Disobedient Fuckplant

60 3 27

I was tagged by: XxDahyun-MisoxX  (that's my friend and she's twice trash along with many other groups y'all should read her stories cause her writing is amazing 🙂) OOO! And she also made my cover so if you'd like a book cover hit her up she's nice

•Can't decline
•Must post 13 facts about myself (I'm such an interesting person like y'all don't even know)
•Must be posted in an actual book, not in a comment or your wall
•Creative title
•Must be done within a week of being tagged

I said I was interesting, I'm N O T. Lmao.
Okay, so I guess I can start now.

1) I numbered the rules but then I was like "I wanna number the facts, and there can only be ONE numbered list, so I went back and deleted the numbers from the rules and put little "•" instead.

2) I'm 17 (38) aye. Ok that's old I'm sorry.

3) I'm Mexican. Hey trump, try to deport me cheeto dick.

4) people think I'm nice af and then they get to know me and realize I'm really mean 🤷🏻‍♀️

5) I don't know how to deal with crying people. I just, I dunno man.

6) I hate doing stuff but once you get me going I never wanna stop.

7) I'm socially awkward. I cannot keep a conversation going no matter how much I try.

8) driving gives me life

9) being drove around also gives me life

10) I get excited about food a little bit more than I should

11) I get distracted so easily. I legit starting writing this at around 4:30 & it's now 6:30 bc I stopped to play pool & stalk a bunny

12) I want to be a reckless "idgaf about the law" type of person but I can't do that to my parents man

13) I love knowing both Spanish and English. It's so fun being able to switch languages mid sentence

Okay that's it I never said this would be a fun read but I hope that whatever tumbleweed that rolled through here had fun 🙂
I'm not sure who to tag, since I don't really talk to anyone here, so if someone actually did read this, I tag you buddy.

Disobedient Fuckplant Where stories live. Discover now