Chapter 6: The First Guy to Walk in

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Chapter 6: The First Guy to Walk in

I stared at the house in front of me, slightly confused. Isn’t this a house party? Why doesn’t it look like the ones in the movies? You know, with the red solo cups everywhere and the drunken girls giggling as they ran around. I turned to the girls who just smirked at each other before getting out of the car. They grabbed my hand and yanked me out as I stared at the house in confusion. What did I get myself into?

I stumbled out of the car even though I don’t have heels on nor am I drunk. I looked around and saw only two cars. I frowned. What kind of party is this? Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t looking forward to watching teenagers make out or people dancing on each other- it’s just what I expected. The two girls giggled as they watched me while I struggled to put two and two together, whatever those twos were.

As we reached the large house’s porch, I looked back towards the cars and noticed a large black motorcycle beside them, it was hidden from my view a few meters ago but now that I’m noticing it, I’m putting the pieces together. Before I could speak, the door was opened and Shane was standing there with a smile on his face. “Glad you could make it.”

I turned around, flabbergasted; as I watched my friends walk around me and enter the house. I slowly entered the house as Shane held open the door patiently. “What’s going on?”

He smiled at me as he walked beside me. “ the lunch line on Friday, Grayson thought that it’d be a great idea to have a party and your friends were smiling…a bit creepily, might I add. They offered to help set it up if they could come, not that they wouldn’t be able to come, but it’d be nice to have some extra help. So after deciding that the party would be at my place, we agreed to meet here. I gave them the address earlier today, around 11 o’clock,” he replied casually.

“So that’s why they were acting so suspicious,” I muttered. I heard a familiar voice singing and I groaned. “Does he ever shut up?”

“Unfortunately not,” Shane laughed as we entered the kitchen, where Grayson stood unpacking the drinks. I caught a glimpse of beer and I wanted to protest but I realized that it wouldn’t have been cool; besides, it’s not my party to interfere.

“Don’t act like you don’t like my voice, Audrey, I sing like an angel,” he proceeded to harmonize in an angel like manner. I groaned again and covered my ears.

“The horror, the pain, the agony,” I complained and I saw Shane laughing. I uncovered my ears and listened to his laughter as it resounded throughout the room.

Grayson was glaring at me. “You know what, how about we tell my good old pal Sha-?” I immediately cut him off, punching his shoulder lightly, pretending to be playful.

“Oh, Grayson, you know I was only joking,” I punched his shoulder again and he let out a pained laugh. Shane smiled at me.

“Well, Audrey, since you’re here to help- why don’t you help Grayson unpack the drinks?” Shane asked and I nodded.

“Okay Shane,” I responded as he walked into the living room.

Grayson started to mock me. “Okay, Shane,” His voice was falsetto. I glared at him as I ripped a package of twelve nonalcoholic drinks from the cooler. “I totally love you, Shane, but you’re so oblivious.”

I glared at him and lowered my voice a few octaves. “I’m Grayson and I can sing. La-la-la-la-la. But I’m really bad at it,” this caused Grayson to glare at me. “I also like to dance,” I started spinning around like a ballerina with my eyes closed as I frolicked around, spinning around on the tiled floor. “Tee-hee-hee, I’m Grayson the ballerina and I like to dance and sing.”

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