A Visit to my Brother.. And his five very HOT friends! #27

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Hey guys!

Alright, so I wanna say a couple things. First, this chappie took SOOOOOO long to write. I have no idea how many times I wrote it and re-wrote it, but it was about to give me a complex.

Second, sorry it took forever to get out. It's been like...what? A month? Idk, but yeah, sorry. It's been hectic.

Thirdly, I'm giving a shout out to: lolosum (you know why!)

And finally, I hope you guys enjoy the chappie!

Thanks and Happy Readings! (:


Chapter Twenty-Seven

Bradie found Talon by the pool, having a conversation with someone on his phone. It wasn't unusual, but who could he have been talking to? She neared him, and listened as Talon spoke.

"Shit's gonna go down," he said, equal parts annoyed and pissed off. He was apparently speaking with someone about the days most recent activities. But who? Bradie's question was answered immediately when Talon continued speaking.

"You should know Marc by now, Jenna. He has a short fuse." Talon laughed at something Jenna had said.

Feeling like a total snoop, Bradie cleared her throat. Talon's eyes instantly sought her out and he smiled. One of his too-die-for smiles that lead to the beginning of Bradie's young crush. Now though, it only made her comfortable.

"Is that Jenna?" Bradie asked, returning his smile.

Talon's smile widened, "Yeah."

"Is Declan anywhere near her?"

"Hey Jen?" he asked into the phone, "Dec and where in your space?"

Talon looked at Bradie again and held out the phone. "Here. She's getting him."

Without any thinking on her part, Bradie took the phone and put it to her ear. The second she did, Declan's voice flooded her hearing.

"Hey baby."

Baby. He said it again.

"Hi," Bradie responded shyly.

"Need something?" he asked casually.

"I'm sure you already know about Lake getting his ass kicked, right?" Bradie blurted.


Oh, guess not.

"When? Why?"

"As we speak, I'm guessing."

Bradie heard some shuffling, like Declan was moving the phone around, then she heard Jenna's voice say, "God, he just told me!"

Bradie withheld a laugh.

"We'll be there in a few hours," Declan finally declared.


"We're taking an earlier flight. We'll be there soon."

"Oh, okay."

"And Bradie?" he said slowly.


"I'll see you soon."

Didn't he already say that? "I'll see you too," she said lamely.



"Get a punch in for me, okay?"

Bradie laughed. "Sure thing. If there's any of him left."

Declan laughed and Bradie's body vibrated. God, would she ever get used to the effects he caused on her body? Probably not.

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