Chapter 14

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When I wake up, its dark outside and I feel another pair of arms around me.

I look over and Liam is fast asleep with his arms around me. I smile at his sleeping face. He looks so cute when he's asleep.

I wiggle out of his hold and go the the bathroom. My bladder is so small now. I get to the bathroom and a pain shoots through my stomach.

I grab it and hiss in pain. Fuck it hurts. "What the hell was that?" I ask myself. I shrug it off though when the pain fades.

I use the bathroom and go back to my room. I climb back in bed and Liam wakes up. "Hey, what are you doing awake? It's two in the morning." He asks me, his voice think and raspy since he just woke up.

"I woke up and had to pee." I tell him as I cuddle into his chest. "My bladder is so tiny. It gets annoying sometimes."

"I know, Harry. I'd hate having to pee every five minutes." He smiles and his me close. "We should get some more sleep. It'll be a while before I have to get up and go to work."

"But I'm not tired, Li." I say to him. "And neither is Darcy."

He sighs. "But Harry, I have to go to the police station at 8. I need to sleep."

"Okay...I'll just go watch TV in the living room until I get tired, then sleep on the couch." My vision gets blurry with tears as I get up and go to the living room.

I hear Liam call for me, but I keep walking. If I know Liam, he'll just let me,go and get back to sleep.

I sit on the couch and look for something to watch. I smile a little when I see that Spongebob is on. That is one of my favorite cartoons. I turn it on and watch it.

A few minutes later the same pain from earlier shoots through my stomach, but it feels worse this time and it lingers longer. When it's finally over, I sigh in relief.

I go back to watching Spongebob, but eventually fall asleep.

I wake up to another sharp pain in ny stomach. This time it feels lower and it hurts even more. I start to worry.

I look at the time and see that it's 9:47. Liam's at work already. Damn it.

"Hey, Harry. Glad you're awake." I hear Niall at from the kitchen, where he's making himself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

"Niall? What are you doing here?" I ask him.

"Well, Liam called me this morning and told me that with you being close to eight months he doesn't want you left here alone. So here I am." He explains to me. "Besides. Free food."

I laugh a little and the pain comes back. "Harry, what's wrong? You okay?" Niall asks me.

"No, Niall. I'm having short burst of pain go through my stomach." I tell him.

"Maybe we should get you to,the hospital, make sure everything is okay." He says to me, and I nod. Even if it's nothing, I still want to be sure.

Niall helps me off of the couch and to his car. "Easy steps Harry. Just relax." He tells me softly. His voice helps to calm me down as I get into the passenger's seat of his car.

He runs over to his side after shutting my door and gets in, starts the car, and drives to the hospital.

The pain once again comes back and it hurts even more than the last time. I hold my stomach in pain as it comes, then goes.

"I'm no doctor, Harry, but I think you might be going into labor. You might be having contractions." Niall tells me, a look of worry on his face. "Should I call Liam and tell him to get to the hospital?"

I shake my head. "No. No need to worry Liam right yet. It might not be that big of a deal. Don't want to worry him over nothing. Its too early for Darcy to come anyway." I tell the blonde.

"Still, maybe you should let him know that you might be in labor. Just so that he knows to stand by in case you do." He explains to me.

"I guess that makes sense." I sigh and do all Liam's number as another, what Niall considers a contractions, hits me. Liam picks up the phone as I'm hissing in pain.

"Hello? Harry? Baby, are you and our little princess okay?" He asks me.

"Liam, Niall's taking me to the hospital." I say.

"What!? Are you going into labor!? But it's too early! She'll be born premature!" He screams into the phone.

"Liam, calm down." I tell him. "I don't know if I'm in labor. Niall wants me to get checked ou-" I'm cut off by another pain as we pull up at the hospital.

"Don't leave the hospital, Harry. I'm in another city a few miles away, but I'll be there soon. I don't care if it is nothing. Stay there. I'm coming home now." He says before he hangs up the phone.

Niall helps me out of the car and,into the hospital. "Can someone help us? My friend might be going into labor." He says in a somewhat worried tone.

A nurse comes over with a wheelchair and I st down before she asks me some questions. "Is the pain in your lower stomach? Are they regular pains, as in they happen every so often?"

"Yes and yes." I tell her as she wheels me to a room.

"Well, we'll have to get Dr Lauren to check you out, see if you're really having contractions. Has your water broken?"

Just as she says that, I feel my pants get soaked. My eyes widen. "It just broke..." My mouth goes dry and I'm filled with so much worry as I realize I'm going into labor early.

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