White Winter

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Mark: It's been around three months since I've seen Jack. We would chat sometimes, but others I just didn't want to. I try to act happy in my videos, but I just looked even worse when I did. I want him to come home so badly. Why did he have to go back? Then I get a text from Jack. "Hey Mark, I want to tell ye something when we next Skype. Call me at 7pm yer time." Dang, it's going to be late for him, whats so important. Ii wait around doing nothing till seven and go to my computer. I go on and I think about it for a little. Why does he want to call? Does he want to break up? What do I do if he does? I then sum up to courage to click the call button. "Hey Jack what's up?" He smiles for a little. "Not much it's just that I have big news." I look at him for a second and realize something. "Hey Jack, I don't want to sound weird but I've noticed that you've been wearing the same hoodie in every video, call, and picture." He paused and looks at his hoodie. "Oh-I-um, I don't have any others and it's cold around winter." He was stuttering all over the place.

               He then speaks awkwardly. "Oh yeah the news I have! I was wondering if ye'd like to stay at my house for a week or two." I smile real big. I've been waiting forever to see him! "OK I will leave right now bye!" I smile joking around. ""Hahaha very funny, but now to be serious. I bought yer ticket for ye to leave tomorrow so be ready." I nod and after that we say our goodbyes. I can finally see Jack! I quickly try to sleep wanting tomorrow to come sooner. After that I finally fall asleep.

Jack: It's morning, I'm at the airport, and I get the text that Mark is getting out the airplane. I look around for him and see him in a crowd. I wave to him and he makes his way to me. We chat as we get to my car. I drive us to my house and I grab his suitcases. I show him around the place and make us some food. "Jack, where is your bathroom again?" "Over there ye goof." He goes there and I put a long sleeve shirt on. "He noticed the hoodie, better be careful." I set up some videos and he comes out happy as can be. We snuggle together and watch some Netflix. I try not to fall asleep and get up. I go make myself something to drink and take a sip. I go back down and watch more.

Mark: Why does this feel wrong somehow. I don't know how to explain it, but I don't like it. Then I see a little blood dripping down Jack's arm, "Jack your arm!" He looks down in shock and goes to the bathroom. I follow without him noticing. Then I see him lift the sleeve and quickly pin him. "Mark!" "Damn it Jack how long have you been doing this to yourself!?" I grab his shirt and pull it off. He kept struggling so it was hard but I got it off. I was surprised beyond belief. Cuts and bruises all over. "M-Mark I can explain!" I stop him and fall to the ground. "Why Jack? What made you do this?" He just looks down tears falling down his cheek. I'm so stupid he's hurting and I'm not helping! I go to hug him. "Please, just tell me what's wrong." We go to his room and sit down. I signal him to speak while I put bandages on him.

               "Well I was going to surprise you by moving in, but when I told my family I was leaving and why they were angry. They told everyone and I didn't know what to do. I took a shower and saw my razor. One thing led to another and here I am." "Jack, if it hurt so much why didn't you talk to me?" He quivered. "I thought that you'd want to end it so I can be with my family. I just, I don't know." I pat him on the head. "Hey you know what I saw some snow lets bundle up and drink some coffee in the morning shall we!?" Jack nods. I'm just happy to wake up with him. It's morning and I look at Jack. He has big bandages wrapping all over his arms. I couldn't help but look sad. He was alone and he I was ignoring him trying not to talk as much. I move him a little to wrap blankets around him. I go make coffee and set it outside. I wrap him in some more blankets and grab winter clothes for when he wakes up. I put clothes on and pick him up. I carry him outside and watch our white winter.

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