A Visit to my Brother.. And his five very HOT friends! #11

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Okay, okay.. I know what you're thinking: two chapters on the same day? Well, here's the thing.. After I finished writing chapter ten I knew exactly what I wanted to happen in chapter eleven. And, since I might forget everything in my head, I decided to write it all out. So, here it is everyone. It's short, but hey.. Anyway let me know what you think about it. I wanna know your thoughts.

Happy Readings. (:


Chapter Eleven

Bradie's POV:

Bradie yawned. And it was a big yawn. Stretching her arms, she sat up as best she could to try and not wake up Dani and Jenna. She managed to get off the bed and before she made her way to the bathroom, glanced at Jenna. Bradie saw the bruises on her shoulders.. Parts of her neck.. Bradie wasn't sure how much more there were that she couldn't see. Instead of carrying on to the bathroom, Bradie made her way to the other side of the bed and placed her hand gently on Jenna's neck where a mean purple bruise was. Bradie almost cringed. That had to have hurt. Bradie didn't know of anyone who would do such a thing..

When she went to examine the others that she could see, Bradie's hand was caught. Jenna's eyes were held steadily to Bradie's.

"What're you doing?" Jenna asked cautiously.

Bradie pulled her hand away. "What happened to you Jenna?"

Jenna sat up. "It's nothing.. I fell."

Bradie didn't believe it one bit. Besides, Jenna couldn't even look Bradie in the face. "C'mon Jenna. I know we've only known each other for a couple days, but we've gotten so close. You can trust me y'know."

Jenna sighed. Then took a deep breath. Released it. Took another. "I'm.. Pregnant."

Bradie was momentarily out of commision. Did she hear Jenna right? She was.. Pregnant. What.. "How--I mean does Declan know?"

"No!" Jenna cried. "And I don't want him to know.. Not yet anyway."

Bradie didn't know what to say. She wasn't expecting anything like this. Declan's little sister was pregnant. Then Bradie remembered the bruises. "That doesn't explain the bruises.."

Jenna took another breath. And another. "They're from my father.." Jenna finally said quietly.

"What? Your own father.. beat.. you?" Bradie could hardly say the words. "Why..?"

"Because he's an asshole.. And because I decided that I should tell them about the baby." Jenna grunted, "Not my best idea, I have to say."

"Wait.. does he do that often?"

"Not when Dec's around. Declan took the beatings then."

Bradie felt like crying. Declan and Jenna were beaten.. "Why?"

Jenna shrugged. "He's an abuser.. Always has been."

"Did you guys tell anyone? Your mom?"

Jenna let out a menacing laugh. "Please. She's a drunk.."


Bradie didn't know what else to say.

"Just.. don't tell anyone okay? I'm sure Declan wouldn't want anyone to know. Especially you."

"Don't worry.." Bradie whispered. "I won't."


Declan's POV:

Declan sat at his desk, staring at the screen saver on his computer. He wasn't sure what he was going to do. Not about Bradie. Not about Jenna. How to get around the fact that he was already falling hard for one of his best friend's sister.. He stood and went to his closet to get clothes. Even though summer in Washington State wasn't as hot as some other places, last night was pretty hot. So, he opted for really thin boxers. Before he even turned on the closet light, there was a knock on his door.

He walked over, not caring about his lack of dress, and opened it. There, he knew he made a mistake. It was the one person he didn't want to see. Not because he didn't like her, but because he liked her way too much. More than he knew he should.


"Uh, Bradie.. Do you--" She cut him off with a kiss. A feet curling, heat raising, all consuming kiss. The force in which she threw herself at him was so strong, he stumbled back. He quickly steadied himself as Bradie's hands found their way around his neck. Then he heard his door slam shut. When she finally pulled away, she turned around to lock the door, then leaned on it, facing him again.

"No talking. No thinking. No arguing." She said, emphasizing each comand. "Boxers off."

Declan was confused as hell, but turned on as fuck. What the hell got into Bradie. She was eyeing him like he was a piece of meat and she a starving woman.

"Now!" her voice broke him out of his thoughts. "I want them off and I want you on that bed. Naked."

That, Declan thought, was alright with him. Without thinking beyond right now, he shucked his boxers off quickly and lay on the bed, back against his headboard.

"I'm all yours, Bradie."

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