Chapter 2

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Katherine's POV~

"Finally God! Katherine I was so much worried that he's gonna sue me up and seriously he IS mad. I mean seriously? What did he think of himself? Thank Goodness she called me at the correct time. Phew! That was sooo. Close ."

My bestie Kira was talking to me for I guess 10 to 15 minutes without stopping. And guess what?

I've no idea what she's talking about. But still I'm listening her cause I don't want to bring the ball topic again.

"So..." I trailed off not knowing what to say after she finally stopped.
We are currently going to the canteen to fetch her some food as she was not in the mood to eat sandwiches.
We share our lunch.
"So... I think I should leave now..." she said trailing a bit in the end to see my reaction.
That's when it hit me what she was talking about.

"Wait. What!? I mean where are you going? This is lunch and I hope you haven't forgotten that we eat together?" I asked confusion was written all over my face.

"Oh God! Katherine did you even listened to me?" She asked face-palming .
"yeah. Yeah . Actually I was..." I trailed racking my brain for an excuse.

"I said mom came to me as an angel in the history period to save me from the wrath of Mr. Martin. And I've to help her out for some documents so I'll be leaving in the lunch. Get that?"

She asked and I slowly nodded my head, processing all she said.
I sighed loudly.

"Ok then I guess I'll have to eat alone. I'll sit under the old tree in the courtyard.  But we're gonna met up at my place. No cancelling of that." I said in a serious tone . Felling overwhelmed that she's leaving after what had happened in the English class.

Apparently being me best friend and all she understood everything . Actually I told her everything neglecting the part of 'him' and I've not reminded her the Christian part too.

"No ways that plan had been fixed over a week ago. I'm not cancelling it. No not at all. Never." She said making me smile instantly . I still don't understand how she use to make me smile effortlessly.

This girl is really something and that's reason why she's my bestie...

"Ok. Now I should leave else mom will call me from office and everyone will think that Kira here had done something wrong." She said chuckling in the end.
She took the right then and I left .
Her mom.'aunt Mellicent.' Is the Secretary of our princi. 
So she has some advantages and disadvantages but mostly advantages.
I made my way to the court yard and took a seat under the tree .
The courtyard is kind of old side of our school. Where less people comes. I know what you must be thinking such a social girl.
But no I'm sociable person. I'm popular in my school too no not as slut or these plastic barbie once. I'm cause I'm intelligent and a smart ass as people call me.
I took out my earphones and plug them on.
I searched through my playlist and found out the one which suited my situation currently.

Taylor Swift
A place in this world...

I started humming the chorus.

I'm alone, on my own,
And that's all I know.
I'll be strong . I'll be wrong.
Oh! But the life goes on.
Oh I'm just a girl.
Trying to find a place in this world...

Until I could finish the chorus my phone rang .

I groaned loudly.

Why is everyone interpreting my lunch today?
"Looks like someone is not in good mood today hann...?" A voice said from above me and I jumped startled hurting my ankle in process.
And then I saw them.
Them. The group of 'mysterious bad boys' .
Can't they just leave me alone???
I complained to myself and regained my feisty posture .
"What do U want from me?" I tried to snap. Keyword tried but it came like I whined.

They all jump down one by one except Ethan I guess.

"You really do have a good voice." Someone said from behind me making me jump again in surprise.

Why do my life hate me so much?

"Our smart ass is scared? Aren't  you?" He asked again.


I groaned loud enough to hear and they chuckled at it. Great just great.

"By the way My name is Louis." He said extending his hand for me to shake and I raised an eyebrow.
Making all the guys burst into fits of laughter.

"I guess we don't need intro. Do we?" James i think said.

I face palmed .
"Awwww. Our smarty is irritated?" Jake said and I shot him a death glare.

"Awww. Don't irritate our new member guys." Christian said in a cooing manner.

Suddenly my phone rang again and this time I was very Much happy for it. I looked at it with gratitude and lust which was i think second time for me.
Yes. Definitely second.
First was when I newly bought it.

It reads Jeremy.

I face instantly lightened up at that.
"Hey! Baby girl...." he said in a cooing manner.

Why is everyone cooing me today?

"Hello! Pretty Boy..." I said giggling forgetting about my surroundings actually I totally neglected them.
"So... whachha doing tonight?" He asked casually. Hey don't get a wrong idea . He's my cousin.
Dirty minded people.

"I'm free. I guess. Except Kira is going to come for a while. Why? Are you coming?" I asked a little excited.
"I was thinking bout it. You know I asked mum to hang out with you this weekend." He said suddenly sounding a little bit excited.

"That will be great. We can go for shopping and movies. Kira here is going some where. And mom dad are going to some business party of course they asked me but I gladly rejected ."

I told him chuckling a bit and herd him laughing at the other end.
Then I heard the bell to off and realized that he needs to go now sadly.
"So. Yeah . I'm coming this weekend and it's nice to hear you laughing after a long time but you know seriously exams sucks. And I love you a lot baby girl. See ya soon. Bye..." he said in a girly voice .
"Ya ok. And I love you too. Pretty Boy. Tons and tons. And never say exam sucks that's the only way we could meet up."
I said in a serious tone and with a bye the line went dead.

I looked around and found all of them glaring at me .
If looks could kill.
These guys are strange. I mean Really strange....
Hey ! There lovely readers . Not best I know but it WILL get better. I promise. Till then. 
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