Chapter 19: The Hip Shop

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The burn/torch thing was MerlinMegaFan12's idea. :)

Chapter 19: The Hip Shop

I woke up in the morning to see that my school was cancelled thanks to the snow. Sighing in content, I lay back down and closed my eyes, only to be jolted up two seconds later by my ringing cell phone. I lifted it to my ear. "Hello?"

"Is school cancelled?" Grayson asked. He had an adorable morning voice.

"Yeah, why didn't you just check the television?" I muttered as I rolled onto my back.

"Because it would have been better to hear it from you," he told me. I wanted to coo but knew that I'd sound stupid. "And because I lost my remote so I couldn't change the channel."

I knew it was too good to be true. "Bye, Grayson."

"Bye, Darling." Once I hung up the phone, I giggled into my pillow before falling asleep.


"Audrey, come here." I looked up to see Grayson walking towards me, his hands behind his back. Why is he calling me Audrey? We're on good terms; he usually calls me Darling.

"Yeah?" I asked him, glancing around at the snow covered floor. Light snowflakes flowed through the air and landed carelessly on the ground.

He smiled at me, his eyelashes holding a few stray snowflakes, they dissolved once he blinked. He looked breathtakingly beautiful, as corny as it may sound. Urging to run my hands through his hair, I eagerly approached him because he was walking too slowly. "Come closer."

I was a few feet away from him when he pulled something from behind his back. It was a torch with fire burning at the end of it. I gasped once he reached out, burning my hand lightly. I winced and pulled my hand away, watching the malicious expression slip onto his face. "Grayson? What are you doing?"

He laughed and began walking towards me, closing the space between us. The torch was on my jacket and I quickly ripped it off, throwing it to the snow as I began running away. Grayson was a lot quicker than me and ran circles around me; his hateful smirk was matched with spiteful eyes. I whimpered when he reached out and allowed the torch to burn another portion of my skin.

"Wake up!" I snapped up, glancing around. Grayson caught my eye and I whimpered, cowering backward in my blanket.

"Get away from me!" I snapped. "You're going to burn me again!" I began searching my arms for the burnt patches of skin. What is he doing in my house?

"What are you talking about? I'm only here because your mother told me to make sure you're up by ten thirty so you can walk your dog. You're a heavy sleeper. I've been calling you for the past ten minutes. I assumed you just weren't answering, so I come over and you're dead asleep," Grayson told me, running a hand through his hair. "So just get up and walk the little loaf."

Making sure the blanket was up to my neck, I narrowed my eyes at him. "You couldn't walk my dog for me?"

"I'm not a dog walker," he told me, tucking his hands into his jeans.

"Yeah, but after your dog nearly killed me yesterday- you think you'd owe me one, or a million," I muttered, flipping onto my stomach.

"Yeah, you'd think- but that's not the case," he snorted.

I sighed, resting my head on the cold pillow. "I don't want to get up; I'm tired," I whined.

Grabbing the pillow from under my face, Grayson smacked the back of my head with the soft object. I groaned, turning on my side to glare at him. He smirked at me, tossing the pillow on top of my head. "That's what you get. I had to get out of my bed in order to get you up." He exited my room with an evil laugh, slamming the door behind him.

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