Chapter 9

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My eyes light up when Liam finds a parking spot at the mall after he got home from work. He told me he would take me shopping, and he did.

"Come on, Liam! Let's go!" I say all excited.

We both get out and I go as fast as I can to the doors. "Harry, show down. The mall will still be here in five minutes. You don't want to tire yourself out before we even get inside." He says to me.

"I'm just so excited! I'm gonna get new clothes! Thank you so much, Liam!" I exclaim as I hug him.

He hugs me back and smiles. "You're welcome, Harry. I can't let you not have any clothes. We should get you some regular clothes and maternity clothes, though. Sorry if that offends you." He apologizes.

I shake my head, the smile not leaving my face. "Its fine. I know normal clothes won't fit me, but that's okay. I can deal with being fat because it is necessary to keep my baby healthy until he or she is born." I tell him. He smiles at me and I grab his hand. "Now come on. Let's go shopping."

We walk into the mall and I don't dare let go of his hand. As soon as we walk in, people start to stare. I ignore them and walk towards a clothing store.

I start looking for clothes that can fit me Now and in the next few months as Liam does the same.

Pretty soon, we have a cart full of clothes and head to the check out. "Did you find everything okay?" The woman at the register asks us.

"Yep. Just fine." I say. "I found some nice clothes that would fit, so that's good."

"That's good then. I'm glad you found decent clothes." She says with a smile. She rings up all the clothes, then tells us the total. "$89.26"

"I didn't know it would be that expensive, Liam. We can put some clothes back if we need to." I say to him, feeling a little bad because he is paying so much for my clothes.

"No, it's fine. I've got the money. I have a lot in savings and I make more with my job." He tells me as he grabs his wallet, swipes his card, and the purchase is complete.

The woman hands us the bags. "Have a nice day you two."

I smile and we exit the store. "She was nice. Don't you think so, Liam?" I ask him.

He nods. "Yeah, she was nice. So, where to next?"

"Can we go baby shopping? Please? Pretty please?" I ask him, giving him my puppy eyes, which he has never seen before.

He laughs a little when he sees my face. "You're really cute with the puppy eyes. Okay. We can go baby shopping." He agrees.

"Yay!" I exclaim. Then I do something I didn't even realize I did until I saw how close our faces are. I kiss Liam's cheek.

His face turns a little pink and so does mine. I just try to push it off like I never did anything. I back away from him and say "Thanks, Liam. It'll be fun shopping for the baby. We can get bottles, diapers, and other things like that when It's closer to my due date. Whenever that is."

He clears his throat and nods. "Yeah. Makes sense. I'm gonna go out these in the car first. Okay? Find a bench and sit down. I'll be right back." He says.

"No, don't leave me, Liam. I don't want to be here alone." I say with a sad look on my face.

"I'll be gone just a few minutes. Just sit down and relax your feet." He turns to leave, but stops. "That kiss was nice...the one on my cheek..." He then finally walks away and heads to the car.

I find a bench and sit down, waiting for Liam to come back. I watch all the people go by.

I saw a group of teenagers go by, an elderly couple, and a mother with two small children. One looked about three or four and the other one looked only a few months old.

I smile and rub my stomach. "Only a few more months. Only a few more months until I can see you. Until I can see your smiling face. Until I can hold you in my arms." I softly whisper. I get a few weird looks from,people, but I pretend not to notice. They can't put me down. Not anymore. I won't let them.

I feel a tug on my pants. I look over and see a little girl, about four, looking at me curiously. "Mister, why I your tummy so big?" She asked me.

I smile softly at her. "I'm going to have a baby. That's where the baby is right now." I explain.

"Why is your baby in your tummy? Did you eat your baby?" She asks, looking all confused.

"No. I didn't eat them." I chuckle. "My baby is just growing here right now."

"Oh." She says. "Well, I gotta go back to my mommy. Bye, mister." She smiles and waves at me before leaving.

I watch her leave and just smile. Little girls like that are really cute. So innocent and happy.

"Ready to go?" I hear Liam say beside me, which causes me to jump a little. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." He apologizes.

"No. It's okay." I tell him. "You just surprised me, that's all." I stand up from my spot on the bench. "Shall we go shopping for baby stuff?"

He chuckles. "I guess. Its not my baby, not saying I wouldn't help take care of it, but still." He says.

I smile and dag him to the baby store. We have a great time looking through clothes, bibs, and other things. We end up spending about $100 at the store before heading back to Liam's house, putting the stuff away, getting something to eat, and going to bed.

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