Chapter 7

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"Let me know if you need anything, okay? I'll get you whatever you need." Liam says to me after getting the bath run for me, he insisted.

"Do you have any clothes you think I could fit? I kinda...don't have anymore..." I shamefully say.

He nods with a smile. "Yeah. I've got some. Stay right here. Don't get in just yet, okay? I don't want to walk in and interrupt your bath or anything." He says to me. He is such a polite and kind person. I never would have thought that he was a police officer.

"Okay. I'll wait to get in. Just hurry, please. I really need a bath." I say with a hint of laughter in my voice.

He smiles and makes his way out of the bathroom while I just sit on a chair that is in the corner for some reason.

I look around the bathroom and I'm just in awe. The bathroom is beautiful. Porcelain sink, a big bathtub, beautiful tile, and a big window with a beautiful clear view of the sky. I wouldn't mind stargazing in here. It might actually be quite relaxing.

For a house that is owned by a cop, this is like...amazing. The outside might not have looked like all that, but the inside is gorgeous. The living room has nice furniture, a big TV, and I think I saw an Xbox.

I could never imagine having a house this nice. I never imagined living in a house like this or knowing anyone who owned a house this beautiful. I was raised in a struggling family, ran away with my boyfriend at 16, got pregnant at 21, was kicked out by said boyfriend for being pregnant, and have been living on the streets ever since.

People have told me that I'm a freak of nature, that I'm a disgrace, that I'm a product of government testing, and that I have no reason to even be out in public. People tell me those things, and it hurts. I feel like I mean nothing. I feel like I'm a bad person just because I can't get a job in my current state. I can't get a job, have it for a month or two, then have to go on maternity leave, or paternity in this case since I am a father. I just can't do that. I'm going to wait until the time is right for me to get a job. When that'll be, I don't know.

I feel a drop of water hit my arm and I realize that I'm crying. I put my head in my hands and let it out a little. I let the tears flow down my face, but I don't start to sob. I hold back my sobs so I don't worry Liam more than he already is. He doesn't deserve that.

"Harry? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I hear Liam say as he walks into the room.

I shake my head."I...I'm not crying..." I try to lie, but of course that doesn't work.

He walks over to me and pulls my hands away, seeing my puffy eyes and fresh tears falling down my face. "Harry, I know you were crying. Whenever you feel upset, don't lie to me. I want to know so I can help. I want to make sure I take care of you physically and emotionally. You are my friend and it hurts me to see you cry." He says to me. He places his hand on my cheek and wipes away some of my tears with his thumb. "Just tell me from now on, okay? I just want to help."

I nod and bite my lip as the tears continue to fall. I feel Liam's arms wrap around me and I'm pulled into his chest and onto his lap. I bury my face in his neck and he rocks us back and forth while he rubs my back.

The tears slowly stop falling and I wrap my arms around him. I sit there on his lap and enjoy his embrace.

"You okay now?" Liam asks me when he doesn't see anymore tears.

"Yeah. I'm okay. I should really get in there and take a bath." I say pulling away from him and standing up, having abit of a struggle, but I manage.

He stands up as well and nods at me. "Okay. Just holler if you need me and I'll be here. The clothes, towel, and rag are by the chair. Just gr8 in and enjoy your bath, okay?" He says to me, which I just respond to with a nod.

He turns to the door and walks out, leaving me to take off my dirty clothes and get into the water filled tub.

I put my left foot inin the water after getting undressed to test the temperature, and it is perfect. Not too hot, not too cold, but just right. I then proceed to get my whole body submerged under the water. When all of my body is underneath the water, I let out a sigh of relief. The water feels great and I'm glad I can finally get a real bath.

I do all the necessities in the bath before I get out, now feeling all clean. I let out the water, dry myself off, ad get dressed in the pants and shirt Liam let me borrow. The shirt was a little big, but it felt nice, and it smelled Like Liam. I know, it's weird that I would like the smell of his shirts, but he does smell good.

I finally get out of the bathroom after one hour of cleaning myself and find my way back to the living room, where Liam is sitting on the couch.

A smile forms on my face and walks over and sit beside him. "I'm glad I'm all clean now. That bath was just the thing I needed." I tell him.

He smiles at me. "Good. I'm glad you enjoyed it. How's the baby? They kicking anymore?" He asks.

I shake my head, but the smile never leaves my lips. "No, but I think he or she is just sleeping right now. Speaking of which, I could go for a short nap right now." I say.

Liam opens his arms out to me and I don't hesitate to crawl into them. He lays down on the couch and has my Kay on top of him, this arms wrapped securely on my waist.

Now most people would be weirded out by this if they just met someone the day before, but I just feel like this is right. This doesn't feel weird, it feels like I belong in a sense. Like I belong in Liam's arms.

I snuggle into him as he starts to sing softly into my ear. My eyes start to close as he sings the relaxing melody. I feel my body loosen up and a yawn escapes my lips.

He continues to sing in my ear as he rubs circles in my stomach, which causes me to smile as I finally drift off into the land of dreams.

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