【Mistakes】|Chapter one

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"Hey,"A young person,with sleepless dull eyes sat beside a restricted patient,softly said as their gaze was fixed upon the body of the person they cherished dearly.Holding onto their frail hand they whispered in a distraught tone."Good morning,"

The words they said caused the patient's eyes to open slowly,a raspy voice then called out in response."Hey...."Tears filled their half-lidded eyes to the brim until they dripped down their chin.Biting down on their bottom lip the person by the patient's bed forced a grief-stricken smile before opening their mouth to speak when—

"I'm sorry,I'm going to have to ask you to leave for today.Visiting time is over,please follow me."A nurse entered the room smiling slightly.They rose from their seat and let go of the hand they held onto but was stopped when they heard a pleading voice say,"Don't go....don't leave me alone..."It was the patient,who could barely move.It was killing them inside as they walked towards the door leaving the most important person they cared about isolated in a cold room alone and with no comfort.A sigh escaped their mouth as they dragged them self all the way home again,without the anyone or anything by their side.Throwing their bag aside they slumped down into the sofa that was located in the middle of the room.Grabbing the remote they turned the T.V on which flickered before switching to the news,

"Yet another attack has taken place today.We advise everyone to stay away from dark places such as alleyways and avoid walking alone at night as there is a chance they may get you.That is all for tonight and we'll be back for more tomorrow at—"They scoffed before turning the T.V off.

"What do they really know about ghouls?Ridiculous.."In an irritated voice said before getting up to get a glass of their favourite beverage.Gulping it down they let out a frustrated sigh and frowned as they stared at the now empty glass.Their gaze was now focused on the lit city they called home,"How long will I wait for you..?Heck,you'd probably refuse to talk to me like we used to ,...until i fulfil that promise...."A glimmer shone in their eyes as they rested their head,which was full of different thoughts,on their crossed arms.They could just about see a message that flickered on their phone and that was the last thing they saw before everything went dark.The only thing that illuminated the room was the last message on the screen of the phone,


A stray ray of light blinded the lone person as their head rose up subtly.They rubbed the sleep away from their eyes and peered up to see their phone that laid on the table they had slept over.Reaching for the phone they got a grip on it when suddenly a message appeared on the now lit screen.

'Hey!How are you doing?Slept well?You didn't respond to me last night!How did it go?'

Were the words that were printed on the blank screen.

'Hey,sorry about that!I kinda fell asleep...And well it went well.'
They looked at the message they sent unsure of their wording.

'Oh really?...Coz that's exactly what you told me last time.I went to visit and boom,all I saw was a mess!!It was crazy!'

'Oh...yeah...I guess so...'
They furrowed their eyebrows and averted their gaze when the next message popped up.

'Sorry..I shouldn't have said that..,I just hope it gets better for you and..you know...'

'Yeah.Me too.'

'Enough of that talk,how about you meet me at our favourite place we always go to?'

'Sure,why not?'

'Cool,see you!:)'

'See you.'

Again they sighed and forced their self up to get ready.They left the house after they drank a cup of coffee to keep them self awake,making their way over there they could already see their friends waving at them.They were all talking about random things like they usually did until a certain person entered the cafe,

"So who's the girl you like?"They heard before looking over towards the owner of the voice,who's name was Hide.

"Hide!Don't say that out loud!And...t-that's her."The other boy said with a blush as he eyed the girl who had just walked in.She gave him a sincere smile which made him flustered.

"Oh?I see you go for...intellectual people,Kaneki."The person beside him said bluntly which caused him to retort.

"It's not that I don't like other types of people!I just...have a preference."

"Sure,everyone has their preferences."The person continued to stare at the purple-headed female without her noticing.

"By the way,(NAME) what type of person do you like?"Hide excitedly asked with huge bright eyes.

"Pardon me?—Ah,I'm actually not sure..."Hide cocked an eyebrow and threw his arms behind his head afterwards.

"Oh really?I thought you said you liked people who are—"His sentence was cut short when (NAME) slammed their hand over his mouth.With his muffled words in the background (NAME) said to Kaneki,

"As long as she treats you like your worth...I'm okay with it,"(NAME) hesitated before saying softly."Go get her."(NAME) questioned why that was so hard to say a those three words, but they just swallowed a huge lump in their throat after they spoke.(NAME) caught sight of the girl sitting behind them who had a crazed smile on her lips and suddenly her smile turned into a soft one as she stared back into wide -E.C- orbs.

"(NAME)?Hey,are you alright?"Kaneki asked worriedly making them turn back to them with an nervous smile they spoke once again softly,

"Yeah,I'm Okay.I just...n-never mind."

"No,there is something wrong.You never stutter and you've gone pale.You sick or somethin'?"Hide pointed out with a serious toned voice.

"Oh yeah,I'm like really sick..Must have taken way  too many pills this morning and now iv'e got this huge headache.Look,er..i'm sorry but i'm going to have take my leave for today..I'll make it up to you guys!Promise!!I'll treat you guys too,okay?Cool.Bye."Getting up in a hurry (NAME) fled the scene leaving their two very confused friends behind.Hide and Kaneki looked at each other in an instant.Hide shrugged and Kaneki sighed before speaking.

"I wonder what's wrong...Sure,(NAME) looks a little pale and all but not sick..A little weird i'd say..."Hide replied after a small yawn left his lips,"Well,(NAME) is getting more strange...Mostly around you though."Kaneki frowned deeply at his remark,"What are you trying to suggest,Hide?""Oh nothing~What are you so against?(NAME) is a good person with a warm heart!""...(NAME)'s...a friend..plus i'm interested in someone else...I hope that doesn't sound offensive if i were to say that to (NAME) though..."Hide sighed and let his cheek rest in his palm,"People don't take those kinds of comments in a good way,Kaneki.I'm sure (NAME) wouldn't take it any differently."

Kaneki fell silent and sipped on his cup of coffee.

Choices made on that day were all mistakes.And now,it was all too late for the special day had come...Kaneki would finally,go on a date with the girl named,'Rize.'

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