A Visit to my Brother.. And his five very HOT friends! #4

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Chapter Four

Ash's POV:

"So, anyone else hear Dec's car pull in at around three a.m.?" Ash asked casually, leaning against the island in the kitchen.

"Nope." Marcus.

"Can't say I did." Talon.

"Not a peep." Zach.

"Nah man." Ricci.

"Oh, well, I guess I just imagined it then," Ash shrugged it off.

"Actually, he did.. I even had a very.. Interesting convo with him this morning." Ash, along with everyone else, turned to see the two half dressed girls standing at the archway of the kitchen. "He wasn't very good company." Ash noticed that Bradie was standing with one hip pushed out slightly, with a hand attached there.

No one said a thing, then he turned towards the guys, who suddenly seemed very uncomfortable. Then he realized their state of indress. "Shit," he said under his breath.

He heard murmurs of agreement. Talon was the first to speak, "I'm just going to, uh, yeah.." Then he stalked out of the kitchen.

Marcus, Ricci, and Zach followed suit.

Once they had gone Ash turned back towards the girls who hadn't moved. "Sorry, I think we all forgot that there were girls here."

Bradie and Dani made a synchronized eyebrow raise.

"It's true.. I guess we're just used to the way things are.. Or were as it may seem."

Dani stepped forward and said, "Well maybe you'd like to put on some clothes as well then?"

Ash smiled, "Maybe I like my outfit."

"You mean lack there of?"

Ash's smile widened. Dani was a spitfire. Something he hadn't realized the day before. "Absolutely. I find I like the cool air on my skin."

Ash held back a laugh as he saw Dani's face heat up and blush. She turned around and made for the refrigerator. "Well, I.." Deep breath, "Don't."

Ash couldn't help it anymore, he laughed. "What exactly don't you like--my being half naked or how the cool air feels good across heated skin?"

He was taunting her, he knew that, but it was so fun to watch her. When she didn't answer, he turned and walked out.


Dani's POV:

God, that guy is so, so.. Ugh. She couldn't even discribe it. How could such a sexy guy--one with a deliciously sexy accent, be so.. Ugh. Ash Eneas was the total greek package--well, if you were into tall, tanned-skin, greek Adonis', of course. She wasn't. She was a one guy kind of woman. And that guy was none other than Marc Taylor.

Marcus Taylor. Remember that.

She was so into her thoughts that when she heard Bradie's feminine laughter she winced. Dani totally forgot she wasn't alone.

"Dude, that was so funny. I could hardly keep from laughing."

Dani couldn't help it, Bradie's laughter was contagious. "Yeah, laugh now."

"Don't worry, I am."

They continued to laugh as they made breakfast. It seemed that the guys didn't even start anything, though there were a few cereal bowls in the sink. They decided to make scrambled eggs and fry bacon, as well as toast some bread. As they were cooking, Dani remembered Bradie's remark at meeting Declan. She turned to Bradie and asked her what happened.

Once Bradie finished, Dani asked, "Do you think something's wrong? Or that he's just an asshole?"

Bradie shrugged, "I don't know. But the look on his face when I first saw him would suggest the former."

"Ah," Dani said. The look on Bradie's face was unreadable, but Dani could tell that Bradie was worried about him.

"Yeah, but having something wrong doesn't give you the right to act like an asshole," Bradie finally said after a while.

"Who's an asshole?" A new voice sang. And that's what it was. A song. The sensual deepness of the already sexy Irish accent had to belong to none other that the person in question: Declan. From the corner of her eye, Dani noticed Bradie stiffen. "You guys wouldn't be talking about me, would you?"

Dani finally turned and faced the guy who had interrupted her and Bradie's conversation. And wow, was the only though in her mind. He was simply.. Beautiful, for the lack of a better word. Beautiful, but masculine. He wore shorts and a tshirt that hugged the expanse of his chest. The smirk littered across his face was both insinuating and humorous. He knew they were talking about him, but wasn't blunt about it.

"Don't go getting a big head. We weren't talking about you," Bradie said. She also was facing the Irish hunk.

"Really now?" He said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes," Bradie said in a voice that meant the conversation was over. She turned around and started cooking once again.

Dani decided to follow suit.

After a while Declan's voice sang out, "For your information, it was the former. Catching your girlfriend fucking her professor would turn any guy into an asshole. Though, that wasn't even a niche in the day I had yesterday."

Dani could feel the hurt in Declan's voice. He really did go through an ordeal. When she turned around to say something, anything, the others made their way into the kitchen.

"Hey Dec, Alicia's been calling non-stop. She wanted you to call her. Said it was really important," Ricci said as he clapped his hand on Declan's shoulder.

"Yeah, well, the next time she calls, tell her to fuck off." Declan's voice was laced with hatred and resentment. His eyes were transfixed on Bradie and hadn't left her since he walked in. "And then you can tell her not to call again."

"Whoa, dude, what the hell happened?" The usually playfull Zach said seriously.

"Yeah man, what the fuck?" Marcus.

"It was why I didn't come home until very late last night. Needed to think," Declan said, shrugging.

"Shit man, you know we have your back." Talon.

"Yeah, I know."

"Good. How about we eat?" Bradie piped in, an apparent attempt to lighten the mood. "Me and Dani made scrambled eggs, bacon, and toasted bread."

The male groans of hunger were universal, including Declan who had a small smile on his face.

"Sounds good." Declan. "Smells good.."

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