing on her lips. "You like bikes?"

He nodded. "I drive one." They began walking and I lagged behind, suddenly becoming aware of the burning pit in my stomach. Maybe I was right; maybe he will like Sam more than he likes me.

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