Melinda 6

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I pulled up my covers to keep the sun from getting into my eyes. I shot my eyes tighter so they won't open because I know once they open its gone be hard to go back to sleep. I couldn't sleep the sun was too bright.

I got up still with my eyes close taking the cover with me to close the blinds. I smiled when the room got dark again. I stumbled back to the bed. I ignored the fact that my pillow got hard all of a sudden. I felled back to sleep.

Ryan was in my room laying next to me. He kissed my forehead. I woke up and smiled up at him.

Ryan: Good morning beautiful.

Me: Hey baby

I kissed his lips and pulled away. I looked up at him and he pulled me back and kissed me. He pulled me in his lap and kissed down my neck. He pulled up my shirt and smiled. I tried covering up to hide my non so flat belly. I turned away from him. He flipped me over and he was on top of me. We stared at each other.

Ryan: You are the most beautiful women I ever meet. I love you so much.

I pulled his face towards mines and kissed him. He started kissing me down my body. My back arch as he kissed my stomach. My body was burning with every touch. He looked at me as he kissed between my thighs.

Me: o my gosh, Ryan.

I started moaning. He removed my lace underwear and threw it across the room. I buried my fingers in his messy hair as I closed my eyes. I bit my lips as he got closer to my holy grail.

"Ryan" I moan as I woke up. I was out of breath and I can feel the wetness between my legs. It felt so real. I slowly touched my breast. My nipples where hard.

"Dang, I was that good?" Ryan said. I quickly looked beside me.

"O MY GOSH!!!" I screamed getting off the bed. My leg got caught in the bed sheet and I felled on the floor. I got up and grabbed my glasses to get a better look. Ryan was laying there laughing at me. My body was still burning I swear I felt water coming down my legs when I stood up. I closed my legs together and that's when I realized I only had a crop top on and underwear. I quickly pulled the cover off the bed and covered myself.

"Why are you in my room? How did you get in my house?" I asked outta breath. I watched as he seat up and blushed some hair out his eyes.

"I came home really late and high. My house was lock and your room is easy to get into because you snore" he told me. He got up and stretch.

"You can't just come into people houses. I don't snore, What's wrong with you?" I was yelling now. I heard feet steps coming upstairs. Shot! it was my mom. If she found out I have a guy in my room she will kill me.

"Hide" I yelled whispered to Ryan. He looked around.

"I'm 6'3 there's nowhere to hide in here" he told me. I went to cover his mouth to shut up.

"Melinda!" My mom called my name. She was getting closer. She knocked and waited for me to answer.

"Go hide under my blanket don't say anything" I told him. I went to act like I was sleeping. I threw pillows down where Ryan body showed. I pulled the covers up to my chest. Ryan hands went around my waist as soon my mom came in. I can feel his head on my stomach.

"Mom, hi" I blurted out. She looked at me weird. She stood by the door.

"You okay? I heard yelling and moving around and a bang" she told me. The next thing I knew I felt something soft going up my stomach. It stopped and something else went up my stomach. It was softer and wet. My body started burning up again. My eyes got big when my covers started moving.

"Yea ma, I'm o-okay" I said trying to take her attention away from the cover. I started sitting up so Ryan can stop touching me.

"Okay, well breakfast is ready I'm going to Ryan house to get his mom, we going to the mall. Wanna go? Maybe Ryan wanna go too"

Ryan was starting to piss me off. He kissed my thighs. I can feel his hands going up and down my legs. My mom started talking again. Ryan was kissing up my thighs. I looked at my mom trying to pay attention to what she was saying but it was hard. I heard that word Georgia and everything else was blanked. I felt like I was seeing stars. I slammed my fist down and coughed as Ryan made a nose. I looked at my mom who was still talking.

"For a week wanna go?" My mom asked again. I didn't know what she was talking about. I assumed she was talking about a work trip. As a fashion designer she gets to travel around. Sometimes I get to go with her but the older I got the more insecure I felt standing next to the tall beautiful models that wear her clothes.

"No. I think I'm-" I stopped talking because Ryan's hands where between my legs. Even though they were going up my thighs they were having a big affect on me. "I'm gonna catch up on sleep, and homework" I told her. "Have fun mom" I told her trying to smile. My legs started to curl up. My mom looked at me one more time. I can tell she wanted to say something but she didn't. She just smiled and left.

I waited til I heard footsteps walking down the steps that's when I removed the cover. Ryan head popped up from between my legs. The next thing I knew my hand went across his face. I looked down at him as he touched where I just slapped him. I got off the bed and went to open the blinds back up. I looked across the street and my mom was getting into Ryan's mom car.

"How dare you. You think you can just came in my room and sleep in my bed and when I'm trying to cover my ass you have the nerve to touch me?" I was so mad I didn't even yell. "Do you think I'm one of these little girls that just gonna strip down for you because you the "man" now at school?" He didn't answer. We stood in silence. I wanted to cry.

" I've been trying to be so nice to you. But it's so hard because you just like the other guys. Mean, rude, and you don't respect women. I can't _"

"Look I'm sorry. Dude, I was just messing with you" he told me. He pulled on his shirt.

"Well guess what dude? it wasn't funny" I told him. "Unlike you I don't go around sleeping around. You where all up on me without my permission. What? didn't your daddy ever taught you how to treat a women?" I asked him getting in his face. I looked up at him and he stared at me.

"No, he was too busy fighting for a country that has stupid people like you. You wake up moaning my name and when I try to make your dream come true you go all innocent on me. I heard about you and your boyfriend Michael" he told me.

" That's my best friend"

"Well if you make out with all your friends with cloths off and everything, then stupid me for not befriending you ahead of time" he told me smiling. Joanna been telling him my business. Believe it or not I was once friends with the most popular girl in school. But that's elementary school. When we got to middle school my body started growing and the guys started coming. The ones I rejected they all went to her. At the end I ended up with Michael but that's before he noticed how hot guys where.

"I was in six grade for God sake. Your little girlfriend and her friend will never let the go" I told him. I went to get some pants to wore but I couldn't I was shaking.

"Did she tell you about Jason too? Did she tell you how I was so desperate to be like her that I tried to take him away from her? Cause that's the story she told the whole school last year. What else did you hear?" I finally put on my pants and pulled them up.

" That you made a pass on Jason, but he was too advance for you so you got scared and run away crying. So what? You a virgin or something?"

I stopped moving and looked at him. He made a pass on me, and I ran away because he wouldn't take no for an answer. Than again, nobody believed me but Michael.

"W-what?" I asked him like I didn't hear what he said. He came closer to me.

"Are you a virgin? Did you really think you had a chance with Jason?" He asked. I looked at him couldn't believe he said that.

"What differences would it make? You'll still be the same rude, disrespectful, ass hole" I grabbed a sweater and looked at him.

"Yea. I'm the rude, disrespectful, the ass hole guy that had you wet and moaning few minutes ago in your dreams" he said coming closer to me. He moved my hair out my face and smiled down at me. I pushed his hand away. 

     "I could teach you if you want" he whispered coming closer to me. He kissed my forehead and I couldn't move or talk. It was like he put a spell on me.

He kissed my cheek and went to my ear. He started licking on it. My knees gave out, but he caught me before I went down. He chuckle in my ear and pulled away, pulling me back up.

He stopped at the door and turned back to look at me. He licked his lips and walked away smiling. I finally caught my breath and felled bv on the floor. I couldn't believe what just happened.

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